
What if this is a reality right now? 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Plus, if there's a will, there's a way; the education will become affordable. If you don't have the passion to discover the cure for cancer, no amount of free education will ever "release the cure".
I guess this is something that is needed to be shared lol 38 comments
guest · 7 years ago
First of all, the crusades were not fought by Christians but by Catholics. Secondly, the #1 historical murderers of Christians were Catholics. And thirdly, the #1 historical murderers of Catholics are Catholics (Spanish Inquisition anyone?) Saying that that Christian are murderers in the same statement as ISIS is not Islam just shows you know what buzz words are, but not what they mean. The pope is just a man, Mary was just a woman and praying to saints and statues IS idol worship. Don't throw around Christians to mean Catholics if you don't want others throwing around ISIS to mean Islam.