These kids have their priorities straight 5 comments
· 8 years ago
"Don't bang head"
Drawing Middle Earth On A Starbuck's Cups 9 comments
Need this one in my wardrobe 21 comments
· 8 years ago
We need to stop kidding ourselves, none of us will look good in that. My dreams are crushed.
i know it's not exactly fun, but i thought it had a pretty important message 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I really like this song, but how does learning to read help some of these issues? Can someone explain how drugs and world hunger can be stopped by reading?
Croissant dog breed 8 comments
Which one would you choose? 42 comments
That got deep 33 comments
· 9 years ago
Teachers love it when their students are educated, maybe this kid was just being a smart ass about it. Maybe they were using complex maths to argue with the teacher. Maybe they really did suck at the piano. If your teacher has a specific way they want you do to something they have a reason to do so. I don't know, to me this whole post seems like a butt hurt kid who argued with their teachers because they thought they were smarter.
The truth about the little mermaid 13 comments
Would you? 53 comments
· 9 years ago
A million dollars? For a million dollars I'll bring my own ouija board. Shit, for that kind of money ill marry the ghosts, have ghost babies, and pay child support.
Hmmmm 9 comments
· 9 years ago
One direction has 500 songs about millions of girls dying to date them, and not one song about deserting a girl for not doing a lewd sexual act. Coincidence?
As a potential immigrant 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I never understood why it was considered racist to say that everyone living in America should speak English. I thought that was obvious. If I moved to Russia I'd wanna speak Russian.
If Anakin was bread 26 comments
For the extroverts 4 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not just introverts. Almost every human on Earth feels like this on a weekly basis
Poor god 45 comments
· 9 years ago
How come I keep seeing stuff like this made by people who have never even opened a Bible? At least watch a veggie tales episode before you go claiming you know what God wants, sheesh.
If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to reach out. There is always help. 23 comments
· 9 years ago
How do seven men just decide to gang rape someone? Did they send out like a mass text about it? Or were they like playing Uno and just decided that rape sounded good?
He has a point 34 comments
· 9 years ago
So? We used to believe the sun revolves around the earth. Just because something came first doesn't make it true, mankind is always reforming past ideas.
South Park ending 6 comments
Ignorance is bliss... Or the end of the world... Something like that 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually Its just an El Niño year. Long story short every 3-6 years the ocean goes through a warm phase. The hot water makes hot air and so we have a weirdly warm winter. So no worries friends, its not the end of the world yet!
I do this most of the days 28 comments
· 9 years ago
I imagine a shooter comes in, and I miraculously escape. I don't save anyone, I leave them to rot, but I dip outta there so fast!
Our society 25 comments
· 9 years ago
I agree with man. Her hard hat does not cover enough of her head to protect her from falling debris, and she is obviously not using that chainsaw correctly. She needs to be briefed on safety techniques before cutting down trees.
Does anyone else get really depressed when they see that their favorite user deleted 81 comments
· 9 years ago
I used to have an account but I dipped out. A lot of old users got rid of their accounts.
This would be golden. 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I really want them to finally reveal the doctors name, and it's some shit like "Boo-bear" or "Ernest" and this whole time the doctor was hiding his name because he was embarrassed his parents named him Ernest.
An uncanny friendship 3 comments
So chill 7 comments
· 9 years ago
The movie was great but his haircut is so terrible. Someone please kill me now, just end my suffering.
Did you shit your pants in anger, Guest? 25 comments
Rainbow braid 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't realize the Economy is getting so bad. Because she spent money on hair dye she couldn't afford a shirt.
Or to many shots 10 comments
Chimp Shows More Feels than Some Humans 7 comments