
A fine beauty, indeed 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Dumb person #1–OMG GUYS IT’S A WOOKIE!
Smart person #1–no no no no no no NO!
Smart person #2–It is a FRICKEN TOUPEE.
Dumb person #2–uh huh yeah I can see that.
Smart person #3–guys as you can see, except for Carl I guess he’s blind.
Carl—Hi, so um what are we talkin’ ‘bout.
Dumb person #3–There is a toupee in front of us.
Smart person #3–AS I was saying... it isn’t a toupee or a wookie it is a guineepig.
Everyone except for smart person #3–ooooooooh.
The end! I know it was a looong comment XD