
Best place one Earth 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Please reply in your second or third language. Since French is the poster's native tongue, it appears his (her?) English is pretty good as a second or third language.
It's true 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Maybe don't reach for the officer's gun when you get caught committing a crime? When the officer tells you to stop and show your hands, don't keep coming towards him with your hands in your pockets? Don't throw $#+ at the police during a "protest" that's actually an excuse to do a bunch of vandalism, and then whine that you got yourself in trouble?

Just a few helpful suggestions.
That is very impressive survival skill 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No access to shoes? Did she go into the wilderness in flip flops? Sometimes people completely forget that there are particular dangers in the world, and become helpless once their cell phones can't connect. We used to plan out climbing or hiking trips, bringing emergency items and so forth. Now, people just go on the spur of the moment.

But I don't want to discount the possibility that she was drunk or high when setting out.
These stories are great 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
1. 3-D printers print the material that is very weak in tension across the lines that the filaments are laid down, so any tension in this object is likely to crack along the filament print lines.
2. Great that you're using your new "toy," but it's an inefficient way to save $40.
TKO in 10th round 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Would people pay millions to watch you get beat up by a boxer who,weighs the same as you? It wasn't so much the fight he was compensated for, but the being able to be there.
Rio Olympics were only a year ago, but the venues look like they've been deserted for ages 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Capitalism would be some investors or local govt doing a cost/benefit analysis, and determining that the long term benefits and the increase of revenue to local businesses outweighed the cost. What you're seeing is the opposite of capitalism, where unrestrained government apparatchiks use other people's money to fund monuments to themselves. Like big government? Here ya go. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to keep checks and balances on its operation.

What city ever was in the running for something like this and said, "Nawww...too expensive at this point?" Add in the corruption and mandatory bribes for the International Olympic Committee--not a corporation, btw--and you've got the recipe for this.

The LA Olympics were organized by a capitalism-minded guy for 1984, and they actually made money for the city + other benefits. But, yeah, "capitalism is bad" because you can't trade your skills for money the way successful employees and entrepreneurs do.
Oh my god 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
She probably walked around the "Do Not Go This Way" barrier, and unlike in the US, they don't employ a bunch of people to staff the barriers to make sure everyone obeys them.
An easy prey 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The dodos didn't take resources from the few that obtained more than the rest and then redistributed them to the ones who sat around all day.
In WW2 Germany, when they didn't have enough rubber for bicycle tires, they improvised 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Was rubber scarcer than several dozen springs?
Darn those lazy millenials 36 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Merciful Father, please have mercy on the assholes who think it's smart and funny to criticize others' prayer or others' sharing of prayer stories, and show them the error of their ways. Make me an instrument of Your peace that I might shed light upon the situation, and if be Your will, let me help in the locating of these missing children or the comforting of their families.
How considerate 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Tinkerbell essentially tried to get Wendy killed, so there's that...
What 7 years of $500 textbooks results in 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What a sad sad not have everything handed to us perfectly and effortlessly like all previous generations.
Hillarious 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Possibility: Don't study a field that's fun but doesn't have any jobs, or has jobs but they don't pay enough to live the lifestyle you want. Example: my kids majored in criminal justice, engineering and elem tart education; they had jobs on the day they graduated college as police officer, engineer and teacher...which is exactly what they wanted. Some of their friends who majored in music, psychology and sports marketing because it was fun to study that don't have jobs. We didn't use to have the Internet to find out stuff like that, but now it's at your fingertips, if you'll just think to look and think to incorporate that into your plan of study.

Or just do whatever, hope for the best, and blame society or baby boomers for your woes.
That's what it was made for 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Do not like the idea of mom doing a 180 to smack some kids then rotating back 90 to give dad some road head.
The wild dream 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Huh. I have that now.

I'd have even more f I didn't have to house, feed, educate, clothe and transport my kids.
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Too bad all those arguments to get women to be allowed to volunteer, the same as men, apply equally to being drafted. If women can do anything men can do, then sorry folks, you lost the rationale for excluding them from the draft. There will be some who would be unfit, same as some men, but being embarrassed to go to the bathroom in front of others isn't going to get you out of it. You Wanted in, you're in ladies.
Illuminati people just used superglue 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I think those are the same scientists who claimed global warming must be caused by human activity and could not possibly be caused by solar cycles or the natural climate fluctuations the earth has gone through for millions of years.
It's his job 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What's really funny is that black police officer is protecting people whose words and ideologies may be wrong, but he's protecting them from so-called "pro tolerance" people who are so offended by those words and they resort to violence, justifying that violence with phrases like "Nazis have lost their right to not be punched." It's crazy how in all the incidents of violence, it's always the pro-peace counter protest who starts that.
pen*s!!! 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well, the penis mightier than the sword.
New 50ft statue "Dignity" that just went up in South Dakota 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I find it offensive for no good reason. Tear it down.