"My parents have money so rules do not apply to me." 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't think it's about being rich, think it's about the fees.
Every teacher logic 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Do homework in class time? You must get some pretty easy homework. Unless you teach a more essay-based subject like history, marking is easy.
You may be offended 274 comments
· 9 years ago
Lmao smbadat. Ok then wolfweb, but why u tryna be positive in front of cis people who already think trans is fake? They need to understand how tough it is.
Don't spread that tumblr stuff about how 'You don't even have to want to change anything'. That's pretty much the ONLY requirement to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
Don't spread that tumblr stuff about how 'You don't even have to want to change anything'. That's pretty much the ONLY requirement to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
Deadpool's helpful advise 19 comments
You may be offended 274 comments
· 9 years ago
I think a lot of ppl hate trans bc they don't understand it. Ppl who are trans have the same brain structure as the gender they ID as. They also suffer terribly with this thing called gender dysphoria. Rebeccawolfweb clearly does not have this and is very very likely not trans. They think "being trans is awesome". It's not 'awesome' to want to kill yourself when you are made to wear a bra, to be unable get off because you don't have a dick, to bathe with your eyes shut. As an ftm transboy, I wish more than anything in the world that I could be cis. I've tried, but it just isn't going to happen. I hate tumblrtrenders like rebeccawolfweb who make trans struggles seem illegitimate by coming out with this 'it's how you feel!1!1!' bs.