
Cosplay level: Asian 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I... I think I just turned gay for the girl in picture no. 4. O///O
Just did this, music was too loud and I didn't hear if the vaccum 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
and you couldn't see that the dirt was still lying around?
This is a drawing! 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If you think about it 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
women=feminazis, men=nazis
Off With Her Head!!!! 43 comments
guest · 9 years ago
bad, if true, still no reason to call her bitch and cunt.
My teacher is just awesome 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*hon hon hon* I see what you did there.
My teacher is just awesome 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Teacher? Don't you mean stupid manwhore?
How to break a drill instructor 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well, that didn't go as planned. Cute and sad. That drill instructor had to leave the stage or lose all street cred by tearing up.
Marvel's Chris 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
damn, I'll take one Hemsworth and one Pratt, I'll leave you the Evans
We all know this 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i hate this shitty overacting
I was scarred as a child :D 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm so glad homeschooling is illegal here. I just can't imagine someone coming out of that with a fully developed brain.
The third one is just in case they have a friend sleep over 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
how does she make em stay?
Obama and his anger translater 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't know. It may have been funny if that Luther guy wasn't screaming everything. Gags are oftentimes better when delivered snarky and dry. Sorry to say that this has no class.
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
guest · 9 years ago
and this is relevant, how?
It affects everyone 61 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Russian gym class 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You've been selected by the wheel of disappointment. See you in hell, motherfucker!
You cant have this 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
when a guy who rates his gf with 8/10 and calls her "chick" tells a story like this everyone can be assured that he's a lying scumbag
satan 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That girl will go far in live. You won't.
Reasons My Son is Crying 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
these kids are going places. not school. but places.
You would have to give this little guy anything it's asking for 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
aawwwww, with me he wouldn't be able to beg more than once. i'd have cuddled him and fed him until he passed out. so cute. :3
Let's see the difference between countries 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*sigh* It once again shows that people in Germany have far more common sense then we do.
Even Jimmy Fallon can't handle it 362 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm sorry for my earlier slur against the devine Emma watson. I'm just an embarassment for myself and everyone around and I should kill myself.
He's the real villain 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What s/he said!
He's the real villain 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I love you.
This is how it works 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
No, it isn't, my fault, sorry, I'm an idiot.
I got surprised when a guy started bagging my groceries when I was in the US 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
No, it isn't, dumb ass. Your groceries, your fucking job.
Not all actresses are dumb 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And I heard that there are some actors who aren't completely brainless, too.
College girls 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
women = faminazis, so men= nazis, right?
How to defend yourself from a choke 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
When your attacker is dressed like that, you can do all kinds of fun stuff to him. Grab his nipple and twist it until he cries like a baby. Kick him in the nuts. Grab his nuts and twist. Gouge out his eyes. Burry your nails in his arms and scratch them hard and deep down to his hands, then smach his nuts.
Parallel parking world champion 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
what's your problem? have you guys never learned to park?
Police cars around the world 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Believe me - german police cars do NOT look like that.
It's not a huge leap from stripper to hooker 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
"from stripper to hooker"?
I hope one day I'll find someone who loves me that much 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
aren't they a bit young for marriage?
Women, amirite? 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
my boyfriend does that all the time and then when I have decided on something, he's all "naw, not that..."
Yep, pretty much 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
guest 1 is an idiot.
She believes 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
trash chic?
Dumb b*tch gets rekt 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I disagree. Only individuals can change that.
Dumb b*tch gets rekt 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
why? they do it to every woman. even to little girls.
Dumb b*tch gets rekt 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
why "bitch" again? call her idiot ffs, but not "bitch". or we will start calling eyery guy "shortdicked bastard".
I like helping people 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Keep it up, pope 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
hipocracy all around?
Need a some aloe-vera? 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
and shortdicked bastards will be shortdicked bastards
Anon ruins Christmas 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
fucking asshole bastard
b*tch of the year 49 comments
guest · 9 years ago
and the "how dare she" and "bitch" comments come from those guys that are alone for a reason. maybe if you weren't so entitled and maybe if you didn't call women bitches, then maybe you too could have a girlfriend and a life
Best comment I've seen on FB for a long time 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I have heard of her two times. Here on Jezebel. Yesterday and today.
It's a habit 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Me thinks she means the front door of the house.
Feminism summed up into one tweet 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You guys aren't all that bright, are you? Never heard of a parody before? Which is funny, since you Americans live in a parody of a free country.
They get it 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If "bad femnists" are feminazis, what then are men? Nazis, I guess.
They get it 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Ok, 1st: fake. 2nd: if it wasn't fake you wouldn't deserve sexual abuse etc. no one does. but as a woman against feminism you deserve to be shamed and shunned for stupidity.
The community donated a van to them in the end 35 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Americans. They tread kids like shit once they're born.