Painted on an abandoned shipping dock 4 comments
· 8 years ago
looks like ellen page
For the screen is blue and full of errors 2 comments
I won't be able to go to my Japan trip now... 14 comments
Then and now 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm turning 25 in a month and I can't imagine being the same age as Rachel in the first episode of friends. She was an adult, she was about to get married for christ's sake. And I'm here, browsing funsubstance :D life is silly like that.
A legendary tinder profile 23 comments
· 8 years ago
this was fun. thank you for your participation in the first internet fight I've ever been in. But I'm more of a lover than a fighter so... peace!
A legendary tinder profile 23 comments
· 8 years ago
If you insist on colour, you should also insist on *favourite - the British way. Or, as I have written, favorite and color are also possible (and preferred in the USA). Don't argue with someone who's not a native speaker - my grammar is better than yours :D
A legendary tinder profile 23 comments
· 8 years ago
you, sir, are a stinky little.. I don't like you at all and I don't care what your favorite color is!
Very interesting 32 comments
It begiiiinnnnsssssss Dx 9 comments
Death Becomes Her was awesome 10 comments
· 9 years ago
thank you for pointing that out. one of the reasons why Meryl's so awesome is the fact that she wouldn't even post something like this.
I know I did 18 comments
Chris Pratt told us in 2009 about a new Jurassic Park and no one believed him 30 comments
· 9 years ago
that's actually one of the reasons I left the page and became a 'guest' again. These people thrive in their fucked up righteousness.
3*7 Plane Drivers 68 comments
Celebrities when their 70 years old 9 comments
Sad phrase here 13 comments
· 9 years ago
isn't it because he's supposed to be really tall in the movies? like they have to do it post-production? it makes me sad to see him sad.
That's the reason why I love Emma 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Please, don't do this. Don't compare two different people. Everybody should be able to do whatever they want to. I hate the fact that funsubstance is so fudging judgemental. Everyone handles things differently, who are we to say which one is a better person? I love them both. I have no idea how I'd act if I couldn't make one move withou being stalked by paps.
Amen to money found 2 comments
· 10 years ago
czech money! yaaay! The fifty crown bill hasn't been in use for a while though. Anyway, if there's and ID you return it, if there's not you keep it.