
Roux the two-legged cat 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If we took all of the money we spent on pet food in the US thats $23.05 billion. Literally almost the exact same amount as was spent by the United States in humanitarian aid ($23 billion).There are still refuge camps..Still dying babies. Still terrible things in the world.. Instead of saying, "lets just throw food at the problem" how about we target the problems that lead to these humanitarian crisis in the first place.It's not lack of food, it is a lack of development caused by greed and corruption. Most of the food/money sent to these third-world countries doesn't reach the intended recipients, but instead ends up in the pockets of the corrupt religious/political leaders of their country. Look how much money was wasted in Haiti! $13 billion dollars was given after the Haitian earthquake, their normal GDP is just $8.459 billion and people are still living in make-shift huts constructed out of tarps and sticks. It'd be nice to live in a world free of hunger but that's not gonna happen