yasss fight back Radcliffe 11 comments
· 8 years ago
When people assume your sexual orientation to be straight, yeah, I think it's a genuine question to ask if you were a bit iffy on doing a romantic scene with another man.
My boyfriend better do this for me 8 comments
and the award for biggest douchebag goes to... 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Are these two 14 or something? It was physically painful to keep reading "bf" and "gf" in this post.
Florida Man saves the day once again! 9 comments
Normalcy 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Show is Comic Book Men, for anyone curious. It's like Pawn Stars with geeky shit.
Everyone loves this Joker, but what's with the gold teeth 23 comments
· 8 years ago
It's different, so I like it. I don't want the same Joker every time, and I certainly don't want someone to try imitating what Ledger did. Not every interpretation is going to quite fit your ideal Joker or my ideal Batman, but that's fine.
Ever seen a half-albino peac*ck? 26 comments
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 8 comments
· 8 years ago
While I think it's silly to have students read aloud in high school, I knew people who read at like a 3rd grade reading level my senior year. No social anxiety, no reservations about being loud and obnoxious in class, just sad, sad people.
There are often two sides to the story 5 comments
Papaw's evil twins 10 comments
Let's see who's really behind those glasses! 16 comments
· 8 years ago
If you grew up watching Scooby Doo and thought Daphne was hotter than Velma, you're wrong.
Yes please 57 comments
· 9 years ago
I always just thought they marketed bras to women the same way they market everything to men.
"Wear this/use this/put this on and you could be sexy like this person."
"Wear this/use this/put this on and you could be sexy like this person."
It was a good book 19 comments
· 9 years ago
To be fair, you were probably supposed to be doing an assignment. Reading a book doesn't excuse you from not doing your schoolwork.
Unless everybody else was just dicking around on their phones, in which case I'd say your teacher's a prick.
Unless everybody else was just dicking around on their phones, in which case I'd say your teacher's a prick.
See you in there, Tom 18 comments
· 9 years ago
That's like saying if you're afraid of death, you'll die. Spiders aren't exactly hard to find.
deadpool 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Anyone else feel this has about as much depth as people arguing over which religion Optimus Prime follows?
Got my tickets for tonight! Woohoo! 47 comments
· 9 years ago
There's really not much to spoil. Deadpool kills the bad guy. Unless someone wants to post some of the jokes, but that would be kinda stupid as they only really work with Deadpool.
Delete my number 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I would think a long distance relationship would be a very clear exception, but that's just me.
100% accurate truths about reading 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Fun fact about going out and making friends: It has most of these benefits too. I love a good book, but I don't need any other reason besides "It's fun." Do things because you enjoy it, unless you like having sex with babies or something.
Delete my number 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Ideally, a text or call should exchange a few vital pieces of information. Maybe you want to schedule something or ask if you left your keys at his house.
Texting just to talk is monotonous and not healthy. If you wanna just chat, save yourself and wait 'till you're in person. It'll be more meaningful and you'll have more things to talk about.
I won't stop people from doing this, obviously, but I have experience with relationships getting dull because of nonstop texting.
Texting just to talk is monotonous and not healthy. If you wanna just chat, save yourself and wait 'till you're in person. It'll be more meaningful and you'll have more things to talk about.
I won't stop people from doing this, obviously, but I have experience with relationships getting dull because of nonstop texting.
And if we could travel to a planet similar to ours they would do exactly the same to that 8 comments
I don't even play and I know that's a fail. 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Guys, this T-shirt is a parody. I own a shirt like this, I'm pretty sure it's intentionally ironic.
Revival of scene 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh my god, it's called Suicide Squad because they're sent on suicide missions. As in, missions that don't involve going to Hot Topic or dying hair flamboyant colors.
But to satiate your wait, watch Assault on Arkham the animated movie. It'll give you an idea of how the movie will be.
But to satiate your wait, watch Assault on Arkham the animated movie. It'll give you an idea of how the movie will be.
Taco bell 9 comments
· 9 years ago
You're going to a fast food joint after 10 P.M. If you expected something other than shitty service, I can only blame you.
14 year old genius too busy to be president 40 comments
· 9 years ago
Typical American child being taught that memorizing a bunch of useless information equals intelligence. Darn schools.
Technology has changed things 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, isn't it great that we can cram thousands of books into this one small device that we can pull from at any time? No? We'd rather just complain about technology? Okay then.
The Facts 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, 7 of those planets have no life. Most of those islands are uninhabited. I would wager over half of those countries you've never even been to. Good luck finding love in the ocean. I think you should either reach out more or narrow your results just a tad. Either way, happy hunting.
Advice for you teenagers 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, smoke if you want. At this point, it's no big secret that cigarettes are terrible for you. If you genuinely think the temporary stress relief is worth the risk, then fine.
Minecraft community is full of perverts 129 comments
2) It looks red.
3) Table
4) Like pool water without the chlorine.
A troll question should receive troll answer.