Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 11 years ago
If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Here's my story: there's a guy that I've like for over 3 years. I mistakenly told a girl I thought I could trust. She talks about me behind my back and tells lies about me to the rest of the school. One girl got mad at me because the girl I told told her that I was insulting her behind her back. She beat me up and swore at me, saying I was nothing but a horrible bitch who should kill herself. I still crush on that boy, but he is best friends with the girl I thought I could trust. He now ignores me and looks at me like I'm some freak who crawled out of a sewer. I realized they where all right. I now cut myself often and try to ignore the stares I get from everyone in the school, knowing they all just think I've done something horrible that the girl told them. Sometimes I just wish I could die, but I stay alive, hoping one day that everyone wouldn't hate me.
Hunting you down 124 comments
· 11 years ago
Isn't that lovely I have a level 29 Khajiit with an enchanted glass mace, axe, and arrow... Well fuck
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 11 years ago
I've cut myself multiple times, not because people insult me, because I deserve to be made fun of. Basically I hate myself.
Some people need to read this 18 comments
Simple information we all should know 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm not like this. I'm the same, but not. If someone insults me, I just tell them that I already know it. I'm a bully to myself and I can't stop it.
Slash on One Direction 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Hey that's hypocritical. I'm a teenage girl and I prefer Hollywood Undead, 30 seconds to mars, and Skillet. However I must as that they seem like good people. There's no need for anyone to attack them.
Which fandoms are you in? 76 comments
Friend's house vs mine 15 comments
· 11 years ago
But to your friend, your the friend and you just see your room like that, but your friend sees it like you see your friends house, and you see your house like your friend sees their house, and you see your friends house like your friend sees your house
This nearly killed me 7 comments
I'm kicking myself for not posting this sooner. 28 comments
Google is good at poetry 10 comments
Just dive deeper 13 comments