
Whenever someone asks me why I smoke 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What's the pleasure in smoking? Hurts your lungs makes you cough when you get out of bed. Makes you irritable if you don't get some, cost a lot of money and gives you cancer. Maybe it looked cool in the 1930s but it doesn't now so what's the attraction?
Guy Standing sitting 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If he denied being Guy Standing, he'd be Guy Standing sitting lying.
As an American these days 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
He gave $30 billion in cash and gold to iraq. What a load of crap
There are many things we will never know the truth about it 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This will be great for us high school and college students who are terrible at history. Now we can denigrate the learning of any history because all history is biased, right?
Really sad 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Its too bad the Democrats used so many dirty tricks to make sure that Hillary was anointed as their nominee. Now when her health prevents her from winning the general election, or if her criminal "pay to play" selling of access to the State department turns off enough people, or if she gets prosecuted for destroying evidence (phones and email), then the Dems will be responsible for electing Trump because they wouldn't find someone like Kennedy that middle of the road people could get behind.
Do you believe in Life After Death? 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Kids make up stupid stories all the time. That doesn't mean that there's evidence of other lives or whatever. But in this post about the Titanic, imagine if the camera kept panning and then you saw something written in the back but it was backwards because they inverted the original negative or picture or something. And you know things were backwards from what they should have been.
No harm in rubbing it in 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why is the Guy automatically douchey? His ex-wife is getting money from him and providing what? Nothing actually. So why shouldn't he tweak her a little bit when he's paying her, essentially, to not be his wife.
Florida Man saves the day once again! 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Have you seen that now that everyone's too afraid to hunt, the lion sanctuary doesn't have money to take care of the lions?
Facts don't care about your feelings 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Also, why would I use "person of color" to describe a light skinned Cuban or my Iraqi coworker, even though both are minorities.
Today in Science: ALS causing genes discovered 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Most people did the ice bucket challenge to AVOID the "obligation to donate." So it was a fun way to draw attention to yourself without actually donating any money.
Living in the gangsta's paradise 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Little known fact: In that region, they are known as "blicks."
One difference between Nixon and Trump 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton traded access to her office as Secretary of State for massive donations to the Clinton foundation which turned around and funded for campaign and other lobbying. How can that not be illegal? She had Emails deleted while she was under subpoena to provide them because they had evidence of her illegal activities. Anyone else would already be in prison.

Do you people (Stephen King included) only get your news from memes?
Pretty cool 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It's interesting that now that the whistleblowers have come out with information about Hillary Clinton destroying evidence, keeping an illegal private network server and not knowing the meeting of things like the C on classified documents, they are not nearly as popular as when they were blowing whistles on someone else.
Teach your kids to think 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
. Agree 100%. It's funny that Bill Nye says that denying evolution is inconsistent with what we've observed even though we have never observed any species changing into another species, only refinements within a species.
to clarify the meaning of feminism 48 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This was a really good explanation. It's amazing to see how bad women had it a while ago. It makes you wonder why now the so-called feminists have to rail against horrific things like some man accidentally calling women "girls" or turning up rocks to find alegeded problems. It's too bad that real feminists allowed Man haters to co-opt the name feminism.
Muscle tees for days 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"gun control laws go into effect nationwide..."
...And are suddenly obeyed? There are already scads of gun control laws. Making more wouldn't suddenly make criminals who disobey all the existing ones suddenly start obeying the new ones. In fact the cities with the most gun violence in the US are places with the most restrictive gun laws.

But, your INTENTIONS are good, so that's really what matters, right?
Maybe one day 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Part of your parents' retirement investments like 401(k) and pension are invested in financial institutions' stocks and bonds. If all of those institutions' assets are just lost then your parents won't be able to live on their own in retirement. So if this wonderful fantasy of yours could take place, you get to plan on having your parents live with you for the rest of their lives. That is, once you found a job.