Whose side are you on? 80 comments
· 6 years ago
Am I the only one reading this who was never spanked? I just got grounded for a long time if it was really bad. My brother was grounded for 6mo for wandering off and breaking a few major rules in the process. If you feel like spanking is the only way you can teach your kid fine, don't overdo it and use your hand so you understand how hard you're hitting. But it's not a requirement to discipline a kid.
Just thought it was an interesting connection 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah... look up some of the comic history of Captain America when he leaves the title and you'll see how it doesn't make much sense. Good try otherwise I suppose.
Hockey and lactation 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Probably as a matter of convenience of getting into or out of hockey gear. They are in a locker room after all. Could also have just been more comfortable.
Onions, onions everywhere 10 comments
Point proven 28 comments
· 6 years ago
As long as social media stays a thing, aka forever, that popular extremism will always exist. :(
Sarah McDaniel taking a selfie with Colbert 2 comments
· 6 years ago
It'd get on my nerves for sure lol. Guess some girls have a much better tolerance than I.
Couplegoals 7 comments
· 6 years ago
The fact that a double hi-five occurred right after he said that is pure couple goals.
Tall power 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I miss this show.
Please don't bring it back though don't ruin a good thing AGAIN for the love of god
Please don't bring it back though don't ruin a good thing AGAIN for the love of god
But my shortsies... 9 comments
Tipping people 28 comments
· 6 years ago
Btw this is a very American thing. Tipping isn't done in many countries at all. Most people in other countries think tipping is weird as fuck lol.
The same with big weddings 18 comments
· 6 years ago
I told my fiancé back when we were looking at rings that since he insisted on getting a real diamond and such for the ring, if he spent more than 400 I'd never forgive him. (This price he negotiated out of me lol)
For anyone wanting a better deal, Amazon. It's where he got mine and also used my mom's prime account for free shipping. It was like 350 total, and really good for the quality it is. :)
For anyone wanting a better deal, Amazon. It's where he got mine and also used my mom's prime account for free shipping. It was like 350 total, and really good for the quality it is. :)
That expression tho! 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Well, I'd love to give benefit of the doubt as well but Sharapova has had her bitchy moments and was banned for taking performance enhancing drugs before. She seems to be better since her ban ran out but... wouldn't want to be close friends with her that's for sure.
Dummies 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah, practically every politician has or is using them and similar companies. I kinda wonder if anyone ever realized the shitty way they got their data cause I'm sure they were just all told "social media and internet" but not "we bought and took data from people with no consent". Manipulation tactics for politics is nothing new. The way data is used is.
This dog eating a bean burrito in 1 second 6 comments
A serve revenger 1 comments
Why men's lives are easier 7 comments
equality 21 comments
· 6 years ago
Wow. You have no idea what depression/suicidal thoughts do, do you?
I hope people like you learn to fucking research shit before speaking as if they understand everything about a subject.
Signed - A bitch who almost used a "permanent" method to kill herself because suicide is not ALWAYS attempted for "attention" just because the person is a woman.
I hope people like you learn to fucking research shit before speaking as if they understand everything about a subject.
Signed - A bitch who almost used a "permanent" method to kill herself because suicide is not ALWAYS attempted for "attention" just because the person is a woman.
Please, be happy 24 comments
· 6 years ago
Parents who stay together for the money or the kids are just adding so much emotional shit on their kids that mentally fucks with them their whole lives.
Twitter working for UK police now 47 comments
· 6 years ago
The isn't any anti-free speech movement. Just anti-harassment.
I support your right to tell me that you hope I get killed and my dead body is used for some disgusting reason. But I deserve the right to do something to protect myself (and maybe others) in response to that.
I support your right to tell me that you hope I get killed and my dead body is used for some disgusting reason. But I deserve the right to do something to protect myself (and maybe others) in response to that.
screaming bird 16 comments
· 6 years ago
For some reason the original link for the whole story didn't work for me (think it's a bit outdated) here's the link as of MAR 2018 (you'll need to type the http part, guest can't post links):
If that doesn't work google the site name and title together and it should be the first thing that comes up.
If that doesn't work google the site name and title together and it should be the first thing that comes up.
Ladies, pls don't do dis 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Wife? Yeah it's kinda both.
Just a GF? Eeeeehhhhhhh no that's not your car girl.
Although my fiancé kinda does the opposite thing lol. He's very willing to consider his car partially mine and vice versa. It really just depends on the couple and length of the relationship.
Just a GF? Eeeeehhhhhhh no that's not your car girl.
Although my fiancé kinda does the opposite thing lol. He's very willing to consider his car partially mine and vice versa. It really just depends on the couple and length of the relationship.
I dunno... Just let him outside? 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Of course this is my feeling, but I doubt many would keep cats in because of ecosystems. Every cat owner I've known personally has kept a cat inside solely for safety reasons.
This is how MCU stays on top 15 comments
· 7 years ago
lol no actor is ever going to have that type of power. Too much goes into post-production for that. It's just a PR stunt type thing to get the news out via social media in a joking manner (and probably more likely to be shared among friends).
I knew I wasn't the only one 12 comments
This professor got the flu 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Wonder how good his absence policy is if a student felt the need to show up sick in the first place for him to end up catching it...
Trust me, I'm a gamer 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I think the one before, Skyward Sword, didn't let you name the character either.
Anyone can be a dad 9 comments
· 7 years ago
My mom's mother never did events like that. Instead my grandfather went to "mom and daughter days" with my mom when she was young so she'd still have someone there.