
Dealing with westboro baptist church 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I thought he was charged with blasphemy by Jewish (and Roman?) authorities in Judea, which then led to his death. My knowledge of biblical stuff is incredibly shallow though because I'm not a believer, and in any case it's total BS to blame all Jews for what some of them maybe did almost two millennia ago.
Now, to be angry at what the Israeli government is doing right now, that's a different conversation. But again not related to Jewish people in general, just the Israeli government.
Stop wasting time and get back to your job! But this is my job 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As far as I understand he's a video content manager (on YouTube I presume), so (at least a part of) his job is doing stuff on YouTube. The IT guy probably saw what he was doing through like TeamViewer or something, assumed he was just slacking off and gave him a warning.
I guess the stereotype of company managers being idiots while IT guys are smart is not true.
Drink everything in the most epic of ways 30 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oi beth don't hate people just cause they have a better sense of style than you.
(Joking of course, style and coolness are subjective, but I think it's unfair to label anyone who has this a neckbeard loser, though obviously I get that you were joking. I'm a relatively normie kind of nerd who tries to look stylish to disguise my nerdiness and I think it looks cool as heck and would definitely buy it.)
As to the text formatting point, I agree 100%. I would even add image responses so you can respond to comments with memes.
Drink everything in the most epic of ways 30 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is that cocoa? Cause I'd definitely use this for cocoa. With whipped cream and marshmallows and sprinkles.
This is a real panda 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol no it's not. C'mon now stupid do you think we are?
Tough luck America 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah. A lot of people say that until they're the one in need of help.
Insurance companies profit off of denying care to people so they try to find loopholes as much as they can. That's why universal healthcare is in my opinion the way to go, because you pay into the system and then you're guaranteed to get help when you really need it. You don't have a scummy health insurance company filling their pockets with your money and then denying you care based on bullshit excuses and fine print.
Capitalism is great for industries driven by innovation and competition. But when lives are on the line, I'd rather have a system which doesn't enable people to profit off of other people's bad luck. Because that's what it is, you can catch a rare disease or get hit by a car, you never know, and people usually buy the cheapest plans because they can't afford a better one or they think it will never happen to them... until it does.
Anon is an angel 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I guess he... had to go fast.
I'll escort myself out.
When grandma thinks I can do better 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Does granny not understand that women have jobs too now?
I see this mindset quite often in older people in my country (not trying to put them all in one bag though, also this is just my personal experience, yours may be completely different), we've got them to the point where they're finally okay with women working but still mostly promote traditional gender roles like women should cook and clean etc. Like, how is my X hours spent at work different from my bf's X hours and why should I be the one to do all the stuff after coming back from work while he can just sit his ass on the couch and watch TV? I really don't get that but I guess if you're raised into thinking that having a vagina somehow equates with cleaning and having a dick somehow equates with having a job, then you don't really think about things very much.
Posted for awareness 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I've never ever encountered someone who respects the middle guy one.
Tough luck America 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is what everyone who's against universal healthcare says... Until it happens to them.
Beautiful star map shawl 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Aw damn. I'm not a fan of beads on clothing for practical reason but this is art.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not really I'm just saying your debating skills could use some (*coughs* a lot of) work. I don't feel offended that your go-to "argument" is an ad hominem. I'm rather ridiculing that fact.
Ah, the classic "don't like it don't work there" argument. I'm sure they said the same to phosphorus jaw victims back in the day. You know, before regulations we're introduced. Just like they are being introduced in some countries, which you'd know if you read the posted articles. But I'm guessing you don't care enough.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As I said before, my problem with the modelling industry isn't its preference of skinny people. My problem is its preference of unhealthily skinny people. And so far you've just replied to that with a) "well I find them attractive so no issue there", b) calling me and everybody who doesn't conform to these ridiculous standards a fat fuck, and c) ignoring me and telling me I don't matter. Which I don't find to be a very effective discussion strategy. So please, would you address that? Do you really see no issue with most models having a BMI of 16?
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Rosalinas, my assumptions were based on your comments. You can't just come out now saying "I actually think it's more nuanced but it's your fault for responding to the stuff I wrote instead of the stuff I meant" and top it all off with some smug "well you don't matter anyway, ha ha what a clever comeback". But anyway.
1) "whoever starve themselves to be skinner is stupid and i dont like stupid people" So the majority of models are stupid? There were some articles posted in the thread earlier, maybe you could address them? I thought they were interesting and insightful.
2) "if you want to be skinner, eat less fatty food, less sugar, more vegetables and lots of exercises" Doesn't always work like that, some people have a naturally slow metabolism. And even then, I've tried to lose weight before and found out that dieting actually slows it down even more. So what actually works for me is to watch my calorie intake and pig out once a week to keep my metabolism from slowing to a crawl.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol like anyone will ever buy that bs
What happened 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah I don't take my phone in the bathroom with me either. I've never dropped it in the toilet or anything, it just seems redundant. But that's because I take about two minutes to pee or poop. My bf takes 30 minutes when going number two so he takes it with him. The irony is that if he didn't, it probably wouldn't take him so damn long.
How many number 1s are there 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Legalized bribery. A pretty common thing over there.
Killed for his opinion 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Using "NPC" to describe other people in order to feel superior is exactly what a mindless drone NPC would do, guest.
I hate spicy food 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I love spicy food but I've never tried BDSM...hmm
Never watched one and said, "Gotta have it." 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh yeah it definitely stood out to me. Most perfume ads try to be really artistic but just end up looking pretentious.
Another day another dollar 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Deja vu, I've just been in this place before
Never watched one and said, "Gotta have it." 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I only saw the short bit where the lady starts making the stupid faces in YouTube ads and frankly I thought it was cringe af. Seeing the whole thing, my opinion hasn't really changed but props to the lady for doing all those tricks in such impractical clothing (high hells, dress that you could easily trip over etc.), I wouldn't even be able to do them in sweatpants.
Eye surgery 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can't tell a difference, thank you modern science
Jonah Hill is hurt 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not only women, people in general. It's because if you feel that someone's really "out of your league" (ugh I hate that expression, as if everything was just about looks), you might get paranoid about them cheating or leaving you for somebody else. This shouldn't be an issue if you love your partner and trust them, or, you know, if you're not a shallow person who only puts value in looks, but apparently most people are.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh wow. Saying that I'm a fat fuck who shoves their face with KFC every day just because I disagree with what the modelling industry does. Classy move there, rosalinas, real classy. Just FYI my BMI is 22 so perfectly healthy and I live quite a healthy lifestyle, walk wherever I can, keep my daily calorie limit to 1500-1600, work out for 2-3 hours a week.
As I said before, their bones are photoshopped out so you can't really tell how skinny they are. So it's easy for the ignorant eye to get fooled. But recently some online stores where I shop for clothes started disclosing the models' height and size. (I'm gonna be talking in European sizes so sorry for the confusion.) And they always write something like "The model is 180cm tall and wears a size 32" (or sometimes 34 but that's like the upper limit here). For reference, I'm 178cm tall and I wear a size 42. And as I said my weight is healthy. So wearing 5 sizes down with the same height is fucking mental. So yes, they are THAT skinny.
And boom goes the dynamite 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hey, Jigglypuff in space would never lie to us!
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@itsamemaria exactly, many people think that skinny = attractive (although as I said in my previous comment, lots of guys prefer curves) because we've kinda been conditioned to do that. Today's ideal is skinny and tan but during the Victorian era, it was sexy to be pale and fat. Which is why I just can't accept arguments like rosalina's, that they personally find it hot so no issue there. Yes there is an issue, and @rosalinas when the only way how to conform to an ideal is to eat less than 1000 calories a day, you bet I'll blame those ideals when naive impressionable kids develop eating disorders. In my opinion we should promote healthy people as the most attractive, which we now have the tools for measuring (BMI, body fat, cholesterol etc.). My problem with the modelling industry isn't that they generally prefer skinny people. It's true that the less fat you have, the better most clothes look on you. My problem is that they prefer people so skinny it's damaging to their health.
Interesting kid stories 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You divide a fraction by multiplying it by an inverted form of the dividing fraction. Ha! I still remember high school math.
Fun fact 40 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I mean, most normal people don't. But there is a (relatively small but) vocal minority of people who get outraged when a character in an announced movie is LGBT+. They say it's "muh SJW agenda" and whatnot as if all the interesting characters in the world ever had to be straight.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@rosalinas but they're not though, that's my point. At least not to me personally, and to many men they're unattractive as well, the guys I've spoken to say they'd rather be with a curvy girl than a Walking Dead extra. They have so much makeup and Photoshop put on them to make them look more attractive (such a photoshopping out their clearly visible bones because they're so thin) but in reality you'd find more attractive people on the subway. Maybe the masculine features make them attractive to women, which would make sense marketing-wise. But I still can't support the fact that mainstream models are forced to be malnourished. It's not good to tell society that it's beautiful to starve. That's how eating disorders start.
Is this true? 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I mean, I guess sometimes people would do that just to get attention. That's kinda what social media is for after all. But sometimes these messages turn so sour it's hilarious and worth sharing. Y'know, like these "nice guys" who act sweet until you reject them, then they call you a whore, bitch etc. I think those are not only hilarious but also deserve to be called out publicly for their nasty behavior. They're rare of course, but they exist. I myself have only met one in my life.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah health-wise models are still way too skinny. Like gurl, these ladies would thrive in Auschwitz. Not to mention models nowadays often have very masculine features which would definitely not be considered good looking back then.
Like, what's up with the modelling industry promoting models that look like mid-transitioning trans women? I mean, I'm 100% supportive of trans people but why is the industry that is supposedly the highest standard of feminine beauty only hiring women who have no tits, no ass and manly faces, what is up with that?
Wait I'd like to know what's happening 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That was a different guest. Yeah it's the same concept I guess.
Don't even try 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Honestly it looks pretty good
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Well, there were different beauty standards back then. If you're hot now, maybe you'd be considered ugly.
Every time 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
At this point even Gollum is more photogenic than me
Wait I'd like to know what's happening 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Waaaaah women wear makeup just to attract men waaaah" - dudes who complain about makeup being a "lie"
Memorial Day weekend as an adult: 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm 22 and I've always been like the old man.
The only thing I learned 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
*Wrong use of meme, this one is "Guess I'll die"
Don't take this as an offense, I'm just trying to help you improve your English and meme know-how.
Doctors still learning 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Or the series
Cucumber vs watermelon 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I like the slightly acidic part of the watermelon though! Better than the mushy overly sweet center.
Over sharing 49 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not really since I'm not name dropping. She does it specifically about relatives/acquaintances but since y'all have no idea who I am or who she is, why not share a funny story?
Spoilers for the Bible, don’t scroll down of you haven’t read it 31 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Then we're on the same page, I like having discussions as well, and sorry for having misjudged you. I definitely agree on the gender equality part. I lose respect for people when they say they're for gender equality but then only discuss scantily clad women in video games and not for example the fact that there are VERY few domestic abuse shelters for men or how imbalanced divorces are when it comes to child custody.
Stop this bullshit 32 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh man. If I was in that situation I would've gone for the eyes.
Over sharing 49 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Dad tells me she's always been like that. She tries to be manipulative and always come out on top but she's just not that good at it, lol.
Spoilers for the Bible, don’t scroll down of you haven’t read it 31 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@mrscollector I think you're overthinking this silly joke. But I agree with you overall, this "one group is a perpetrator and the other is a victim" is very inaccurate for most historical events. But people often don't like to hear that wealthy black Americans also owned slaves or that men were also accused of being witches.
Military can get really dumb 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Love its Ice Age inspired face tho
Over sharing 49 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is something my grandma does! Not the condition thing specifically but whenever she's telling a story she'll mention something bad about someone, which is completely unrelated to the story, in order to make herself look better. Like ,she even does it about me when I'm sitting right next to her. So far I've been polite enough not to call her out in front of other people but it's getting really annoying because she often goes as far as to completely twist my words or say things that aren't true so next time I probably will.
This moth looks like an owls face 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That IS cool! Idk why would you need photoshop when the real deal is this awesome.
Spoilers for the Bible, don’t scroll down of you haven’t read it 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I didn't read the whole thread but I'm just gonna respond to the original comment @mrscollector yes men were accused of being witches too but the ratio was about 80:20 so it's not unreasonable to talk about it as a misogynistic issue. I recommend the video "Demonic Babies: A Guide for New Parents" by Ask A Mortician. It's (in my opinion) quite funny and mildly informative. The whole channel is pretty awesome imo.