
OMG so savage 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Microwaving hot dogs is barbaric. But boiling is a waste of water, unless of course you're an evil genius like OP who turns it into ice cubes. I have a hot dog maker that basically steams them, uses less water and they're done in 5 minutes. And it also has rod thingy that you put the buns on and it toasts them from the inside.
Sign of our times 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Three words: Military industrial complex.
Some truth about death 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What the… people actually believed that some of your parts kept growing after death? Your nervous system is dead, how could it get the impulse? Your heart doesn't pump blood, how could it get the energy? I suck at biology and even I know that stuff doesn't keep growing after death.
Grizzly sleeping bag? Don't ask why but I need one 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
How do you breathe when it's closed though?
Sleeping women are beautiful 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Boyfriend says I'm like a cat in that respect.
Are they? 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Am I the only one who's genuinely bothered by the fact that the supposed center of the pie chart isn't in the center of the ring?
Yes I'm still salty about this. 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
To be fair it would be a better casting choice that whatever the fuck they did with the new Death Note.
If I could have one thing in life, it'd be this bed 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I read about this and apparently it has a big downside. It's made by an Asian company for the Asian market, therefore the mattress in it is only 150cm long. Tall people can't sleep in that.
No Jail Time But its Something 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
They deserve it. In fact they deserve to be sentenced for abuse, but this is better than nothing.
Hello iphone users 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The fact that so many people actually did it says something about the intelligence of an average Apple user.
Hey now! We're in Crabs Adjust Humidity 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So what's the difference between Cards Against Humanity and Crabs Adjust Humidity? It the latter like a rip off or rather a funny parody kind of?
RIP turkey 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Tell me they want to do it in winter, that would be hilarious
Ugly motherf**ker 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
*SpongeBob voice* I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD!
How to easily make jelly worms 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Dude that's amazing. Serving this to guests and seeing the look on their faces will be priceless.
Savagee lmao 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Dude's salty AF, no wonder she left him.
Humongous what? 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Men's ego is a hilarious thing.
So no one told you life was gonna be this way 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm honestly amazed that people can stay up all night. I'm tired to the point of passing out at 11PM. Then again I usually get up at 7 without an alarm clock. It's a curse.
That buzzfeed in a nutshell 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You're technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Seriously though, BuzzFeed is trash.
Dragon approved 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah anyone who's watched Avatar: The Last Airbender knows that because of Azula.
Puberty 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The guys got beards, the girls got makeup. Both got better haircuts. That's literally it.
Queen of wasps 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Realistically speaking a group of girls would be more likely to try to ruin each other's lives through psychological tricks and manipulation, or as the author of the tweet says branch off into groups. If they remade the entire story with this in mind and made it about manipulation and intrigue, it could work. But simply putting girls in the story of The Lord of the Flies won't work in my opinion.
Albino deer 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That's a Halla.
Top kek 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
C'mon that's gotta be sarcasm
Thing 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I didn't know that either and honestly I think it's dumb to let someone off work early to watch some dudes kick a ball and fake injuries.
If only she rephrased her statement better... 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well, it's close...I'm massively oversimplifying right now but dinosaurs were basically like bird lizards, right? There's even some evidence that they had feathers.
I tried 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What works for me is a calorie counting app. It makes you realize that even that small piece of chocolate you had for a snack is pumped with calories and makes you more aware of what you eat. I lost 3 kgs in 2 weeks so I think it works!
Why don't you get it?! 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Take off her makeup and maybe then it becomes a valid conversation. One can't judge a person's looks when that person hides behind more layers than the core of an onion.
Savage af 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah, I know. Yet nobody's blaming it on periods and making fun of it. When someone's upset, you comfort them, not belittle them, make them even more upset and then call them overly sensitive.
Savage af 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
There is nothing more infuriating than being upset because you had a shitty day only to have men around you be like "Gee chill, are you on your period or something?" like women are considered more emotional than men but we aren't even allowed a regular human spectrum of emotions without some dumbass dude blaming it on our period. Not all men of course. But that one idiot can make your shitty day even shittier. And in all honesty, idiots are aplenty, no matter the gender.
Savage af 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
TBH there are lots of dudes who lecherously leer at a women's breasts and butts and then shrug and say "It's biological. Can't help it." when confronted. Also it's simply impolite to stare, no matter what you're staring at.
Also I don't think your analogy is quite correct. Women also choose men by looks, among other factors of course. Humans are by nature shallow beings. Yet it's equally impolite when a woman stares at a man's ass or arms. Now, I admit that women are biologically more driven towards status and wealth than looks, however it is also quite a big taboo in our society to ask about someone's earnings, so that evens itself out, more or less. Furthermore, if you feel like a woman's body might drive you out control, you can always look away. Women can't stop the emotional rollercoaster that is period hormones.
I fully agree with your general point, however. We should try to improve ourselves instead of making lame excuses for bad behaviour.
GOLD. 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You can kick start a heart with electricity but electro shock therapy won't "cure" gay people.
Dont talk to me until you know how to make a proper sandwich 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You could amend that by putting a layer of regular butter underneath and thinning the peanut butter and jelly layers. The edges wouldn't taste like dry bread and the center would be yummy and buttery.
Scottish twitter returns 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Oh I get it, because of the stomped heel
100% Accurate 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's even funnier with sound /watch?v=bfCR0dEDO1A
I'm glad he found them 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The least they could do is unlock the kennel. But for some people getting their belongings is more important than animal lives.
If you buy her things to get sex, does that make you a.. 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
... "nice guy"
Negativity be gone 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Anti-healthy children
The chemicals are turning kid gay 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I guess he really doesn't care about boobs, his interests lie elsewhere
And give us snacks (: 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
My bf keeps telling me I act like a cat because I love hugs but I pretend not to care bc I don't want to be obnoxious. But I do care. Hugs are great.
Big doubt 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
12 year olds are having sex with everybody's mother, of course.
Disney's woman 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You're completely wrong. I'm not the same person. You can click on a guest's name and see the comments they've posted for proof.
I'm not upset, I'm just dissapointed in people at this point. It would've taken you less than 5 seconds to click on that other guest's name and see that the comments they've posted are different, but instead you decided to spin a story about how we're the same person because "I'm upset". This is what I meant when I wrote that "alternative facts" are so popular today, and you've just confirmed it because you don't care about facts as much as you care about your emotional reaction.
Having played both. 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Wasn't there a recent study linking American football to a condition called CTE?
Attention please 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He looks so happy… these posts always warm my heart.
Disney's woman 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The fact that I pointed out something wrong with the post doesn't mean I'm upset, just that I dislike factual inaccuracies. I really couldn't care less about whoever wants to "exploit my naivete" and if someone makes a joke I don't find funny, I usually move on. But pointing out that something is factually wrong somehow means I have a thin skin? If that's the mindset you have, no wonder "alternative facts" are so popular today, if fact checking is frowned upon.
Apocalypse pop culture 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you guys like these, you should check out the movie Turbo Kid. It's an 80s/90s-style post-apocalyptic B movie (as in it makes fun of the fact that it's a B movie with the cheesiness and the purposefully outdated special effects), and it's really awesome. Though I must warn you, it's pretty morbid at times.
Disney's woman 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Lel, I'm not that "go fuck yourself" guest but how nice of you to go full ad hominem before even checking the facts. See, that's what I mean when I say that I dislike it when people don't check the facts and act based on nothing. By the way, what does a safe space have to do with anything? I'm 100% against safe spaces. The fact that I criticized this post and was prepared to respond to anyone who would disagree with that proves it. Oh wait, are you one of those people who use buzzwords like SJW and safe space to dismiss an opposing argument? It seems like it, but unlike you I don't like to jump to conclusions based on so few information.
Evil pink b*tch 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah dude, it's been so long since I read the books that I don't remember this part. Calm your tits.
Don't steal my show 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I don't really celebrate birthdays. But if I did and some children would happen to be there (I wouldn't invite them in the first place, but hey maybe when I'm older my friends will have kids and yada yada), I would legit push the kids away. Firstly because it's my birthday, not theirs. Secondly because I really don't like kids.
Disney's woman 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I have no chill when I see something so factually incorrect. I simply can't laugh at a joke when I notice it has some blatant misinformation in it because I start focusing on the misinformation rather than the punchline.