Oh, my mistake 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Well to be fair the "quick" in 12 does make it applicable to twinkle (stars twinkle, the pulsing Christmas lights twinkle) where as something just catching/reflecting the light (a gem in a ring, a clean mirror/metal surface) sparkles
Mooom! Throw down some moneyyy! The Taco Man is comiiinnn!!! 12 comments
· 7 years ago
So happy they don't - freaking good neighborhood means the ice cream truck does a slow drag probably three times a day in the summer, as well as parking at the community pool while blasting their terrible music and even now creeps through the neighborhood at little kid bedtime. I can only imagine how obnoxious a fleet of taco trucks would be.
Traitor 6 comments
· 7 years ago
It's more than getting free Pepsi when working for Pepsi or Coke at Coke, usually when you are employed by one of these you are *not allowed* (on punishment of termination) to purchase or in public consume the competitor. Had a person on my soccer team whose dad worked for Pepsi, she could not have Coke in public with him around.
*packs bags* 6 comments
· 7 years ago
That's actually nice, and so much better than the neighborhood in North Carolina that's all Harry Potter themed. Thanks Holly Pointe, but I'll pass on owning a house on "Long Bottom Trail"
24 genius food inventions you never knew you needed! 8 comments
· 7 years ago
But...#6 - doesn't most gum come in gum wrappers? I can't me unique in using those to dispose of my gum when it's gone bland.
The victory of the nerd 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Federal cap of $9.5k for a 401k??? Last I checked it was $18k/yr (yes it's not going to take him much longer but for most it's almost double what you listed and helps for those of us who like to bring down our tax rate)
Maybe he wanted someone to sit on him 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Those anti-harassment seats on the Mexico metro just keep getting more detailed :P
A great idea for politicians 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Many of the politicians who can vote on issues are representatives of their states. So in theory they are voting not only with their own views, they are more importantly voting as the people who they represent would vote (a majority, virtually never would every person in any given group vote the same). Unless you're giving everybody of voting eligibility a test it would not be valid. It is the reason on election days there are additional things to vote for (increase in locality taxes for certain projects, and the like).
Just an average galactic joke 1 comments
· 7 years ago
-.- only because Disney bought the franchise, otherwise there'd be the twins (Jacen and Jaina) and Anakin. Some of us saw the early bits and were hoping Rey was Jaina and Ben/Kylo was Jacen and would have accepted twisting but oh no, Disney made them no longer cannon :(
way to many veterans deal with this crap 6 comments
· 7 years ago
The problem is when they said they'd cover health care for life they did not anticipate where health care costs would go. Yes, there are essential things that the Vets are entitled to. I am not saying otherwise on that. It is frustrating that before they leave they are told by their peers how to make sure they get their disability pay. (Not making it up, not something I heard from someone who heard from someone, it is something I was told by former military moved to GS positions). The money pulled in through military retirement, plus % disability pay, plus potential GS retirement is no small amount. Also the rampant fraud - They can go to a VA Hospital get their prescription, "lose/accidentally throw away/left it on a trip/need it while on a trip" [sometimes legit, but not uncommon for them to sell for profit] and get a free refill. When the cost is anticipated to be "normal" care and balloons into the hundreds of thousands to millions it doesn't leave them with enough to cover for all
Response from mom 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Common Core is designed to provide a better understanding and ease with the subjects, it is also designed to build upon itself over the 12 years of school. So *giving it the benefit of the doubt and not yet having had to deal with it* it isn't about knowing a simple pair of numbers being subtracted (427-316 =111 is much easier the standard way rather than 427 - 100, -100, -100, -10, -10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1=111) but for application in future maths (X -A, -B, -C, etc. = Y), (X/Y - A/Y, -B/C, -B/Y = Z/Y) etc. Find the "easy" things to get closer to the solution. There are other stupid looking problems, such as X-Y= give the answer to the nearest "10", you look at 100-61=X and go "easy 39" but they're not looking for the exact answer, they're looking for "It's close to 40, answer = 40" so you can look at harder things and be able to go "The answer should be near X, if I work it out and get an answer very far from X I did something wrong and need to recalculate".
These illustrations make it easy to learn chinese 17 comments
· 7 years ago
If they had drawn a turtle vertical from the side (like swimming up in a pond) it would have been better (two "pitchfork" parts as feet, the [X] and cube above it as part of the shell, the /= [for lack of better way to type it] as the head and the two solid blocks in the middle the body/lower half of shell)
This is an actual snap 24 comments
· 7 years ago
@ raven - The entitlement bonus can be up to about $40,000 depending on your skills and what you are committing to in the US Army. It's why you'll see so many expensive cars on the training bases, because fresh out of high school, now legal adults, see their money want to show off with something flashy and buy them. Around almost (likely every) every base you'll see a wealth of strip clubs, tattoo parlors, and car dealerships because of the poor financial management of the newly enlisted.
haha 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Plain butter typically costs more than peanut butter, unless you meant to say margarine which is cheaper. (Regular butter, store brand, on sale 1lb ~$2.50; PB on sale, store brand, 1lb ~$2.00; Margarine, giant tub >1.5 lb of just about any ~$3)
Pranking a spider 11 comments
This is an actual snap 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: "Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." This is not limited to verbal words. Article 89 is Disrespect towards Superior Commissioned Officers. This makes sense, in a business you can get in trouble because you upset people or piss off customers, in the military your insubordination/contempt can cost lives.
Free lunch 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It works better though when they offer it to everyone - qualified or not. Some places do (in the States) because such a high percentage of their students do qualify. Some places do (I believe France or one of the Scandinavian countries?) because it is a unifier and one of those - everyone eats and everyone (barring allergies) eats the same. It would save many people time, money, and hassle if it were standard while also allowing those who need it to continue to do so without judgement. It might also boost the quality because if you're pretty much guaranteed near 100% utilization, with standardized budget then you can actually cook instead of straight from the package reheat, and improve the food quality and taste.
So excited about all those savings 8 comments
why can't I have a packed lunch like this 5 comments
Cool menu 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Many McDonalds have braille menus on request, they have had them for many years.
Now, ain't that something? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
She is really generous, she also has a partnership with the American Printing House for the Blind to provide six free print/braille books every year until a child reaches age six plus they offer a collection of audio files for free download. (FYI Braille books = super expensive, larger, more wear hence the smaller number)
What a mooving story! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
On a serious note - farmers want their cows to have a single calf per pregnancy. There was a horrible report of some of the [good place for a Jurassic Park quote] "scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should" research at the Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska, where they worked on getting cows to bear twins regularly and all the farmers were very much in agreement of 'WTF? No!' One calf at a time = best.
I said, just a little off the top 6 comments
I love the _____ people 7 comments
· 7 years ago
You are welcome :)
Additional "freebies" (because they are paid for by tuition and/or taxes) at libraries beyond free internet- magazine subscriptions (take that consumer reports!), newspaper subscriptions, standard books/audiobooks obviously but also digital books (and magazines) and digital audiobooks, movies, music, software (games/educational, not like Windows or Adobe Suites) research (get help from a reference librarian - they can provide you specific information or a bibliography to peruse at your convenience relevant to the question/topic, great prices at booksales, some libraries have oddities (tools/toys/framed art, etc.) for lending, inter-library loan can lend you just about any book from anywhere outside your system for a couple bucks including textbooks, Pre-K through Adult reading/writing/interest specific events and activities.
I know there's more, but people really under utilize their libraries. You can join for minimal $ a nearby but not your local library too!
Additional "freebies" (because they are paid for by tuition and/or taxes) at libraries beyond free internet- magazine subscriptions (take that consumer reports!), newspaper subscriptions, standard books/audiobooks obviously but also digital books (and magazines) and digital audiobooks, movies, music, software (games/educational, not like Windows or Adobe Suites) research (get help from a reference librarian - they can provide you specific information or a bibliography to peruse at your convenience relevant to the question/topic, great prices at booksales, some libraries have oddities (tools/toys/framed art, etc.) for lending, inter-library loan can lend you just about any book from anywhere outside your system for a couple bucks including textbooks, Pre-K through Adult reading/writing/interest specific events and activities.
I know there's more, but people really under utilize their libraries. You can join for minimal $ a nearby but not your local library too!
I love the _____ people 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Re: How did you not pay?
Some libraries offer free use to their members, College/University libraries more than public libraries but some public ones do offer.
Some libraries offer free use to their members, College/University libraries more than public libraries but some public ones do offer.
How tho ? 1 comments
· 8 years ago
It's just eggs, likely with a few preservatives thrown in porcesed and cooked in such a way that it makes the easy, and consistent tube. It's not meant for regular home use, it's meant for restaruants where they need consistency in their portions and appearance, so you take this and you slice off pieces for salads, potato salads, and other garnishments. If I remember correctly McDonalds had something similar or the Egg McMuffin sandwiches in most locations.
People with blue eyes share the same parent 18 comments
· 8 years ago
European and Melanesians? Technically everyone had blue eyes under the brown, there was a horrifying thing I read about someone getting essentially cosmetic laser surgery to burn away the brown pigment in their eyes, leaving them with the underlying/base blue.
When ze flammenwerfer is not enough 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Any spiders would be bad, but brown recluse can cause necrosis and grow to a wound size of ten inches of gangrenous horror. Seeing hundreds of daddy long legs or garden orb spiders would be horrible but hundreds of these would be like watching death swarm.
A braille rubik's cube 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Usually (i.e. the cheaper way) is to add the braille via PermaBraille sheets (available through APH - American Printing House for the Blind [and other locations but with the federal quota funds available for legally blind students in the US teachers order a lot of these for labeling items because they're 'free to them' via allocations]) with the braille for colors, or more often textures (feel n peel carousel of textures) to differentiate. The rubix cube pictured may be a prototype, photoshopped, or pre-color, but usually the items will have visual differentiation to make them more inclusive. (Even the flip-over concept books by APH have colors as well as textures/parts of a whole/line paths) (If you're wondering why things are so relatively pricey at APH it's because it has to be durable enough to stand up to pretty intense handling and wear. Allocation has been slowly reducing over the years, it's under $300 per registered legally blind student/year these days, APH are good people.)
It's not rape if they're dead, right? 10 comments
· 8 years ago
In the original fables it was not his kiss that woke her but the nursing of the children (it's been a while, I think it was twins and not a single child) he impregnated her with, that woke her from the enchanted sleep.
Probably the neighborhood of tomorrow 15 comments
· 8 years ago
In a lot of places it's not a choice. If you want a house in any sort of quasi-new development (last 20+years have them, new ones definitely have them) you are stuck with an HOA.
In Bangalore, India. 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Look into your local library system's booksales (the books they are removing from circulation and the donated books).
At the small systems I've lived in it always was cheap ($1/$2 a book usually).
Moved to an area with a large system (yes you can look at ones you don't live in but for convenience and my house filled with books I don't bother) and their sale is awesome. It lasts about 4 days (Thurs-Sun) once a year. They have fairly cheap books in that $1-2 range with specials for kids books on the kid's day, but on the last day, :D they have (was $5 now cheaper) $3 boxes of books.
These are the boxes they bring them in and are large, they estimate they can hold 100 kids books, but you can stack tight and high. Anything in the sale (kids books, audio books, graphic novels, reference books, romance, sci fi, craft & cook books, fiction, nonfiction <3333) just search and put it in the box. You have to bring a dolly or a kids wagon to haul them around, but goodness it's heaven.
At the small systems I've lived in it always was cheap ($1/$2 a book usually).
Moved to an area with a large system (yes you can look at ones you don't live in but for convenience and my house filled with books I don't bother) and their sale is awesome. It lasts about 4 days (Thurs-Sun) once a year. They have fairly cheap books in that $1-2 range with specials for kids books on the kid's day, but on the last day, :D they have (was $5 now cheaper) $3 boxes of books.
These are the boxes they bring them in and are large, they estimate they can hold 100 kids books, but you can stack tight and high. Anything in the sale (kids books, audio books, graphic novels, reference books, romance, sci fi, craft & cook books, fiction, nonfiction <3333) just search and put it in the box. You have to bring a dolly or a kids wagon to haul them around, but goodness it's heaven.
Brilliant Idea If You Have a Baby 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Noooo! As a parent a million times no! It hurts so much to see this! That pink bumpy baby recliner/nap nanny - Recalled due to infant deaths! The inflatable pool - soft suffocatable edges and if managed to climb up it - risk of falling injury! That child looks like they may still be learning to walk/in the crawling stage so they should not be unsupervised with a blanket (gray or the pink one on the bottom of the pool). The boppy (the U shaped pillow)should not be near them when there is a risk they could fall asleep on it - their warnings go into more details. Please don't look at this and think it's a good idea - it is not, it is a SIDs/danger example. The illusion of safety - "Oh I'd never leave my child unsupervised" - never until life happens and you do, a phone, a door, a trip to the bathroom. Don't do this!
*summons the Canadians* 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Watch "The Cutting Edge" <3 Oh D.B. Sweeney and Moira Kelly how I loved you and "Toe Pick" when I was little.
The type of mom I wanna be 3 comments
· 8 years ago
It was actually referred to as other words (ġeolurēad which means "yellow-red", or saffron for the specific orange yellow of saffron) but mostly as yellow-red before the orange (fruit) was imported and the word Orange was adopted for the color.
Carrots were originally red,purple, and yellow, the orange carrot was bred specifically for the color and appeared around the 17th century.
Carrots were originally red,purple, and yellow, the orange carrot was bred specifically for the color and appeared around the 17th century.
Flawless logic 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Because she knows him, and when she takes up Mjolnir she transforms from sickly, dying, cancer patient Jane Foster into the Valkerie-esqe Thor you see above. She chooses to take it on as a title.
Life always finds a way 9 comments
· 8 years ago
...have people seriously never heard of coppicing and think this is something special?
Why are the Japanese so skinny? Their food is too cute to eat, that's why! 6 comments
· 8 years ago
"Their food is too cute to eat"? I think you mistake the fact that there are three noodles, and a cherry tomato in this picture for size comparison - their portion sizes are tiny.
How Australia is combating stupidity 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Not vaccinating is more than stupid (*except for those rare cases where the kid's immune system is too compromised to handle the vaccine yet/at that point (age/illness - also people who are post chemo and not able to redo their vaccines yet), or if they are allergic to an element of the vaccine and there is no egg/whatever free option), it is dangerous. This is not said to be any sort of "-ist" but the state health services in the US are seeing resurgences and high rates of easily prevented, dangerous illnesses that HAVE VACCINES in the large immigrant areas. If someone gets sick with a ( preventable virus it can mutate in their bodies and then spread to those without. The more people unvaccinated the more chances that mutation can happen.
Kirkland baby 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Rita is correct. Costco/Kirklands is a separate warehouse, Sams Club is the Walmart version.
what kind of bagel cost $26 7 comments
· 8 years ago
To be fair, at a regular (not chain, but not fancy) bagel place near me they have a $12 bagel - it's a full on lox bagel (whatever bagel you want, cream cheese, generous amount of smoked salmon, red onion, capers/tomato/lettuce included if you'd like). So at a fine dining restaurant, or through room service, a similar item would easily be double the cost (right around $26).
Then there are the uber fancy ones you read about with caviar and gold leaf and pate and whanot just to be fancy - I'm sure those are big bucks.
Then there are the uber fancy ones you read about with caviar and gold leaf and pate and whanot just to be fancy - I'm sure those are big bucks.
Why I like Elon Musk 7 comments
· 8 years ago
He is a brilliant man, with great ideas and putting his own money into making sure those are developed - so fantastic and such, but while there are small things like this where it is a kindness and good publicity he is apparently as unreasonably demanding of his employees as he is of himself. I support the drive for progress fast but if you burn out the best and brightest (himself included) there are repercussions.
Child asks for help 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Good on the kid for listening to his parents and using his manners. Good on the cop for being kind and doing the simple act that helps reinforce a positive image of police officers of being there to assist even if it is outside his job duties.
Not sure how to react 23 comments
· 8 years ago
sm19, No, Canadian Personal Income Taxes are like the US Personal Income Taxes on Tips and Gratuities.
"Line 104 - Employment income not reported on a T4 slip. Income such as tips, gratuities, or occasional earnings may or may not be shown on your T4 slips. If they are not included on your T4 slips, report them on this line. It is your responsibility to keep track of the earnings you receive through your employment."
I would assume that just like in the US many/most do not report cash tips (or do not report the real amount) and hope not to get caught, but they are required to pay taxes on them.
"Line 104 - Employment income not reported on a T4 slip. Income such as tips, gratuities, or occasional earnings may or may not be shown on your T4 slips. If they are not included on your T4 slips, report them on this line. It is your responsibility to keep track of the earnings you receive through your employment."
I would assume that just like in the US many/most do not report cash tips (or do not report the real amount) and hope not to get caught, but they are required to pay taxes on them.
Revenge is sweet 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Still a big old nope. No one taking the effort to pump would put that milk in a creamer bottle. They wouldn't add to it through the week, human breast milk has a very distinct smell, and being non-homogenized it separates (in my experience in less than a couple hours to a very distinct and solid cream layer that essentially sticks to the sides of a plastic bottle until warmed and the less fatty remainder) there is no way someone would look at it and think it wasn't off (again, not that they would because it's just a note and that lady is just saying it to get them to stop, not actually wasting milk by doing this)
Not sure how to react 23 comments
· 8 years ago
They are guaranteed Federal/State (if higher) minimum wage if the reduced hourly rate plus the tips don't add up to that amount. Some servers earn great money, some do not. If they want to be guaranteed more than the Federal/State minimum wage then they should improve themselves through work and education and get a different job.
Not sure how to react 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Jerk move on the thief/friend's part, but to your comment servers are guaranteed minimum wage, whether or not that is a living wage is it's own debate, but while they are officially paid ~ $2-4/hr ($6.80 on federal contracts) + tips, if that money does not bring them up to minimum wage rates for the entirety of their shift (Federal $7.25/hr, some States vary to larger amounts) the employer must pay the difference to them. Some people, bartenders, pricier restaurants, popular restaurants in the best shifts walk away daily with very good money. If you look at the cash tips that many do not report, so it's tax free earnings, it's even better money.
Clever girl 10 comments
· 8 years ago
They do this all the time in my kid's daycare - it's really prominent from the 3's and older kids (who don't need help zipping/buttoning up coats), so yes, it's a teachers to kids thing.