
Don't anger Theodore 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I have an eye injury, and mis-read postmaster as "pornstar."

Man that 1902 and Teddy Roosevelt reference threw me for a sec.
People know what lava means, right? 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is a good example of how people SAY they'd do,something very different than what they'd really do. This is why economic/business/financial research is very flawed when it relies on interviews and questionnaires. People may say they'd prefer one thing or be more favorable to a certain action, but then do something different. You need to take the more difficult and complicated task of assessing what people actually do.
I'm not even ashamed 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's just terrible.

You need to leave Waldo in one of the pictures so that they find him once, and keep trying on the others.
Good to know 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Where did you get those two? Asking for research purposes, of you, I would only try on myself.
I wish I was that rich 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It doesn't matter WHY, just that people signal their pro-woman stance. People--EVEN WOMEN--may go to a movie based on the star, but that doesn't matter. Stop trying to inject reality into this line of reasoning. The point is, maybe pizza delivery person #6 has the same impact regardless of gender, but the star or co-stars don't. People will go see Benadryl Cumberbund in greater numbers than most actresses, and if the movie should get a woman with greater prestige or "drawing power," why shouldn't she get more money?
Alert the church elders 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You mean that you think that our sun is the only source of light?

If you take the bible literally, the plants and animals were created after the sun. If you take that stuff figuratively, the order is still the same and matches with what science tells us.
What the f**k is wrong with some people 45 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Would all you guys still be going apeshit if he'd said, "I can't bathe my daughter after age 2 because there's a certain point where modesty prevails?"
Elon Musk understands him more than many Turkish. 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
C'mon, man, appreciate his diversity.
Equality 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Odd wrinkle: This accusation also affects homosexual men, African American men, and Muslim men. So, she's calling Blacks, Gays and Muslims "pigs." By the laws of Leftism, that makes her a Homophobic Islamophobic Racist.
Equality 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Worst of all, she doesn't understand the meaning of the word "literally."
Wait... that’s a good question. 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Grandpa, your "bilingual" explanation is really good. It's too bad someone on that site couldn't have explained it to the guy. Instead the people who run around bragging about how tolerant they are banned him so even if someone presented that explanation he never got to read it.
Let big brother Itachi soothe your soul 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Isn't it amazing how only the USA is the only country that uses oil and takes countries' minerals?
Just believe people 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Re: "The bible tells you to kill gays and unbelievers," have you actually read the relevant section of the bible, or just the talking points summary of people who are anti-Christian or anti-Jewish? There are some parts that pertain to people at that time, but it's clear how they only apply to you if you're a Hebrew from 4000 years ago and live in a Hebrew community. There are also many New Testament examples of Jesus showing how the better route is not by old Hebrew law, for example, the woman caught in adultery where He said, "Let he who,is without sin cast the first stone." People who never read the book often have real strong opinions on it, and the fact they're unfounded doesn't decrease their vehemence.

Secondly, what if "don't be afraid" is part of a phrase like "Don't be afraid of the Hittites because the lava is going to be much worse, and even if you survive that Satan is coming for ya'."
Stairs at Balamand University, Lebanon 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I am OUTRAGED that this university seeks to,glorify only white male authors.
It's not brain surgery 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Command Module
Service Module
Lunar Excursion Vehicle.
That's what those abbreviations stand for.
The LEV actually consists of two parts--the lunar landing module, which stays behind on the moon, and the lunar excursion module that returns to lunar orbit.
A space nerd from the 1960s.
This puppy was reported lmao 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
No shock, tho, right? Facebook censors some political opinions way more than others, so why not expect uneven censorship with dogs and sausage?
B-but 27 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So, are they going there legally, obeying all the laws and restrictions of their host countries for immigrants/guests? Or do they just show up and demand every sort of benefit reserved for citizens? And do the citizens of that new country refuse to distinguish between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants when discussing the matter?
Double roles 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Looking only at the pic on the left...that build! Like in a fight, she can help,you out. Then, knowing she's got army training, she can probably take on 60% of your enemies leaving the lesser portion for,you. That's a life partner right there.
Dog loves hugging 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
EVERYONE outside in Japan?
Even better 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I've enjoyed both. Be open minded. Also, don't start off the pegging too big.
Tuition fees in detail 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
There also,didn't used to be African American studies or Women's Studies as majors. Dorm rooms weren't air conditioned. There weren't over 100 Diversity Directors/Deans/Provosts whose salaries had to be covered. We've allowed this inflation, heck...maybe demanded it, and are now paying the piper.
You chose this! 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Hate speech. Saying anything bad about a preferred class of people is hate speech.
Thot begone 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"Reading about" doesn't mean "bought at the low" or "held onto." Shit, I've read about a ton of stuff that would've been great to invest in.
Truth 28 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Top Jedi: Anakin Skywalker.

Pick another religion.

Also, if a God exists, His definition of right/wrong is the correct one. If yours differs, you are the one who is wrong, not the being who,created everything.
This gorgeous russian defense ministry spokesperson is dubbed as "defense cutie" 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you pose in a crop top and in poses that are commonly defined as "sexy," then people are going to have the sexual thoughts that you intended to portray. How can you purposely show cleavage and not expect people to think of boobs? It would be sad if people sexualized professional looking photos, but these photos are intended to look sexy and provoke those kinds of thoughts and comments.
Windows2001 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If it identifies as a truck, we're all obligated to refer to it as a truck.
Update on Voyager one as it has Pluto in its rear-view mirror 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
All that radiation, up shielded by our atmosphere...

Also, I'll bet NASA didn't build it, but specified it for contractors and subcontractors to build (Program Management).
If I laughed, am I a bad man? 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well, the criticism IS accurate:
-All media that says/implies anything undesirable about an African American is racist, because of slavery 150 years ago, despite not knowing anything about the author/writer. It just is.
-All white people are racist as well.
-Yes, he may have committed a violent crime, but it's racist to point that out because of white privilege.
USA education 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My Gender Equity degree is just as important as your engineering or business degree.

Also, the US may test well below the rest of the world in math, science, geography, and other languages, but we're first in how good we *think* we are, so there's that.

It's almost as if you're criticizing us for asking "when are we going to ever use this material?"
I wish school was like this when I was a kid 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Plus,,you know some idiot is going to take $#+ too seriously and pummel someone who,was just doing it for fun and then ruin it for everyone. Or someone will,poke another student in the eye.
Choose the right path 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Equalize pay? Then I'll be a painter instead of engineer. I may be a terrible artist, but if it pays the same as busting my ass I'll prefer that route.
2 types of posts 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So the Icelandic method of "terminating the pregnancy" is the answer?
When keepin it real goes wrong 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Wait...wait...there are possible consequences to airing my every thought on social media?
Smell is amazing 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In a movie, there was a girl whose hair was just like an exGF of mine, and for an instant I smelled her hair. It was years earlier that we'd split, and the girl didn't even look like was just the hair length, color and style.
How to become a war chief 38 comments
guest · 6 years ago
bethorien--Since you claim that " Natives have never had anything correctly described, depicted, or reported on. Ever. Period. Full stop" and since you are describing/depicting something about "natives," by your own definition you must be incorrect and inaccurate.
WHEE-U 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That would work though, right? Making guns illegal,keeps them out of the hands of criminals, which is why Chicago, Baltimore and other cities with strict anti-gun laws are so safe. So, we can just make tornadoes illegal and that'll be one more instance where the government can solve our problems.

Yeah, but I suppose a movement would start to force us to refer to the tornadoes as "undocumented" instead of "illegal." And, then there'd be those that would protest the stopping of the actual destruction of the tornadoes...I mean, it's not fair for the destruction to be stigmatized because of the illegality of the tornadoes that caused it.
College 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
There were a couple college football coaches (Notre Dame was one) where they hired a coach and down the road...sometimes years....discovered that he didn't have the qualifications he presented. And the Notre Dame one wasn't even his resume, but the press materials that went into the game programs...he claimed some stuff he didn't have/do, and that triggered a closer look at his actual,qualifications, and eventually his resume.
You should have that looked at 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I can't watch that show. Yes,they're geniuses, but they make something useful out of junk lying around, and it always works THE FIRST TIME THEY TRY IT!!! I'm an engineer, and even when everything goes right, things don't work as planned with carefully drawn up and analyzed components. But yeah, you can make a rescue capsule out of a discarded water heater on the fly, and it'll seal to a submarine (that you didn't even have the design specs for) so you can perform a deep sea rescue. And when the guy figures out that there's a slight statistical bias towards something to happen, it always happens as predicted. That's not how slight statistical bias works.
Faking mental illness 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If it is indeed true that faking mental illness to get out of a prison sentence is something a psychopath would do, then the doctor's diagnosis was correct, and he did belong in a mental institution.
The face of a Hero 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Getting more girls' attention now than before.
McMeme 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Did you hear that McDonald's is having a McRock McConcert?

It's starring Mick Jagger.
What an asshat 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So that happened in2005/2006? Damn Trump.
He's right you know 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
But all that poisonous steam when the lava hits the water!

Also, we need to,plug that volcanoe so it doesn't contribute to global warming.
Happens often 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
1. We hate racists because they tag everyone in a group with the worst characteristics associated with the worst of that group.
2. Sunflowers says that all republicans are racists.
3. Huh.
Fixed it 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is a good chance for the people who really REALLY believe that global climate change is the greatest evil ever created to do,something about it, starting with themselves.
The compound effect 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Corollary: a tiny positive effort each day results in fantastic gain/improvement/growth over time, while the consistent underperformance, even a tiny one, results in massive loss.

Since your life will certainly have many stumbles, and probably more negative surprises than positive ones, giving "a bit more" each day when you're able to pits you way ahead of those who don't, or at least way ahead of where you'd be otherwise.
Realistic wedding night 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I must be one of the weird ones. We actually did have sex for the first time on our wedding night. There was no way I was putting THAT off til later.
Suddenly unmatched 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Another thing to try is asking questions that don't have one word answers. I mean, if you're interested in taking a second level effort at conversation.
REKT 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
All of us other countries...not the us...should accept all these illegal immigrants in the United States don't want them. Yeah, we need more non working parasites and rapists.
He’s onto us!! 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Interesting that there's no "whites only" online spot.