He's adopted 19 comments
· 8 years ago
She's the biggest drama queen on Earth, what could possibly be bad about this? (Sarcasm)
thoughts? 46 comments
· 8 years ago
Most European countries are comparable with the US in terms of standard of living, if not better. The only shithole here is Russia which is like the Texas of Europe.
Meet the hot doctor and his husky who are taking over the internet 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah exactly, if a person spends so much time on their looks they won't have any time to spend on studying or just trying to be a better person in general. So basically, personality wins. Then again if a person spends no time on their looks (meaning hygiene, working out from time to time etc) then it's a reflection of a bad personality because they don't value their body enough to take care of it. Balance is key.
Meet the hot doctor and his husky who are taking over the internet 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok he's hot but honestly I'm not much of a fan of "instagram models" or whatever. It seems fake and self-obsessed to me.
Bonjourrrrrrrr 16 comments
In light of recent events 49 comments
· 8 years ago
First guest here (I'm not the one who went "incorrect"), why the dowvotes? All I did was make a Supernatural reference!
Maybe she got it on sale? 23 comments
We need to build this 44 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm thinking this might fuck up underwater life. Some currents are actually vital for transferring warmer or colder water, thus keeping the ocean balanced. I'm obviously not a scientist but this just seems like it'd fuck up marine ecosystems. Any expers on the matter? I'm honestly willing to listen.
Puppy meets BB-8 for the first time 6 comments
I just felt like uploading this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7 comments
Gonna scram, lil lamb 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Shaddup, me and my bf say "later traitor" to each other (reference to The Force Awakens cause we're huge dorks) and it's totally okay.
The size of Pluto compared to Australia 10 comments
To everyone posting that Prince died 3 comments
See? It works 8 comments
I'll Make a Snowman Out of You 14 comments
· 10 years ago
He's right even though he's a dick about it. Elsa isn't a princess, she's a queen. What about Anna though?
Bright side : Surviving! 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Guys, y'all are forgetting Coriolanus. Awesome character from an awesome play, indeed. (Besides when I watched it, he was played by Tom Hiddleston. That's a big plus.)
I don't really feel like it 9 comments
· 10 years ago
This is soooo copied from funny.junk. Not that I have anything against it, it's just funny to see how sites repost each other.
Oh god I love her 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with that but the truth is she became pretty thin since she got famous because of Hunger Games.
had to post this. sorry japan, no offense 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Only 'Muricans expect women to have their genitalia smooth like a 10 year old's. Well played, 'Murica.
Someone has made pollandballs a reality! 11 comments
A GIF on how babies are made 26 comments
This is important 9 comments
· 10 years ago
And here I was, thinking my answer at that moment would be something like "Why the hell are we discussing the cover when we could be reading that book right now?"
Books are great.
Books are great.
Religious people would agree 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Pope Francis approves! He actually said that everybody can go to Heaven as long as they're a good person. He's a very kind man and even though I'm an atheist, I respect him a lot.
Hey I just eat a banana :)) 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Well they might have commented without seeing anything just to troll people. Guest's comment doesn't really say anything that would indicate that they actually saw the video before commenting.
This happens to me every time 5 comments
Ash aint the smartest kid on the block 9 comments
· 11 years ago
why the hell are you ignoring cultural differences, wigglybutt? you dumb fuck
I mean srsly, a japanese soup is for example ramen - 90% noodles (and other solid stuff like veggies etc.), 10% liquid. You eat the noodles and then drink the liquid. Eating this with a spoon is a very, very dumb idea (trust me, I tried once - the noodles slip down so the water splashes right in your face). Fork works as a substitute for chopsticks, because we Europeans and Americans apparently don't know shit about other cultures and chopsticks would just confuse us even more.
I mean srsly, a japanese soup is for example ramen - 90% noodles (and other solid stuff like veggies etc.), 10% liquid. You eat the noodles and then drink the liquid. Eating this with a spoon is a very, very dumb idea (trust me, I tried once - the noodles slip down so the water splashes right in your face). Fork works as a substitute for chopsticks, because we Europeans and Americans apparently don't know shit about other cultures and chopsticks would just confuse us even more.
We still Exist 51 comments
· 11 years ago
Congratulations! 99% of girls here on Funsubstance don't do that stuff either. And you know what else we do not do? Brag about it!
Attention whore.
Attention whore.
Miniature Starbucks 15 comments
what happened after friday 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Was that twerking girl parodying Miley? Hehe :D I guess Rebecca has some sense of humor.
Om nom nom , jump ! 79 comments
· 11 years ago
I used to be upset about all the haters who hated him basically for no reason. Now he's behaving like a little bitch, so I get them.
Aliens 4 comments
· 11 years ago
He was actually pretty handsome when his hair didn't look like it's being abducted by *aliens*.
It's Magic 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Its preparation must be consuming a lot of energy and probably isn't very ecological, either.
That face 14 comments
· 11 years ago
First I was all like "Wait. Did Tom H. REALLY WRITE THAT?! He's a gentleman and super nice and everything OMG!!" And then I remembered Loki has a helmet with horns and that it was probably a pun. Well played, Tom. Well played.
Han Solo's style 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Hahaha I can almost hear them saying "I'm myself, I'm the original!" With a bitchy voice.
Things we'll never see again 54 comments
· 11 years ago
I think blue and clear Pepsi can be found in Japan. Known brands with different flavours are pretty common there.
Good guy canada 18 comments
What did you say ? Nothing ! 4 comments
· 11 years ago
As a person with bad hearing I'm sorry if it annnoys people so much, but you really just have to repeat it louder.