
That's what I call eficiency! 36 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The votes
By anonymous
As I scroll down to look upon
Funny cartoons that entertain me
Or memes of Pepe and Ron Swanson
I come upon this
A simple toon drawn
But words that promote thought
I laugh a bit at the quick joke
Until sad truth settles in
That deforestation is killing us
And causing ripe soil to turn to sand
So I'm left with a choice
On how to show my thoughts
To thumbs up
And show I get this humor
And I can laugh
At myself
And encourage more environment 'toons
Or do I down vote?
To show that I don't like how light we make
Of destruction on our earth
That this small joke
Ignores and says it's okay
To chop down trees and it's no bother
To destroy homes of many constantly
But it's a small vote
And a passing though
And a lot of energy spent
On something proably innocent
And ment with no wrong intent
People don't know
All the things that deforestation
Really does do
So I'll scroll on with no vote
And be distracted by the next toon