
Cosplay Done Right! 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Because traditional blackface was done to animalize blacks. It's like have an incredibly abusive dad growing up. As an adult you've both tried to put your pasts behind you but he tries to playfully say he'll kick your ass if you do something. He lost his right to ever say that, even though he's changed and would never hit you again. That's how some people feel today about blackface, though I for one think it's bullshit. My dad's dead and I'm not my dad, stop trying to stop me from playful fun.
These people should close their social media accounts 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
At least the ben franklin guy is learning.
Poor yahoo 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Let's be honest, if yahoo bought google in 2002, everyone now would be using bing.