
Bow & Arrow loves you too, Clint 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I need a black widow movie
basically my life. 232 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm the same guest from before. I had what you called as dysfunctional family and suicidal tendencies since I was 13 (I still sometimes feel that hopelessness even to this day) and I do not seek any freaking help. I repeat NONE. I do not talk to my family, friend, teacher, nor people on the internet about my problem because you know why? None of those people will ever solve my problem or help me out of this situation, BUT ME. Yes this fucking rotten and damaged self is the only one who will help you and get you out of that living hell, NO ONE ELSE BUT YOU. My point is, we better stop creating victim mentality. Encourage people to fight back, to be tough, to fight this harsh world tooth and nail. People will not always be nice to you, ever. And you know what's hurt even more? They don't have any obligation to be nice to you. So stand up, pour that scalding hot coffee on your head, go to shower, and move on with your life.
Its painful how well this portrays life 52 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Agree. I do once experienced what might be described as "suicide tendencies" or "depression" but let's just say, what doesn't kill me might kill other people and I shouldn't have tell people to just swallow it down like I did because, it just doesn't work that way.