
Ever worked in retail? 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Justifiable Homicide
Percocets molly percocets 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What the freek just happened?
Parking 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"Like" if sarcasm goes over your head.
Parking 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"Like" if you've seen this post on the site 3-4 times already.
"the sex number" 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
How many Jedi were killed when he yelled out "Order 66"?
What would surprise women about life as a man 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Three guys beat him up thinking he was a kidnapper. Moral of the story? Don't help anyone, ever.
Just no 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Now if only everyone else took the time to research thoughts and ideas before believing what they read on the internets.
Should also have jesus walking on the water in other lane 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No matter what religion you follow, that's some funny shit there.
The invincible prez 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
They do but I doubt they would allow such a scenario play out.
The invincible prez 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The House (or is it the Senate?) has to approve the new President's pick for Vice President.
great idea 42 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I agree, @silvermyth. Having their marked patrol vehicle out front would be a great deterrent.
Hitler did say some great things 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Fake. Everyone knows he spoke German, not English.
great idea 42 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Think about the cost of putting a safe in every classroom, providing a specific combination or key to every teacher based on the provided safe, purchasing a firearm, ammunition, weapons training and certification, periodic training and drills, liability insurance, it goes on and on. Unless the state or federal government provides grants and funding, the cost to implement everything would be too great to put on a school district.
great idea 42 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well said, @guest_
great idea 42 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In the US, you must do a monthly check and a yearly inspection for the extinguisher to be certified. You have to pay a fire marshal or a certified company to come in to every school in the county or school district and put new tags on extinguishers. That adds up quickly. The threat of an active shooter versus the cost of putting an extinguisher in EVERY classroom is just too cost-prohibitive. Other methods to secure schools are better.
Creative people 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What show is this?
Dogs 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Just take comfort that you haven't lost her yet and cherish every moment with her. That's how I'm getting through this period.
Dogs 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
My dog has cancer in his throat and I cried like a little girl for a day when I found out. Haven't lost him yet and I still fell apart.
Leave the internet and come play with me 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You monster! Play with him!
I swear, if they haven't released it by then 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Now that is how I want to die!
I swear, if they haven't released it by then 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hot mom 3 km away
Descartes's Law 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What is this? Texts for ants?
Stupid fracking scientists and their fake news 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He'll just believe a sink developed under his estate and blame that for the reason the first floor is under water.
PSA 81 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The least helpful thing you can do for a suicidal individual is give them a book on 101 ways to kill yourself or make a television show graphically depicting suicide against the wishes of mental health experts. But what do I know?
PSA 81 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Suicide - you're not ending your pain, you're just giving it to those who love you.
Wait, what? 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What if 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Poor use of the meme.
*cabbage intensifies* 31 comments
guest · 7 years ago
@chilledtothebone "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
*cabbage intensifies* 31 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Key word is 'human'.
Hitler mommy 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The elephant raised it's trunk in the air and proclaimed "Heil Trump!" Reportedly, Ivanka was not amused.
This kind of details would offend a lot of people today 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
All Black Rangers lives matter.
Innovative stuff 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Bollywood Power Rangers
This kind of details would offend a lot of people today 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The Blue Ranger really should have been the Pink Ranger.
I'm a American and I thought it was funny 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I think the US should apologize for being one of the first dominoes to fall from the British Empire.