Parallelogram Season is upon us! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Ok fun with ignorant liberals time. Exactly how is Trump making "taxs" fucked up in your world? BTW it's "taxes" dear.
Parallelogram Season is upon us! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Something or other changes about tax returns every year so whatever you may have learned in school would be incorrect by the time you used it anyway. Oddly enough tax return forms have something we like to call instructions. Perhaps the problem isn't that you weren't taught how to do taxes in school, but that you weren't taught reading comprehension?
Get your facts straight 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Exactly correct. He was fighting the police. The psycho white kid went along peacefully. It doesn't matter what color your skin is if you do not comply with an officer's instructions you're gonna have a bad day.
How tho? Guess im gonna be immature forever hahahuhu 6 comments
· 5 years ago
No, that's liberal bumper sticker pablum, not maturity. Maturity is not getting "offended" when someone says "no, that's liberal bumper sticker pablum, not maturity."
She took revenge f*cking to a whole new level 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Well she looks like a man so I doubt any of the women knew any different and her husband was probably relieved he didn't have to endure any more pegging.
Dear Flat Earther's 5 comments
Musk, get in the game man 8 comments
· 5 years ago
And we can totally believe everything China says. They would totally never lie to the rest of the world about anything. Neither would North Korea, Iran, Russia.....
If you're gonna make a tinder, take notes from this guy 4 comments
· 5 years ago
So he's looking for a fat chick or he's just blanket insulting all the women on the app?
If you don't do this, are you good? 3 comments
When you try to fit into your old clothes 8 comments
Elizabeth II, Protector of britain 14 comments
· 6 years ago
What kind of pussy ass country has to have a geriatric old woman protecting them? You realize she's not even English right? This is why your bitch asses couldn't keep ahold of all your colonies.
A true champion! 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I've never been to a movie theater in America that had assigned seating. I've also never met anyone who wouldn't just sit together anyway since all the seats would be empty. Is this some weird ass European stupidity or just a bullshit story?
This is Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning. KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually his primary goal was to control the humidity in the printing room of the publishing house he worked for so the paper would lay flat in the presses (conditioning the air). Technically the cool air was a side effect.
Some people just aren't made for it 7 comments
I hate people 6 comments
Eww gas 10 comments
Not so special anymore 21 comments
Waiting grinds my gears 6 comments
Stockings With Pre-Painted Toenails Are The Latest Trend In Japan 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Great till it runs then you didn't spend 20 cents on them you spent 20 dollars and are fucked
Batson 4 comments
· 6 years ago
If they are they are dicks. "Oh no lil' Brucy's parents died. Think we should care for him and raise him? Nah let the butler take care of it." Fuck them
Ever been this starved for interaction 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Right I agree with @naughtybear. People just describe other and they obviously enjoys each other's presence so stfu
I'm not sure 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe it's a joke about black guys running out on you when she needs her man's help?
This school is on the time zone line between EST and CST 14 comments
· 6 years ago
No cellular network, GPS, or phone is that precise to differentiate a location in a matter of inches.
You're not good enough to compare yourself to The Danny Devito 4 comments
· 7 years ago
What does this even mean? Is this about guys judging girls? Cause I'm sure 7/10 guys would still fuck a chubby short girl if she has the right hip to waist ratio... And if she does not, then she probably does look like Danny . If you are a chick with all her teeth, long hair, does not smell bad and not obese, you are the most beautiful girl to some guy/girl. Stop judging yourself.