Fall back 5 comments
· 5 years ago
whiny men
Straight facts 6 comments
· 5 years ago
you mean like the ugly fat loser incels who think they are owed supermodels? and go and kill women? well, some women might have aspirations like that but they sure don't kill others. op should shove this meme up his hairy ass.
We demand equality! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
if men in movies had to be naked as often and as for the same often confusing reasons there would be a lot less men watching TV
And a side of herpes 3 comments
· 5 years ago
she only offered. she didn't force all those creeps to buy it, so shut the fuck up you whiny little shit
Assemble 4 comments
· 5 years ago
What's with all these bullshit "girls are so helpless" posts in the last days? Has someone discovered his tiny penis?
Meanwhile 20 comments
· 5 years ago
we had that one guy who started crying and the girl partnered with him just slices that frog open without blinking. she's my hero
Ooi twat 5 comments
· 5 years ago
nah mate, it's ok, seeing as America is the worst slum of all with scum presiding over it
When the wife forbids you going out with your mates 6 comments
· 5 years ago
what kind of relationsship are you in, that your partner can forbid you to do something?
Speaks for itself 10 comments
· 5 years ago
who about men shut the fuck up and mind their own business and women abort when they don't want a child. and rapists should be fucked to death by bulls.
One of the time when DC is better than Marvel 18 comments
They’re talking about me 4 comments
· 5 years ago
boys w no job will whine about women doing stuff all day long instead of doing something productive
Thoughts and prayers for the dress 44 comments
· 5 years ago
if he didn't want to get stabbed, he should have worn clothing that prevented it
Decisive ambiguous Starling 9 comments
· 5 years ago
it's like those old, fat, broke, unemployed men sitting in front of their computers, masturbating and calling women online whores and sluts because they don't want to have sex with them
Girls vs. Guys 4 comments
· 6 years ago
the women all look miserable and hungry. I bet their male counterparts are doing the exact same thing in their gilded bathromm. They guys in the lower pic are just some randoms having fun, their female counterparts are probably having fun, too. it's not girls vs boys, it's wanna-be-famous ppl vs normal humans
Yikes 2 comments
· 6 years ago
maybe you shouldn't call them "hoe" and then whine that you're not getting any
It's time for a f*ckin crusade 37 comments
· 6 years ago
domestic abuse victims
men 7%
women 93%
killed by intimate partner
men 11%
women 89%
whining online
men 100%
men 7%
women 93%
killed by intimate partner
men 11%
women 89%
whining online
men 100%
Ivanks for president of EU! 27 comments
Who's bad 5 comments
Saw this on Facebook and it made me smile, it's so precious 8 comments
· 6 years ago
they rent out their home and leave the cat there? that's sick. poor baby, I hope no one hurts her.
Some Lord of the Rings Movie Trivia 5 comments
So pure 24 comments
· 6 years ago
How to decide if a toy is for boys or girls:
Do you use it with your genitals?
No: It's for boys and girls.
Yes: It's not for children.
Do you use it with your genitals?
No: It's for boys and girls.
Yes: It's not for children.
Y u do dis girls? 11 comments
Yeah, what about murica? 1 comments
Y u do dis girls? 11 comments
As a male, this is what I have to resort to everyday 10 comments
· 6 years ago
couldn't he have been nicer and explained why he didn't want her to touch him? Also, he could have smiled. such an unfriendly guy. who would want to fuck that anyway? upstuck bastard. also ugly.
Femanon runs for her Life 11 comments
· 6 years ago
if a guy walks behind you for a long time and then walks up behind you when you're trying to get into your house, it's absolutely ok to get ready to defend yourself. he could have taken the other side of the street or walk in front of her but no, he choose to be an asshole. and the "you're not pretty enough to get raped?" yeah, a kick in the cock would have been the correct answer to that.
Men are the primary victims of rape 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh you bunch of idiots. Yes, women ARE the primary VICTIMS of war, because war is always instigated by men. So hillary is right.
Also, the pic below is just another way to show that the poster is a sick bastard who should be shot
Also, the pic below is just another way to show that the poster is a sick bastard who should be shot
Men in Black 11 comments
· 6 years ago
He "warned" her that she wouldn't be in any nude scenes? Oh no, I bet she hated that...?!?