LGBT privilege & victim culture is disgusting 24 comments
· 5 years ago
But some Americans, including LGBTQ people, still do not have equal rights. Until that is taken care of, it doesn't really represent us.
After his arrest in London 14 comments
· 5 years ago
If you need people to be good guys and bad guys then he's very hard to fit into your world view.
I would turn 9 comments
· 6 years ago
That was definitely not true in NJ. It would rain for days on end. Here in FL, it can be raining so hard that it will hurt to stand in it, then bright sun 5 min later.
Hey can I copy your homework? 7 comments
Focus on the causes rather than the consequences 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Yea! The problem is all you darn kids who diddnt do these specific things that work for some people but obviously fall apart if more than a few tried to use them! It totally normal for 40+ hour a well jobs to fail to make rent money + essentials in semi urban settings!
The value of the work you do 31 comments
· 6 years ago
If the burger flippers are successful at banding together to force a wage increase then the paramedic will be paid much more due to market forces. How else to keep him on the job when he is overqualified for a $15hr position?
Market economics isn't just business><customer relationships it's also employer><employee relationships. Being anti-union and anti-labor doesn't make you a capitalist it makes you an asshole.
Market economics isn't just business><customer relationships it's also employer><employee relationships. Being anti-union and anti-labor doesn't make you a capitalist it makes you an asshole.
Goth girl 16 comments
Stop! 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Not true. Florida will give you pouring rain and blinding sun at the same time.
It’s unreal how many people don’t understand this 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I find this question is usually asked by people I barely know, so I doubt they have any genuine interest. Marriage is also nobody's business, and the job thing sounds pretty disapproving of your current job. Also, when
I tell people I don't want children, they feel the need to tell me I'm making a horrible mistake or I'll change my mind when I'm older (lol, I'm 32!)
I tell people I don't want children, they feel the need to tell me I'm making a horrible mistake or I'll change my mind when I'm older (lol, I'm 32!)
Ummmm cr*tch fruits? 47 comments
· 6 years ago
I physically can't have a child. I have a condition that causes chronic fatigue. Try to skip me with your mommy privilege bs and you WILL get clotheslined.
A note to sorority girls 5 comments
Why are people such scum? 10 comments
Dog/cat owners 11 comments
· 6 years ago
I know a lot of dogs, and none of them were bought; all of them were from a shelter. Very few people buy from breeders.
No such thing as thin privilege 26 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm currently struggling to get a diagnosis as an overweight person. My blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure are all perfect, but the doctor insists that I have fatigue and pain in my joints and kidneys because I'm fat. I just need to cut calories and go for walks. Thing is, I gained a lot of weight because exercise has become too tiring and painful. It just becomes pointless when you need a week to recover from your workout.
Blue Lagoon in Iceland 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Not very crowded when I went in December, though, and lower prices for off season.
Gulf of mexico is being poisoned? 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually, it could have been helped somewhat if we stopped using certain fertilizers.
This will surely offend a few. 36 comments
You can catch more flies with sugar 15 comments
· 6 years ago
It's sad that this even needs to be said. I get customers that will complain for five minutes about a transfer. In the time you've spent complaining, you could already be done.
Doesn't get said enough 27 comments
· 6 years ago
The Irish were certainly treated poorly and suffered a form of indentured servitude under English rule, but this never reached the point of outright slavery. We Irish were never forced to breed to create new stock, we were not sold between brits like cattle, nor was it ever completely legal to kill us with 0 ramifications. Certainly for much of the 800 year occupation we worked without pay and generally lacked the right to own property, but this is slavery light at best.
Doesn't get said enough 27 comments
Doesn't get said enough 27 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm so sick of people making it a who has it worse pissing match. The effects of American slavery still linger. We are STILL suffering from racism. And some people, like you, still want to insist it wasn't that bad. That is why we can't just get over it.
Not rich? Well that's why you're poor 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Or maybe they head kids before they were poor. Hate to break it to you, but money isn't permanent. People lose their jobs.
Kids should faces their flaws, not accept them 12 comments
· 6 years ago
If your child has poor eating and exercise habits, it's probably your fault, so I still don't think it's appropriate to blame them.
Whoop, there it is 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Also, the people boycotting the NRA are not just trying to get rid of the NRA; they're trying to change gun laws.
Hockey and lactation 11 comments
This thought is terrifying 18 comments
· 6 years ago
Or they just don't know any other way, and it's hard to change that much. Never it would be easier if people offered compassion instead of judgement.
· 6 years ago
I witnessed a family's pitbull attack their baby today. The poor child was dripping in slobber with uncontrollable giggles.
Don't forget 62 comments
· 6 years ago
The best numbers I can find are from 2015, ambush killing were up by ~60%, putting them at just under 2% of officer deaths. The increase was do to 3 more than usual. Ambush is not anywhere near a leading cause of officer death as far as I can tell.
Doctor stories 7 comments
· 6 years ago
You need to know about biological functions before your teens. Otherwise, puberty will be more terrifying than it already is. Ignorance will not make life easier or safer for children.
Evil genius 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Cheerleaders wear briefs/shorts that match the uniform, so they're all the same color. You would know that if you were actually a male cheerleader.
Sibling life 12 comments
Non -gendered slur. 20 comments
· 7 years ago
Uh, I'm pretty sure they can just stop being friends if they're not ok with it. Also, never said it was a girl.
Conservatory room addition in the UK 9 comments
deadpool 2 17 comments
· 7 years ago
Going to the set is probably better than letting them see the movie, since most of the parts that are inappropriate for them aren't real, and they can pick the mildest scenes for them to see. Also, I can't believe you're more worried about the shadow of a probably CG penis in a completely non-sexual scene than all the extremely graphic violence.
Interesting thought 9 comments
· 7 years ago
And let's not forget that not everyone is able to have children. I'm so sick of having to explain my medical history to my in-laws.
Breaking news 15 comments
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
· 7 years ago
It is never insensitive to look at a tragedy and wonder how it could have been prevented or how we can do better. It would be disrespectful not to. Last I checked, countries that have banned personal firearms have far fewer mass shootings. And of course, our healthcare system needs a rework, and that could help, but a school shouldn't have to be guarded like a prison. Treating all students like potential threats is not going to help this.
I want to look like her 31 comments
He was prepared 4 comments
Obviously 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Let's not neglect that the sign could be considered assault. Threatening people is also a crime.
Came too fast and I wasn't ready 8 comments