
all white people are racist and all men are misogynistic 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nothing wrong with loving yourself. #justsayin
Decent kek 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Privilege does not necessarily mean you will succeed. A lack of privilege does not necessarily mean you will fail. Privilege simply means you have a head start, a leg up, an easier ride. Failing to recognise privilege is a shitty thing to do, as is implying that everyone who doesn't succeed is "just lazy".
What do you wanna call 'em? Butterflies? 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's fine to address a patient's obesity if it's relevant. A lot of doctors bring it up when it isn't. That's not helpful, and it dissuades people from seeking help. Others go further and refuse to investigate a problem, insisting it's caused by obesity without doing any tests to rule out other causes, which leads to missed diagnoses and causes understandable frustration and anger on the patient's part.
Doctors do it with obesity more so than other "self-induced" health issues (e.g. smoking or drinking) because they can see it. It's an easy thing to go for. That doesn't make it okay.
Just realized 44 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Change time zones.
I will accept your down votes to speak the truth 118 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Having privilege doesn't prevent bad things from happening to you. It doesn't mean you get everything on a platter. It means you have a generally easier time of things compared to those who don't have the same privilege. Failing to acknowledge that just makes you an asshole.
I'm expecting 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But there is more than one possible outcome. There might not be a baby at the end; things can and do go wrong all the time.