
Little princess 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
He did not spit on his fans you stupid dumbasses. He was spitting on an empty lot. LOOK IT UP. And besides, that thing about sanitizing the hospital, it's bullshit. He has done a hundred social labors that you dont know about. And also, at least he is doing something, while you're sitting on your computer criticizing him. And when he said rape happens for a reason, he meant that everything in life happens for a reason, that everything has a purpose. And the Bill Clinton thing? Yeah sure talk about respect,buti bet you have done a thousand disrespectful things but the difference is that no one gives a fuck, or no one knows. Yes I am a Belieber. And a proud one. And I feel sorry for you people that need to hate on someone you dont know to feel better about yourselves.