
Religion has nothing to do with character 43 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Whom you can't name, apparently.
Yusra Mardini, Syrian refugee who saved 20 lives by pushing a boat 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But...but...the college I want to attend is sooooo expensive. And the field I want to study doesn't have any jobs that pay a lot of money. And nobody has solved all the problems of the world so it will be perfect when I'm an adult. It's MY life that has the truly unfortunate circumstances.
A little boy was ready to sacrifice his life for another 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I recall the story from 1998 or 1999.
Shark almost kills diver when it breached the cage 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Thank goodness you survived, Jaques! But the back of your diving pants seem to be weighed down by something...
This unique dog looks like a pokemon 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I think you have to wait until you hear him talk before you can decide what his name is, because don't all the Pokémon have the same name as the things they say? My guess is he will be called Mark.
do-o-o-n the builder, can he fix it? do-o-o-n the builder no he won't 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The question NOT asked by the moderator:
Hillary, Why didn't you fix it in the eight years you were in the White House the first time instead of destroying the reputations and careers of the women that accused your husband of sexual aggression? Or why didn't you fix it in all those years you were Secretary of State?
Some people understand 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm so happy that were using all this plastic for water and flavored sugar water. We're just too good to drink out of a drinking fountain.
Wage gap 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I don't concede that women engineers make less than their male counterparts, but if they did there could be several reasons for that being true:
-more women than men will take several years off to stay home with children.
-More women than men will be a "following spouse" if the other one in the couple gets the chance to have an overseas career move, or a relocation for promotion.
- it's been shown in several places that on average women are worse negotiators than men when negotiating for salary.

That doesn't mean that those things apply in every case, but when you look at large numbers of things all those add up and can explain why women engineers could earn less than their male counterparts, or women in general are less than male counterparts. The "in general" portion also includes the fact that women go into lower paying jobs by choice. You don't see a lot of male fashion interns or ballet instructors.
where is your god now 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Eisenhower never held public office but managed the invasion and rescue of Europe. Should he have been denied the opportunity to run for president? There are plenty of checks in place that if people don't believe that someone is experienced enough in non-political jobs they don't vote for that person and the person never wins primary for their party.part of the problem we have in politics is there are so many of them that are professional politicians and not experienced in running a business or any real-world tradeoffs. Even having failures in business is plenty of experience right?
Alternate timeline 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Eugenics. The word you're looking for is eugenics.
Picture of the local church. Paks/Hungary 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I see a cross, crescent moon, and some other symbol that I don't recognize. Looks like you're worshiping a human idea of God which is in an amalgamation of all religions' gods. It doesn't look like they're worshipping any particular God therefore it's guaranteed to be wrong. Also, how can someone "worship" different definitions of God that are mutually exclusive? It may be that neither Christianity nor Islam is true, or that one of them is true, but they cannot BOTH be true.

We can respect believers of any type, but that doesn't make any belief true, nor does the sincerity of that belief make it true. But mutually exclusive ideas can't all be true.