Such an amazing transformation 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh my goodness, those ears
When I'm trying to study but my little brother wants attention 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I first read this as "Please don't shit on me" but I guess it kinda works either way
Weak 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't understand the preoccupation with going natural. The baby comes out either way, might as well try to dull the pain
5 million or 5k forever 37 comments
· 7 years ago
$5 million now. Time value of money: it's worth more now because of depreciation and because you have more time to invest it. Also, I probably won't live 83 more years anyhow
I'm sure every guy would feel flattered 14 comments
The eaaaarrrssss 6 comments
· 7 years ago
More specifically I think it's a French Bulldog (different breed than the American one, and in my opinion a lot cuter)
YOU CRUMB 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Lindsey Lohan is clearly very talented, it's a shame she got into drugs and all that stuff
Actresses who were scientists 3 comments
My tiny fluff bear! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not even sure my cat has one official name, we call her so many different things
Kisses own shoulder* it's okay ;-; 15 comments
· 7 years ago
I feel like this is a case where the "average" statistic doesn't actually fit anyone. Because if you're living with someone and in a relationship or married, you probably kiss more often then this. But if you are single, you probably kiss way less than this. So 34.6 just ends up as this awkward number in the middle that is technically the average but doesn't accurately represent anyone.
Sorry for the overanalysis I just got done with a statistics class lol.
Sorry for the overanalysis I just got done with a statistics class lol.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
Got me on the edge, they're pushin, pushin, they're pushin 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Say what you will but Troy's anguished solos were the most glorious parts of these movies
3 Parachutes 15 comments
· 7 years ago
This joke's been around for a long time, but it's as relevant as ever with Trump.
Also, I feel like poor Messi just randomly got thrown in there.
Also, I feel like poor Messi just randomly got thrown in there.
I wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I had a chair 37 comments
· 7 years ago
Lifting things (like the products coming down the conveyor belt) while sitting is actually really bad for your back. Especially if the chair doesn't tuck under the counter and you have to lean forward. A better solution would be to have padded floor mats, and maybe things like foot rails where you could prop one foot up and shift your weight from time to time. Also, sufficient breaks.
Where's the bee 7 comments
· 7 years ago
^In terms of letter shape that could pass pretty well. Of course pronunciation is a different matter lol
Probably Go the f*ck to Sleep 6 comments
debate this 44 comments
· 8 years ago
No widespread discrimination? Really? There is widespread support, and states passing laws, for making it legal for wedding cake bakers to refuse serving a couple because they are gay. How many bakeries are allowed to ban service to white people? Furthermore, you're pretty delusional if you think white people are being discriminated against in this country. I say all of this as a white straight person myself.
debate this 44 comments
· 8 years ago
And of course that's not to say anyone should be ashamed to be white, but that you don't have to be that edgy asshole advocating for white pride parades
debate this 44 comments
· 8 years ago
I mean, I think there's a difference. When people say they are proud to be gay, they are saying they are unashamed of something that many people are still trying to shame them for. White people generally don't face that kind of discrimination for being white, at least in the U.S. (yes I'm sure there are isolated cases, but big picture, there's no comparison).
feels 17 comments
· 8 years ago
She posted later that it was just a miscommunication and her sister's phone was dead so they couldn't reach her. Put down the pitchforks folks
I'm Heavy Breathing Over This 4 comments
How to get rid of your gf's friend 9 comments
That's why school is a waste of money 9 comments
The universe is a wonder 2 comments
The Little Creature Living In My Car's Mirror 3 comments
· 8 years ago
We used to have a toad that lived on top of our outdoor light for weeks. We assumed he stayed there because it was good positioning to catch bugs at night. Although I do wonder how he even got up there
What the f*ck happened to him? 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I believe he's doing much better now though. Staying clean, starring in a West End production, and a show on TBS
Creepy 8 comments
This is why you don't block highways if you're protesting 42 comments
· 8 years ago
I kind of doubt this happened. It would make mainstream news if it did. snopes.
I love this cutie 8 comments
As a girl, I agree with this guy 15 comments
· 8 years ago
That's not to say that men don't experience violence from women, they do, this photo just seems off
As a girl, I agree with this guy 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Is no one else questioning the legitimacy of this photo? Who poses for a picture, smiling, with their arm wrapped around a friend, when they have a massive amount of blood running down their face?
I want to wake up here 3 comments
· 8 years ago
That antler chandelier above the bed isnt so appealing though...can't help but to picture a piece falling off and hitting you while you're in bed
Jimmy fallon 4 comments