
Here is your muslim speaking out 37 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Because guestwho we can't. We're sick of it, why do we have to apologise every single time, why didn't all the jews apologise when a jewish guy in Tel Aviv attacked a gay pride? Why are you asking so many Muslims to apologise every single time, every single flipping time for a few lunatics? We had the 9/11, the Sydney incident, the Charlie Hebdo incident and we had to explicitly explain we condemn this, of course we condemn this; this many a populace following a faith of "violence" isn't stupid to keep following a religion of violence. We'd be mentally unwell if that was the case & if that many people were bonkers & violent- the world would've met it's apocalypse. Or atleast all the non-muslims would have. God forbid. We get hurled insults at, assaulted, do you even know how the world treated us after the 9/11? You don't bro. People of my faith are being persecuted in Syria, in Palestine, in Afghanistan, Iraq but that's okay; you don't have to apologise for your kind, only we ought to?
Title about being triggered or something 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What is sjw? Omg you guys. It's only been two days since I turned 20. And you kids have new terms brewing.