
Costco cake 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It is a big bulk item store, but their food court and their bakery are fantastic (taste/quality & price). The cake in this picture is puny next to a (now $19) Costco cake (half sheet, vanilla or chocolate but used to have more options, two pounds of cheesecake or chocolate mousse filling between two layers of cake, tons of icing, half sheet of cake, does not taste like a box mix). In most cases it will feed your entire (birthday/work/holiday) party good sized pieces of cake and have some left over. The cakes are not always the prettiest, some basic designs which aren't terrible, but you can always plus up the decoration or ask them to just frost it as a blank slate and do your thing. They have good prices on organic things, and a couple great loss leaders ($5 for an at least 3lb of meat rotisserie chicken, $1.50 for a soda and 1/4lb hot dog, etc.).
What Nutella is actually made of 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That's a lot more than a "hint" of cocoa there Ferrero...
The one who was never born 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Then go with the logical thinking to ease some of the feels. There is a large percentage of miscarriages, it's not a rare occurrence. Most of these happen before the woman knows she's pregnant. For the later term miscarriages, and for stillbirths, yes it is very sad, for those who are trying to conceive and lose the pregnancy, again sad, but it's not a thing talked about often so many don't realize just how common it is.
People are dying 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
People survived and people died, that's life - you don't get everything you want, you don't always get everything you need. Because companies make money on the drugs they sell and procedures they do more are developed. People look at insurance and go "Oh this will be great and pay for my medical expenses" they don't think "Hey, this is a company making a gamble that you will die before they have to pay more than you spent." Insurance isn't in it for the good of humanity, they're in it to make money.
I would far rather have had my tax money going to pay for "Free for any US Citizen or non-citizen taxpayer" clinics (like the minute clinics, or expansion of the VAs) in every state that provide free basic/general practitioner services (basic physical, basic prescription writing (no narcotics)- birth control, antibiotics, etc, immunizations, stitching of wounds, small mole removal, basic dental checkup and fluoride, referrals to specialists)
People are dying 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Drugs don't develop, test, get approved/rejected, manufactured, and distributed by themselves. So very very much money is spent on developing drugs that don't end up making it to market, the money to attempt them doesn't magically appear out of nowhere. Costs do go down once the patent on the drug runs down and a generic can be made - admittedly the original developers do often make small changes to dosage/ingredients so they can renew their patents but it costs many fortunes to get any drug lucky enough to make it - to market. Tax write offs only go so far, they don't give you money they just let you keep a bit more of what you had earned at the end of the day. If they can't make money we won't have breakthroughs.
Thanks Obama 44 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A lot of people don't realize it's not "free." The money, while some can be written off by the hospital, is used to pay for developing of that cancer treatment, the doctors, the medicine, the surgical equipment, etc.
It should be obvious that insurance isn't there to lose money. It's a betting game - If (typically younger) healthy people pay for insurance they don't use, extra money from that can be used to pay for the more expensive unhealthy people. If those healthy people say they won't be buying insurance so they can save money and just (through the ACA) buy it when they need it, the whole thing falls apart, the money they make off of people who used the insurance won't cover those same people unless it's just basic visits, there just won't be enough money - it's why the rates of those of us who aren't subsidized started skyrocketing in price (both insurance and deductibles) and going down in coverage.
Thanks Obama 44 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Astronomical healthcare costs are a combination of
idiots who sue for things they should not be able to (my doctor made me upset and I think he didn't do the best he could so now that I am alive but not 100% whole because of a terrible illness it's his fault - malpractice insurance and legal fees for the hospital);
the people who do pay have to make up for those without insurance who ride the ER for what would easily be a 10% or less bill through a clinic or standard PCP (ER-you're not walking out without paying at least a grand after insurance, if you use an ambulance it's ~$500) the hospitals have to have the staff, equipment, rooms, rushed tests, etc. it adds up;
and in order to afford good doctors/nurses who just spent years of their lives and hundreds of thousands on education, in order to have those multi million dollar MRI, hundred thousand dollar XRay machine, varying costs of lab diagnostics, maintenance of those machines and research into drugs/procedures.
It's not free.
Old medical stuff 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He was the only medical professional, it's not an uncomplicated procedure, the person taking the picture is probably helping most by staying away and helping to avoid distracting the man who has to feel and find (and is probably holding a mirror to help the Dr see) the offending organ and remove it. If I had to perform surgery on myself without any pain relief I'd want people to stay the f' away too!
The revolution is happening 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's more that she's harping on everything that particular area considers parts of their culture (cow bells, church bells, etc.). But yes, being annoying and trying to force your individual dislikes on people isn't going to make them want you to stick around.
What do people have against milk 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you heat cow's milk it will form a thin film, usually called a skin. Quick wiki for an official definition: Milk skin or lactoderm refers to a sticky film of protein that forms on top of milk and milk-containing liquids (such as hot chocolate and some soups). It is caused by the denaturation of proteins such as beta-lactoglobulin (whey protein).
Harder than Dark Souls 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Some of it is luck though - click a corner with a three, or one of the main area with a 7 or 8 then you have to guess. Easy and medium, yes, mostly super easy the larger it is it throws a lot of math plus just un/lucky guesses.
Childhood friends stay together 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What happened to the original bunny though :( - that is not an adult rabbit and has different markings. Both picture bunnies are around two months old.
Animal kingdom love 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The one that looks like rabbits kissing is most likely the one rabbit stealing food from the other's mouth. *Source: my two rabbits - the original owner of the food would look surprised a couple seconds later every time as the thief chomped away at the purloined cilantro/hay/banana/etc.
How male victims of statutory rape get re-victimized 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
@ Guest - the child support is designed to (as the name implies) support the child, not support the mother. The child had as much choice in its conception and birth as the victim (or you could say other victim). by requiring the child support it is not intending to punish the victim even though it is a detriment to them, it is intended to keep the child fed/clothed/alive.
(Note: I am zero percent in support of the woman involved and hope that she was labeled as the criminal that she is and the child was put with someone who would give them a better life.)
Grandmas are great 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But grinding it up would harm the efficacy as it would not do the measured release that normally happens as it is digested :/
Someone always has it worse. 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
There was an NPR thing on him last year - the mom thing hurt, but apparently being sat in front of Barney videos every day was much worse.
Almost there guys 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Or maybe they want to include the Melanesian population.
Respect to the doctors 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
...unfortunately from the time to the materials I'm betting that was a massively expensive, non-insurance covered action to be revealed in a bill from the hospital and a denial from insurance a couple months later.
Scary dentist 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In case people don't understand the "Do you feel it is important to keep your teeth?" question - it is usually there for those that have extremely bad teeth where dentures/implants might be a better choice rather than than massive amounts of equally expensive correction, also for those patients who are very poor and in cases where it's either a very expensive root canal treatment or pulling the tooth (without denture or implant replacement) where they will often choose to pull the tooth/teeth and prevent worse infections rather than leaving it.
Do what YOU want, people 41 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Agreed. It's not like you can't continue doing what you love in a non-primary income manner. It's called hobbies/entertainment outside of work hours.
Mulan! language 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Snow White's "comment" is the funny thing about Frozen - all the song and outrage about marrying the guy she just met...from the very soon to be romantic interest that she also just met. To top it off the "love experts" are ready to marry them within minutes of their arrival, having spent about the same amount of time together.
At least its organic 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Definitely not breast milk and just to try and stop the thief.
Breast milk is liquid gold to someone who is pumping, they wouldn't store it in a non-sanitized container unless an emergency let anyone just casually take it when it takes so much work to make, store, nourish their child, clean the bottles and pump parts, etc. It is not pasteurized nor homogenized so it would not keep well for a five day work week (as someone who did pump - not even two days) without a very distinct non-appetizing scent and in less than a day in the fridge it would very clearly separate, the milkfat (cream, if you will) sticks like crazy and would not pour the way creamer would - anyone who was "stealing creamer" would think it rancid.
Real books 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Beauty in the book is more than skin deep...don't judge a book by it's cover or format.
Fishy 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
As a woman who doesn't like the price difference either, I'm more bothered right now for the "For a two-thirds less of the product!" Is it really so hard to make the correct decision of either "one-third less" or "For two-thirds the amount"? (or more accurately 5/7 as there is a blade on the razors beyond the refill cartridges)
I feel sad for Americans 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
There was also, in the last year or two if I remember correctly [it is still ongoing - some reasons why] a major shortage of sterile saline. Just because something is "simple" doesn't make it easy to get. It takes almost a month to make a batch of saline.
I mean even if you're not born in 2000. 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Most of the key years/milestones are early in life: Driving, graduation from various levels of schools, legal adult, voting, drinking, then there is usually a "oh no 30/40/whatever" then senior citizen status, and retirement age, but in the middle there's no need to bring up your age on a regular basis, and if you're like most people it's less of a big to-do rather than a low key birthday dinner if any sort of celebration.
Show your love by stabbing them 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Is there a Middle Eastern/Asian restaurant that gives you delicious dates after your meal?!? With a long kabob stick you could get everyone elses' too!
I'd still try it though 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A yeast doughnut like these ones smush down to nothing (easy to bite through), two whole bagels as a bun would make this impossible (or nearly impossible) to bite through.
What I'm asking myself rn, being european 54 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Not only overseas, there needs to be significant reform in the H1B visa program.
Is it perfect? 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That looks like blue chocolate I want there to be blue chocolate chips.
An apple of love 1 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So pretty, too bad it's a Red Delicious and would oxidize and look quite sad in the next ten minutes or so :(
Keeping hyperactive kids busy 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There was an article recently where a teacher did this for her whole class in elementary/middle school, the devices have no resistance so, properly maintained, they are silent. She applied to grants and whatnot to try and purchase them. I believe the teacher also allows yoga balls or fidget balls as seats. There are additional things like Bouncy Bands which are like rubber bands with special things to keep them up, and obviously heavy duty, that you can bounce your feet on without making noise so kids can get their wiggles out. Lots of attempts to help kids with lots of energy who have PE/Recess cut down time and time again to allow for standardized testing preparation and test taking.
Pretty much 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Good god no! Yes the two primary candidates are terrible, even the little contenders still in the race aren't great, but if it's a vote for anything it's a vote for new options, not a third term of current. Term limits were put in place for a good reason, even people who would have easily won had they an option for a third term, were not granted additional time in power. The founding fathers did not want a monarch, they wanted an elected leader, it's bad enough that there are lifelong politicians, no granting twelve years of any individual as the leader of our country.
Like the night sky 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Mialinay it is "Shah Cheragh" in Iran. If ever you want to know what something is when someone's only posted an image, try Google's image search (google > Images > Click the little camera icon right beside the searchbox > Paste the URL of the image (or upload an image). For things like this one it works really well, sometimes it's not as great but it's easy and fast.
...And then they cried 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Never realized Bill Murray looked so much like Tom Hanks...
The truth behind Snow White 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Ditto on the comment of Gaiman's Snow Glass Apples - the audio rendition is amazing.
This was me 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
First night? No, no, no, that's every long nap, sleep through the night, and extended quiet time for the first few years.
eh... is it okay to starve this time? 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Yes it's still about the election - the two main parties are the terrible cakes, and the minor third parties (Green, Libertarian) are the mini cupcakes.
Empty calories - they say what they want to get votes but it's all fluff and no substance said to win those votes and appeal to the donors.
Though I'm pretty sure a couple of the comments are really about cake, not politicians.
More money for hats now 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How are people thinking this is real - very photoshopped look above her right eyebrow, scalps do not indent like that, the top of her head would be pale from low sun exposure (due to hair), etc.
Nair smells terrible ("fresh scent is definitely a lie), and Nair burns like you lathered your head with honey and stuck it near a bunch of fire ants, it definitely wouldn't have done this in the amount of time you leave shampoo on your head/she realized something was wrong.
"fashion was a mistake" 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
People have never seen boleros before?
Australia is playing no games, straight to the point 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago - Freedom of Speech Productions (the F.O.S.D badge under the sign) made this fake photo.
Has science gone too far? 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Went into BK this past weekend, saw the poster for these, asked the guy at the register how they were he said pretty good. No. No a million times. He lied. They taste like salt and chemicals, no delicious cheesy flavor, horrible. Save your tastebuds and avoid.
But who would direct? 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Sounds like a not so fun way of paying to get robbed and/or molested.
Let's just elect Bill Gates 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Bill Gates:
He doesn't need the money (from post presidency speaking arrangements, regular pay isn't great but he doesn't need that either)
He gets progress done - he uses his money and demands progress/results before giving or giving more
He's recognizable so people could honestly go to vote have Clinton, Trump, and Gates and go "No, No, ehhh better than the other two I wonder what he stands for"
He's got a mind for economics and a passion for bettering people's lives
Say what you want about Microsoft, they are reasonably priced and didn't have to be
Truckers unite 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Do you honestly think people who drive like that even consider slowing down? You give them too much credit. Even, unlikely even, if they did the trucks would just slow down, the caption says very long, slow traffic jam - so it's more likely it took the hour and a half to go a couple miles and he was stuck in there.
In lieu of recent events 59 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Apparently he cleared the railing and fell the ~15 feet into the enclosure. If you've ever been around a four year old you would know they have almost no fear, are very fast, and very creative in how to get what they want.
The woes of a two-party system 43 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Exactly how I feel being socially liberal but fiscally conservative (and no I'm not deluded enough to think an alternate party/independent would win a presidential election, otherwise we'd have a better third option than write in right now).
Bill Gates has been the greatest philanthropist of all time 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Even better than just giving money - he requires success. The Gates Foundation will give money to those that have won the funding but demand results to continue getting additional allotments. Just throwing money is rarely a solution - evaluation and results requirements make a world of difference.
I want this someday 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They must have either hired very cheap labor or had amazing amounts of free time to waste on that - it looks great but that would take so very long.
The most annoying thing that new parents do 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
As mentioned, important in pediatrics. But also frustrating when shopping for clothes and (in my experience) 24 month clothes are smaller than 2t (2year old toddler), so well intentioned gift givers are deceived.