Do you have someone in mind now? 9 comments
· 5 years ago
This would be great if she was single
Truer by the day 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Congressmen, federal judges, FBI agents, CIA agents, Secret Service agents, and many other federal and federally contracted occupations tend to make 6 figure salaries (from our tax dollars, mind you) with lifelong benefits, while ones that don't get put out of work, and generally it isn't for an extended period of time. My point being is that federal occupations tend to have good job security and pay well, which is why people want them in the first place.
This just in 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Well, it would be nice if the public education system was actually concerned with making us functional human beings with applicable skills instead of trying to ram a one-size-fits-all curriculum down our throats in which more than half of the information we learn will be purged soon after graduation because it has no bearing on our career choice.
A good Christian meme 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Except that crucified people were not buried in tombs but thrown in common graves to rot.