
Boats are suppose float 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
We see a watch, and we have no doubt it was created by an intelligent being, because order does not come from disorder spontaneously or naturally. We see an automobile, and have no doubt that its complexity signals design and creation by an intelligent being. We know those things couldn't evolve naturally or without intelligent intervention because of their complexity, even though they don't have the complexity to be capable of self-replicating. We see great works of literature, and know the words couldn't have been arranged randomly, but must have been put there by an intelligent author.

But then we get to "life," and it all just spontaneously occurred and grew more complex, intelligent and self-aware because of, well, randomness and chance. We see human DNA, which has to be arranged just so in order to work, and is the length of an encyclopedia, and believe it all got there by luck. It started out simoly, as a single cell, and then grew more organized and complex by happenstance.
What a genius :) 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It appears to be the "square root of eye." Since "i" is the square root of negative one, the square root of i is (-1)^(1/4).
Millennials put up with alot of shit 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You should have seen the pollution before catalytic converters got put on cars in 1975. There was pretty bad air pollution and water pollution (Lake Erie *caught fire*) left to us by our parents, and we got like 98% of that shit fixed.
As far as "keeping stuff running," how do you like your smart phone, nearly seamless internet access, clean running water, electricity that almost never goes out, and >100 TV channels (compared to the 3-4 we got to watch)?

You're welcome, ingrate.

Baby Boomers
Wages 27 comments
guest · 6 years ago
When I lived there, most people couldn't go out to eat nearly as often as the people in the US who are always complaining that they don't earn enough. So, the few BK workers there are may make $20/hour, but there aren't many of them. Also, all the fast food workers, like most high school educated people in Europe, speak at least three languages. I once had to get directions from a service station attendant, and he apologized for his poor English but gave me directions in better English than most mumbly US teens who can't avoid saying "like" twice in every sentence.
Holy childhood 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He has a 66 foot what?

Also, if you try to attach those two buckles together, you're going to be a while...
Your thoughts on this? 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Mightier, still, is the hand that is able to use either the sword or the pen.
Watch tv consume 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And do you know why crime dropped so much? Legalized abortion in the 1970s! We were able to kill off the future criminals before they even arrived in the scene.

Not racist, either.
Plane restocks Utah lake with fish 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago know that feeling....its just like that plane dumping off that huge load of fish suddenly.....omg.
Equal punchies for everyone 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Try telling that to all the people who will be screaming for your head. Logic doesn't enter into anything today, just how loudly you shriek and how compelling your victimization narrative is.
Good lawrd 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If only college were free, they'd be smarter?
Life is tough 41 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My house payment is half her rent. Why? I didn't feel obligated/entitled/required to live in an area that charges that much. Also, majoring in a field that has a need so its graduates get paid decently also helps.

But, yeah, it's always someone else's fault.
Fluffy calf 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That way you get cloth AND meat.
You had one Job 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The cat is doing his job. He's just making a little on the side from snuff porn first.
The gift of giving 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If the guy wanted to,give his dad "26,000 cents," he shouldn't have written "26,000.00" because the .00 is the cents when the 26,000 is in dollars.
Truth be told 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Imagine if your roommate insisted on picking a movie you didn't want to go to, compelled you to pay for the both of your tickets plus that of one of his friends because you have a job and he doesn't, and then talks through the whole movie why you should also be on the hook for concessions for all of you.

That's why non-taxpayers shouldn't vote.
Just my opinion 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Practically everyone can point to some mistakes their parents made that made them tend to do something wrong. I saw a 12 year old lick a serving spoon after serving herself each spoonful of mashed potatoes, and one younger kid liked to torment animals. But at some point, you are responsible for your own actions, even if you have to unlearn and relearn certain behaviors, actions or habits.
Good girl 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My dog is loyal, honest, friendly to those who show that they're not needing to be treated with suspicion...I would LIKE to be as good as my dog.
It's not that bad 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I did that when camping in Boy Scouts. I couldn't crap in a latrine with no door, so I held it for a week each summer. Eventually, I became more normal.
Lemon pepper my justice 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You guys who think $2800 isn't noticed that's per month, right?
Converting kinetic wave power into electricity 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You built one? That is so cool!

Commercially, though, you have a lot of costs to recover from the construction of one of these. You have to pay workers, u like a kid who makes one for a class. So, even though the energy is free, converting it to electricity may not be cost effective. I read about these wave things in the 1970s, and the cost was too high then. I wondered if that would change over time, especially as petroleum got more expensive.
She is 10 years older. Felt awkward as f**k 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Interview? Is that the word you're looking for? Interview?
This man makes incredibly realistic dolls and its creepy! 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Commission him to paint a sex doll like your high school crush? That's me with my second million bucks.
Relatable 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I was just noticing how my daughters are conscientious about closing up the potato chip bags now that they buy the kinds they like, whereas I used to find big bags of chips left open with just a few chips taken out of the bag.
Don't forget 62 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Have you figured out why? If a Black guy gets caught comitting a crime, won't stop approaching the officer when commanded to do so, and tries to wrestle away the cop's gun, if he gets shot the public is demanding the police officer's head on a spike. If the officer is also Black, there will be riots where all the Blacks target whites. Go figure! We've made this situation for ourselves by being so stupid as to ignore the thousands of black on black killings and focus on the few outliers.
Taking a stand 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Luckily, the washing process for reusable mugs doesn't use any energy to heat the water and the drain water doesn't have any consequences wherever it winds up. Oh yeah, it t doesn't use water, either.
Grammar collectivist 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Alternatively, show your capitalist friend how you share all your stuff with those who don't have. Or are you shooting for the kind of socialism that gives you stuff taken from others? That is, is it a net gain for you and a net loss for others, particularly your friend? Sort of like all those people who are against any sort of border control but have walls and fences around their estates to keep people,out.
College is a lie 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
At my company, in the Midwest and with a fairly low cost of living, we start BSME and BSEE grads at over $60k. Some get as much as 67 if they did summer internships or co-op assignments in engineering. Plus, they get health insurance (we pay ~4K of the $17k that it costs the company [that's for a family, btw]) and we get up to 7.5% matching in our 401k.

The direction for the pay over the next 35 years is upwards for these young people. For a stripper, maybe the pay will go up for a couple years, then drop off, then asymptotically converge to zero. Some salesmen can make more than an engineer, but not every year, and they have to hustle to do it so the TYPICAL salesman won't. Most stock traders also won't do better than that, but a few will. The stock traders who comsistently earn the big bucks are garnering fees for managing money, not out-earning the stock indexes they want to compare themselves to. When a fund underperformed its index long enough, the fund closes.
Indecisiveness will cost you 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Plus what if her heart is so much bigger than her wallet she can't afford to feed them and provide ongoing medical care?
He did have to walk all the way to Mordor after all 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Me (as an interviewer): Oh yeah, Lord Of The Rings.
Vegan and eat meat 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So someone's charging their electric car with electricity generated from fossil fuels. Where do you think the electricity comes from when you plug the car into an outlet and CAN'T see the source? What's the total % of the US's electricity generated from hydroelectric, wind, solar, etc.? Like 5%? Just cuz you can't see the source doesn't mean the electricity comes from magic.
Happy Easter! 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You guys know it wasn't just like a fake heart attack? He was scourged, whipped, and crucified...the worst way to be tortured to death specifically chose to horrify people and keep them in line?
Totally evil 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Apparently it's fashionable to imagine yourself "mischievous" and call yourself "evil," but both you and the person in the meme are @$$#0€$.
Steve Buscemi 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If it's the mom of Macauly Culkin, I see why she wouldn't notice.
This is what we are doing to our planet 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Did you see the study that showed most of the ocean trash comes from Asia, China being the biggest source? And the western nations (US, Europe) were like 1%?

Maybe not the biggest deal to the animals harmed, but a huge impact on the effectiveness of regulations that only apply to,nations that ARENT polluting, and the the efficacy of Starbucks banning straws.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's not a man vs woman thing, it's a difference between those who think that a baby is a person before he or she is born, and those who think something else. If you see a person being murdered, are you not allowed to say anything because you have never murdered someone?
We all know one 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That used to be me. Until my teens, I got a nosebleed every time the place I was in Went from fall to winter and turned on the heat....home, school, stores. Apparently this dried out the nose membranes and led to the bleeding. I got into a fight in a bar around the age of 21 or 22, and in examining the broken nose the otolaryngologist said that there was one blood vessel near the surface, and he cauterize do it. No more oddball nosebleeds! I never got a Nosebleed from hard hits in football or the occasional fight...just the dry air.

But it's always fun to journey down memory lane to relive all the teasing and crap I got in elementary school for that condition that I had no influence over. I also had forgotten about the guy at my 20th high school reunion who's main memory was the teacher having to put a 1st grade field trip on hold to tend to my nosebleed. I hadn't even remembered that, but it was probably true. So there's the additional benefit of getting to recall that, too.
Peace 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Stop insulting the Clinton Foundation. It is completely reasonable to sell access to the State Department for donations to the Foundation.
Good guy Scott 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah but he's just helping a few hundred people directly. The real heroes are those of us who are "for" helping the poor by instituting government programs, which will be funded by taxing the rich.
Hair transplant 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Is it photoshop, or does the guy really think that's an attractive look?
The hustle went legit, just not for you 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In this instance, "Harvard grad" means that he has the business sense to do it where it's legal and profitable, and maybe even subsidized by the government. He'll make sure to have the proper certifications and licenses. The cousin probably just sold weed where he was without any planning and simply got caught.

I can drive and drink legally, just not at the same time (to the extent one sometimes does). I can give my kid a prescription med, but I can't give that same thing to yours. There are plenty of things that are permissible in one context and not in another.
True story. Something ,something... "Delayed Gratification" 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This won't seem fair, and it doesn't apply to,everyone but it's true on average:
Men hit peak attractiveness much later than women. With women/girls, the attractiveness gets great in their 20s because it's all physical. With men, it takes a while to build that all I,pprtant attracting quality--wealth/income.

Don't beleive it? There's a $#+ ton of hot young chicks dating wealthy older men, and you sometimes but not often see the reverse. How often does the hot chick date the older poor guy?

This doesn't apply to YOU of course, since you're immune to human nature. Also, remember that "average" doesn't mean "every single example of."
You dug your own grave 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In all fairness, all of her opponents were women.
Vaseline 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Try adding baby oil to the Vaseline. Vaseline is just too thick. Also makes cleanup easier. But, baby oil by itself is too thin and disappears too quickly.

You know who makes a good moisturizer/lotion? Mary Kay. "The more you know."
Here some medical advice from Jenny McCarthy 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
All of the points are good ones except the part about twins. We're expected to beleive that proves either a genetic component or interutero component, but who vaccinates one baby and not the other?

Note to people with bad reading comprehension: This doesn't mean you shouldn't vaccinate your child or that the other points are invalid. It just means you shouldn't try to read into the twins thing more than it means.
Lay down and die 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If one of those bit me, I wouldn't scream or cry....heck, I'd barely even care.

But, man, if one *stung* me...ohhhhh boy.
Toy Story 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Saw this the first time as an adult, and "got" all those references. Thanks, movies and tv shows, that pit in stuff for grown ups.
Physics 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
1. You shouldn't be so concerned with other people's opinions of you. This is a weakness in your personality.
2. I'm the exact same way. Why are we like this?
Good man, well decent 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Did you ever read some of his poetry that came out after his death? Some of it was disturbing, in a "I need to punch that guy" sort of way.
Sweet revenge 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And at one time Each thought the other was so wonderful that they wanted to get married.
Single? Still? 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I think that part of the trouble I have with this meme is that a lot of times really nice girls settlemfor really terrible boyfriends because they think they have a terrible flaw, but it's just being human and we have have something. or really just have more than one of them. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to be in better shape for being healthier or improve for sports, even if you just want to Be more attractive that's fine… You can work on it. But until that happens, and even if it doesn't, you are worthwhile and deserve something better than a man who treats you poorly just because you feel you're not "competitive" with others.