Jeff Bliss a student from Duncanville owns his teacher - Never forget this hero! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I disagree. There are going to be unmotivated teachers at every school, but kids are more likely to stand up for themselves if they're used to being treated better. These kids have likely seen examples of really good teachers and therefore expect more out of their education. Kids at a school with a 35% graduation rate will be less likely to know how to self advocate and, to be honest, will probably have a lot of outside concerns that come before "am I expected to learn out of a workbook?"
what kind of bagel cost $26 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I love the idea of someone suddenly thinking to themselves, "I am Beyoncé! should go on a shopping spree! At marshalls! And bagel shops!"
Could u list more songs like this 13 comments
· 8 years ago
OH MY GOD. I've been listening to this song to get to sleep for 6 years and I read macaroni everytime.
Best resignation ever 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I think that was someone sharing the article. Hence the additional title "Best resignation ever".
Don't tell your kids about Santa 6 comments
· 8 years ago
We always got one small but important gift from Santa and were told that he didn't need to get us lots of presents because we had parents who were able to get them for us and he needed to be sure kids who didn't got Christmas presents too.
Lets see who finds this one offensive... 32 comments
· 8 years ago
Ha ha, as a southerner I can say that the bottom one is necessary because we don't have salt trucks and southerners driving on any amount of ice is a DISASTER. They just have no clue what to do.
The Liverpool fan who joined the marines 5 comments
· 8 years ago
If this bummed anyone out, just know that it's 7 years later, he broke the world record for running a 10k as a one leg amputee in July (37 minutes), and he still has the tattoo.
Modern Man's Haircut 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh my god I'm laughing so hard. The guy just goes back to reading his magazine too. That's just too much!
And others wink wink 16 comments
· 8 years ago
In America at least, we have the 8th amendment banning cruel and unusual punishments. So, sorry about that.
Rawr, Leia, you're so hot 19 comments
Be a hero today 14 comments
Suddenly education would improve dramatically 16 comments
· 8 years ago
50% of teachers leave the field within five years. So, there's plenty of turnover. Just maybe not in WNY. In which case, be grateful, because that means that your teachers are paid enough to eat and/or are good enough teachers that they're changing lives daily.
Scotty 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Between the this and the Robin Williams post above it, I'm crying more then I planned to today.
swagy meme 8 8 comments
· 8 years ago
No, they totally know what they're doing. Caption man is too smug for caption man's own good.
my friends 6 comments
· 8 years ago
That doesn't help me learn what show this is. typing that into google just gets me "touched by an angel" on imdb.
No scotty, not now 1 comments
What a beautiful wedding 3 comments
Sick burns #7 19 comments
· 8 years ago
The bible text Mr. Blue's slingin' sounds great, but it only applies if the man in the marriage doesn't like his wife. So if Mr. Pink likes his wife fine, and doesn't care if she's not a virgin, then there's not an issue and the wife doesn't have to be executed.
Hashtag bad luck Brian 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh christ. This is not a lesser of two evils kind of situation. This is "actually evil vs. career politician". If you vote trump in november, you are voting for "actually evil". Remember that.
Boyfriend did something wrong 8 comments
Lego art at Lego HQ 6 comments
James Bond has autism 4 comments
· 8 years ago
"Shaken not stirred will get you cold water with a dash of gin and dry vermouth. The
reason you stir it with a special spoon is so not to chip the ice. James is ordering a
weak martini and being snooty about it." -President Josiah Bartlet
reason you stir it with a special spoon is so not to chip the ice. James is ordering a
weak martini and being snooty about it." -President Josiah Bartlet
Greetings tiny Cthulhu 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Aw, it's tiny touch brings unescapable madness and eternal visions of cosmic terror! Hey there, little guy!
Does any body know HOW TO COOK A F**KING PARROT! 21 comments
Who is with me? 26 comments
· 8 years ago
But most of that road will be in Russia, where roads are made of cardboard painted to look like cement.
Pay Taxes 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Also, that's not how bosses work. My boss doesn't pay my wages out of his own pocket. If your boss does pay your wages out of his own pocket, update that resume, because the company is going under soon.
Just a thought 47 comments
· 8 years ago
And I think that's the kind of thinking that leaves people who would otherwise only need welfare temporarily trapped in the "work-fare" cycle that leaves them on welfare until death.
Really fun 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Also, they were servants in France. They might be on the side of the proletariat.