Heat sensitive car paint 6 comments
· 6 years ago
The front is yellow for a reason...
An expensive death 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Ok so first of all I am a woman. Second of all if a man did this everyone would think he is an asshole, rightfully, and women should get the same. Third of all y'all saying you go girl are making it easier for cheaters to say you're fucking crazy to people and them believe it even if you're not the psycho who went and broke shit. So sane girls who, Idk break up with them, can't get a new bf or warn the new gf cause people believe the crazy bitch story cause y'all crazy bitches are indeed out there. Fuck you.
Wooden Deck of Cards 6 comments
Mount hua - shaanxi province, china 4 comments
Kids won't know how to play minesweeper 8 comments
Life's not fair 20 comments
· 6 years ago
That makes a lot of sense. Funny thing is that this is precisely the opposite of what the liberals in America tell thier minions, and ol' Matt here is a liberal.
Cycle path 4 comments
They need more respect 14 comments
Nofeels, just concern 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It's not as much that society has taught us to mask our emotions as it is that no one seems to give two shits to listen. Including the women in our lives.
We need to learn from Bikini Bottom 10 comments
· 6 years ago
"functioning" socialist society is an oxymoron, as no socialist society has ever functioned as envisioned for anyone except those in charge in the history of mankind. Under socialism no one would be a home owner here except Mr Krabbs, who is certainly part of the elite ruling class. Probably just a lackey, but certainly not in the proletariat. As for Sandy, chances are, as an outsider, she would have mysteriously disappeared long ago, but if she would have somehow managed to ingratiate herself into the government's favor she would have funding to do only the "research" she was permitted to do. Probably a lot of inhumane experiments on Patrick since the mentally challenged have never been considered human beings under socialism.
No, bikini bottom is simply an acid trip, not a utopian destination.
No, bikini bottom is simply an acid trip, not a utopian destination.
What's happening? 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Steve was from New York, not the redneck south. They didn't treat blacks like that in the north so he would never have experienced it. They did, however, treat the Irish like shit.
Great cover for a great reason <3 7 comments
I'm a real doctor 8 comments
· 6 years ago
You mean like when obummer held his presser for Obama(doesn't)care surrounded by "doctors" in lab coats who were ALL paid actors?
Desu desu 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah yeah he's Chester and all that but I'm more interested in how often the dude with the phone must get arrested if the police are listed in his phone as HOME!
Hiding from tomato 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Google attack of the killer tomatoes. I'm telling you this kid knows what's up.
Men are from mars, women are from venus 19 comments
Whiskey maturing every year 6 comments
· 6 years ago
No because that's essentially raw alcohol. May as well drink Everclear. You want whiskey aged, mellowed, and with body and flavor.
True Story. What a joke 24 comments
Quote from Vala afshar 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Urmmm... There's more forested land in the world today than at any time in history. Trees are being planted at a much faster rate than they're being cut, and have been for about the past 15 or 20 seconds (according to this silly scale).
Twitter working for UK police now 47 comments
· 7 years ago
After reading some of the inane comments here I weep for our future. And I await the inevitable visit from the snowflake police because I'm sure some of you are crying now.
Btw you better come heavy mother fuckers because I'm armed!
Btw you better come heavy mother fuckers because I'm armed!
A child's skull before losing baby teeth 5 comments