Needles over time- don't reuse them! 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Pretty sure that was sarcasm
Needles over time- don't reuse them! 30 comments
Wtf piece of shit iPhone broke.. MOM! 7 comments
· 8 years ago
What kind of repairman goes through their customers photos and not only photos but recently deleted??
The "Milkshakes" they have in Australia 30 comments
· 9 years ago
As an Australian I can't assure you they are much neater than that. And they are delicious
Thoughts? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Guys, I work in a lab. We have not found a cure for cancer. I repeat, we still pure millions into our research facilities because we have still not found the cure. Stop believing this ignorant propaganda. Medicine is not simple
You must be THIS tall to ride the rollercoaster 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Kinda insensitive to the abuse victim. Perhaps if she weren't a celebrity, people wouldn't find such humour in her traumatic experience. Sad
The story of when Chris Pratt got naked in front of Amy Poehler and got reprimanded by NBC 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't normally click on a funsub video, but when I see "Chris Pratt got naked"...
Too cold 7 comments
· 9 years ago
if the temp is low, then the capillaries in her extremities (fingers and nose) would constrict and blood would flow away from those regions so that excessive heat isn't loss due to the high surface area to volume ratio in those body parts. this doesn't make sense.
Aye aye fellow britons 11 comments
The facts 86 comments
Makes sense to me 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah right, because beauty pageants are meant to reflect natural beauty anyway
Cold side of the pillow 10 comments
Terror in Nigeria 34 comments
· 9 years ago
The world keeps saying that these sorts of things happen all the time over there, and that is not true. The media has just desensitised you. No one cares about Africa anymore for that reason
Terror in Nigeria 34 comments
· 9 years ago
That's kind of ignorant, as kind as your ute trying to be. Africa isn't the shit hole the media paints it to be. Do you know how large that continent is?? Don't you think it's kind of ridiculous to make a statement about the entirety of Africa?? I'm from Ethiopia, and I've travelled to many other countries within Africa. It's not as corrupt as the world thinks it is. What about south East Asia? Lot of sex trafficking and drug smuggling and poverty and child labor there. Do you keep them in your prayers?? No. Because the media doesn't that paint that horrific image to you.
Terror in Nigeria 34 comments
Difference between science and engineering 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Engineering isn't independent of science, you dumbasses. It uses all the basic concepts of physics and mathematics. Engineering IS a science.
He-Man! 15 comments
Real women in Victoria's Secret Swimsuit 44 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes it's possible when that's what you live to do. Unfortunately majority of us don't have that luxury to spend our lives focussing on what we look like, that's the life of a model though. If you don't exercise and diet to the extremes they do then that's fine, but healthy looks different on everyone. That's what people mean by unrealistic. A model dedicates her life and work to how she looks, an average civilian can't afford the time to do that
Ebola vaccine, but we can't use it... Autism you know 21 comments
· 9 years ago
You do realise the whole invalidity thing is because he literally confessed to publishing fraudulent information. Don't try to involve people in your ignorance. You're not a scientist, if you were you wouldn't think to support these kind of claims. Understand the research beforehand, and know the difference between correlation and causation before you try to make that argument
Ebola vaccine, but we can't use it... Autism you know 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Guys are so gullible. Honestly, the world would be in uproar if this were true. Also, I work preventative medicine, so I can confirm this is false. Unless you've seen a published thesis validating the success of this research (which there hasn't been), I highly encourage you refrain from posting them. It is dangerous and it is a scam to take advantage of terminally ill persons who will do anything
Look at this fat squirrel 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Dafuq you throwing out avocados for? They're like $700 each. At least in Australia they are haha
rape culture 30 comments
· 9 years ago
This is a stupid argument. There are, by far, better premises you could've based this on. Ain't no body been like "
· 9 years ago
Yes let's belittle someone for liking something I don't like haha. You're all stupid tbh. Hope none of you become politicians.
· 9 years ago
This is dumb. Honestly. Aren't we beyond bashing people for their choices and differences in preferences, including music? This is just so high school grow up guys. I don't even like this guy's music but it's never occurred to me to belittle someone who does. Why the fuck does it matter?? Does it make you feel validated to be part of this socially accepted form of bullying? Idk, idc, it's just pathetic. Grow up ugh
Does your gender matter? 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Matters to me. I feel comfortable in a female bathroom. How else am I to escape men during parties?
Puberty done right 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't mean to defame her, but my friend went to highschool with her apparently she got around... Like a lottt
This is just too cute! 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Guys.... That isn't Hugh Jackman. I'm Australian, I would know. Haha that is not Hugh Jackman
Tiger licking her cubs face 5 comments
Is this just me or...? 29 comments
What is this? A baby for ants? 11 comments
Rudely Interrupted 4 comments
· 9 years ago
This is stupid. If you're not going to listen, get out of the fkn class and stop wasting everyone's time.
Sucks more than just blood 15 comments
So true 48 comments
These girls are very hard to find 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Seems a little psycho if you ask me. Honestly if my partner spoke to me like this, if be scared
Feminazi justice! 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Fuck u all. You just hate women and make us look bad to justify it. Shut up I'm sick of all this feminazi shit
What a lot of patience can achieve 9 comments