All hail the fluffy king! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Long may he reign
What motivational posters really mean 5 comments
· 9 years ago
This image always bothers me because it's not like every single star in the sky is dead. That's not how stars work.
Someone's got to say it 131 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, 90% of black murder victims were killed by black offenders. And 83% of white murder victims were killed by white offenders. By your source, guestwho, people are a lot more likely to be killed by someone of their own race, regardless of what that race is.
But consider also: analysis of 2015 U.S. census data found that at least 1 in 3 black people killed by police were unarmed, that 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black despite black people representing only 13% of the population, and that unarmed black people are killed at 5 times the rate of unarmed white people.
Are black people more likely to be killed by other black people than by the police? Yes.
But are unarmed black people at a much greater risk of being killed by police than unarmed white people are? Also yes. Which is fucked up, and definitely not equal.
But consider also: analysis of 2015 U.S. census data found that at least 1 in 3 black people killed by police were unarmed, that 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black despite black people representing only 13% of the population, and that unarmed black people are killed at 5 times the rate of unarmed white people.
Are black people more likely to be killed by other black people than by the police? Yes.
But are unarmed black people at a much greater risk of being killed by police than unarmed white people are? Also yes. Which is fucked up, and definitely not equal.
Cat monorail 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Guys, Monorail Cat originated in 2006. This is an edit of a ten-year-old image, the resurrection of a meme so archaic it has been forgotten and returned to novelty.
Meme culture is a circle. History repeats itself. There is no end.
Praise be unto Ceiling Cat.
Meme culture is a circle. History repeats itself. There is no end.
Praise be unto Ceiling Cat.
I really can't imagine 14 comments
· 9 years ago
There have been cases where for one reason or another a child only had the opportunity to learn a language after they were old enough to remember what their lives were like before. They usually report that they remember thinking in objects and more concrete concepts, but that their thoughts became much more sophisticated after they were able to express everything in words, and that it allowed them to incorporate abstract concepts in their thoughts much more easily.
Because America. 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Nah man, everyone else thinks America is kinda scary and makes really bad choices. Like, why is there still a legitimate chance Donald Trump will be your president?
America's more like the friend who thinks they're hot shit even though no one really likes them that much.
America's more like the friend who thinks they're hot shit even though no one really likes them that much.
Am I? 40 comments
· 9 years ago
What if I told you that the BET awards exist precisely because black people and underrepresented and under-recognized in mainstream media
This made my day 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, there are favourable depictions of non-procreative, pre-marital sex in the Bible, namely the Song of Songs. Furthermore, nowhere in the Bible is marriage defined as being between a man and a woman.
A lot of the Christian opposition to homosexuality comes from priests and minsters rather than actual scripture.
A lot of the Christian opposition to homosexuality comes from priests and minsters rather than actual scripture.
It'll be use full information someday 4 comments
Damn son 48 comments
· 9 years ago
Different guest here. The statistic you mentioned comes from a longitudinal study following trans people who underwent gender reassignment surgery, which did indeed find that the sample group had a higher suicide rate than the general population.
However, because the study was not specifically meant to look at suicide rates, it doesn't include a control group of transgender people who did not elect to have surgery. This means we can't conclude that transitioning is a risk factor for suicide, because we don't know if it actually increases compared to trans people who don't opt for surgery.
A more likely explanation for the higher suicide rates in the trans sample is the negative effects of discrimination and social stigma on mental health.
However, because the study was not specifically meant to look at suicide rates, it doesn't include a control group of transgender people who did not elect to have surgery. This means we can't conclude that transitioning is a risk factor for suicide, because we don't know if it actually increases compared to trans people who don't opt for surgery.
A more likely explanation for the higher suicide rates in the trans sample is the negative effects of discrimination and social stigma on mental health.
The longer you look the funnier it gets 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Apparently these sorts of gifs are made by 3D animation students who are still getting the hang of it. Imagine being the teacher who gets to evaluate these majestic disasters.
Advice for you teenagers 12 comments
· 9 years ago
True, but teenagers and young adults are worse at long-term risk assessment because the part of the brain responsible for that sort of thinking (the amygdala) only fully develops in your early twenties. Some young people might ignore the risk and start smoking, and then only change their minds when they're older and they've already developed an addiction.
What nightmares are made of. 6 comments
· 9 years ago
AU where the Rainbow Quartz scene is exactly the same except her face is this mask
Love this man 17 comments
· 9 years ago
"Queer" is beginning to come into use as an umbrella term meaning not heterosexual, but its history as an insult means you have to be careful. Unless it's in an academic context (e.g. "queer studies," "queer representation,") or you yourself are gay, it's probably best not to use it.
No offense French people 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm from Quebec and I was taught the bullshit with sixty-twelve and four-twenty.
Troy confesses 14 comments
This hits homerun 32 comments
· 9 years ago
If it's any consolation, there'll be plenty of jobs once the baby boomers finally start retiring and dying out.
Worth a read 158 comments
· 9 years ago
For the record:
“Rape culture is a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. […] In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable [...]” (Buchwald, Transforming a Rape Culture)
It's difficult to provide a clear definition, though, I find it's easier to explain through examples, like how we place more emphasis on teaching women how not to get raped than on discouraging men from raping. Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough.
I'm taking a sexual ethics course where we did a chapter on rape culture, it's a recognized phenomenon from an academic standpoint, not just within online feminist circles.
“Rape culture is a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. […] In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable [...]” (Buchwald, Transforming a Rape Culture)
It's difficult to provide a clear definition, though, I find it's easier to explain through examples, like how we place more emphasis on teaching women how not to get raped than on discouraging men from raping. Or telling women they should have dressed less provocatively instead of examining why many men feel entitled to harass women whose clothes aren't modest enough.
I'm taking a sexual ethics course where we did a chapter on rape culture, it's a recognized phenomenon from an academic standpoint, not just within online feminist circles.
*squints* 35 comments
· 9 years ago
Exactly! Why are we hating on people for wearing makeup? It takes so much time and practice and skill to make yourself look good. If someone knows how to contour or whatever, honestly, good for them! We shouldn't hate on them for doing it.
stereotypes... are funny as f*ck cause they're a joke and that's it. 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Are racism, sexism, and stereotypes laughably stupid? Yes. But they're also serious issues that cause genuine harm, and they deserve to be discussed. Even if we do it your way and just laugh at people who are being unironically bigoted, we solve nothing because it makes those people angrier and more hateful.
French, motherf*cker! Do you speak it?! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Most Quebecers are francophones and even the Quebec anglophones are, for the most part, fluent.
The other provinces are another story.
The other provinces are another story.
oh no 46 comments
· 9 years ago
Meninists: "omg women are so easily offended they can't take a joke fuck these tumblr feminazis"
Women: *respond to sexualization and double standards with humour*
Women: *respond to sexualization and double standards with humour*
All dogs matter! 6 comments