
What do you think? 59 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Women aren't trying to prove they can do what men can. They are trying to do what they want to, and some of those things are jobs or activities that have been done by males usually. Seriously. For a while, only guys really did science. Then both did. For a while, only guys did politics. Then both did. For a while, only guys ran Fortune 500 companies. Then both did. This thing.... it's literally just that some humans want to do one thing and other humans another. When you get it in your head that a good activity can only be done by one group, you're the wrong one. I like science, I do science. Nonsense that I shouldn't is ridiculous. And by extension, your point falls flat under the weight of its own lumbering stupidity. Saying 'I didnt mean that' doesn't mitigate that you should have realized your global statement was inheritently limiting and moronic.
I hate the "back in my day" argument so much 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Joanna the Scammer!! :D