So this happens 6 comments
· 7 years ago
For now
Your thoughts? Maybe or false? 9 comments
Batman got no chills 5 comments
No useful information at all 2 comments
Electricity bill is gonna be high 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Side effects include eye twitching, zoning out mid conversation, and my personal favourite, sudden bursts of screaming, followed by a short period memory loss. A good way to confuse not only yourself, but others as well!
Captain America has no guilt power over me!! 17 comments
Guy's wife finds out he ordered Call of Duty 10 comments
Roses are red, bananas get peeled 10 comments
Roses are red, bananas get peeled 10 comments
· 7 years ago
You know, I get that everyone has their thing, and that’s great! But I still don’t get the whole furry thing? What possesses a man to dress up in a animal costume?
I turned viral off in settings 4 comments
Confused screaming 9 comments