
Drinking pineapple juice before dates is actually a great idea 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It takes days to work, not minutes or hours. Plus, you need to,avoid red meat and coffee for those couple days as well.
Hexagonal Graph paper for organic chemistry 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I have paper like that from back when war games were played on paper instead of computers. A hex pattern is more realistic for move,net than squares...with squares, to go four squares forward and three squares left takes seven moves, but with hex it's more like following a line so the number of moves is more realistic.
Secretive freezing overrated Cheetah 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm glad he won, but isn't that all part of "business?" One side tries to maximize what they'll get and so does the other? Sears took on a risk that the invention wouldn't take off, and the risk paid off because the ratchet did prove popular. But there are tons of things that get tooled up at no minor cost and distributed but the thing just doesn't catch on. Also, if the value of the invention was so clear, didn't someone else offer him more?

Since he won, maybe Sears misrepresented their side of the negotiations, but it seems naive to think that anybody buying something off you is going to have your interests at heart.
Same same 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
SJWs: It's terrible that people hunt for sport, even though the fees pay for most of the wildlife conservation costs.

Also SJWs: This Native American tribe NEEDS to hunt and kill this particular kind of endangered whale because their ancestors did, even though their ancestors didn't have outboard motor powered boats or guns that shoot the harpoons.
Japan places the fuel pumps in the ceiling so you can use them from anyside.. Basically 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Or, you can remember what side your gas cap is on, and drive next to the pump with that side facing it.
Just think about it 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
1. When they find ever more ancient scrolls from what became the Jewish or Christian bibles, or writings that let them translate items they already have but can't understand (like the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls), they find an amazing level of consistency.

2. This guy finds a way to denigrate the beliefs of people whose book tends to encourage them to be better people even by worldly standards (although certainly some are doing a really bad job of it). He doesn't have anything to say about the religions whose book says to harm or kill non-believers. Huh, wonder why.

3. As I've been around the world doing volunteer work, it's only Christians who ever have hospitals or well digging programs or clinics or whatever that they put on for the benefit of "the masses." Other groups only help thief own people, or believe that if something's wrong in your life, it was brought on you by your own actions or those of your parents/ancestors, so it would violate karma to help you.
My happiness is the tiniest 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Spider web? Maybe they meant a Harvard SOCIAL Scientist, who spent all his/her/its/their time in Gender Studies and didn't have time for math and physics.
Oh no! , not the 710 cap 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That person is SO stupid! It's called an ENGINE, not a motor.

Engines are driven by fuel, motors by electricity.
Use wisely ( gonna get deleted in a week) 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So the black is the bad? Racists.
That's not a bug 25 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Fire bugs? Lightning flies?
New zealand 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Plus there are Orcs and Hobgoblins.
Liar 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It,could be in the way you ask it...some people (not just teens) seem to always ask their questions as if they're exposing some flaw in your knowledge.
A picture of the Parthenon in the acropolis in Athens 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Weird...looks like a picture of the moon next to some old building.
Amazing concept 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But the stupid propagate more, subsidized by taxing those smart enough to hold a high paying job.
One of the very first pictures of 9/11 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Some people did something..."
Ilhan Omar
Didn't expect that reaction, but OK 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Also, when someone asks me to fix something electrical (I'm a mechanical engineer at an electronics company), they always say, "I think it's a short." No, if it were "a short," the circuit breaker or fuse would have tripped. It's actually probably an "open," which is the opposite of a short. Tell me what the symptoms are, what happened right before, during and after the problem occurred, and what changes you made between when the thing worked and when it didn't. From fixing things on people's cars, the description is often really bad, like "the instruments suddenly went out while I was driving," when in actuality they turned the brightness all the way down accidentally, so it didn't happen while they were looking at the instruments as their story went.
Sweatpants for life 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You have to get the correct fit. If you just buy the brand based on commercials or what your friends like, you may not get the correct combination of waist, hips, butt, leg room, and crotch height. For me, Levi's never fit at all and Wranglers were worse. Lee or Sedgefield in a 32-34 fit my football,player butt and legs without being huge in the waist. Levis seem like they're designed for someone with what is medically termed "Noassatall.."
Neil Armstrong waves farewell from the Apollo 13 Capsule (1967) 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Neil Armstrong was the commander of Apollo 11, first man to set foot on the moon in 1969. Jim Lovell was commander of the ill-fated Apollo 13.
When you don't feel like going to school 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Me: Are you going to church with us this morning?
Teenage Daughter: I can't....I'm too sick.
Me: It's a beautiful sunny day, do you feel well enough to help me pick up sticks so I can mow the lawn?
TD: OMG, dad, I'm soooo sick.
Me: I'm fixing something on your car (actually, the car I bought and pay the insurance and gas on), can you hold the flashlight for me?
TD: Dad, I told you I'm toooooo sick!
Phone: {buzzes with incoming text message}
TD: Dad, Kristen's having a party, can I go?
Me: I thought you were too sick.
TD: OMG, you're the worst dad in the world. You're ruining my LIFE!!!
Twitter posts are Funny 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Am l weird for thinking this would be a cool thing to be able to do for my wife for one day?
Nine nine! 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He also did a great job of playing anther top-notch character in Homicide: Life On The Street. But whatever network that was on kept changing the day it showed, then semi-canceled it for a while, then brought it back, then canceled it for good because there weren't enough people watching it. So, we lost an excellent show with good stories and good characters.
Words! 39 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Plus, every law puts a burden of proof on every person and entity that they're complying. So, some company can have a hard time justifying some people getting paid more than others when some people simply outperform others because they then have to show that the lower performers were given equal opportunities.

You'd think that the top performing salesman (or saleswoman) could legally earn more because of better results, but some will complain that he serves the more profitable customers, or the company will have to prove that there's no activity that only benefits that top person (like membership in a certain club where business is conducted). There ends up being a burden of proof that you're complying, not on the person who accuses discrimination. I put "you'd think" at the beginning of this paragraph because bad logic or data seems to be accepted. The "women earn X% of men's pay" is based on all jobs across all levels of experience, which doesn't make any sense.
Truly alarming but I still do it for the love of the profession. . 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Some people borrow A LOT of money to get a college degree and maybe a graduate degree from their dream college without any thought to being able to pay off the loans. Some people HAVE to,live in San Francisco or New York, and love the lifestyle but never cease to complain about the cost.

But, OK, tax me more to pay teachers more. I get four weeks of vacation, and teachers get the whole summer plus a couple weeks at Christmas. How will you tax them their time off to transfer some of that to me?
Quadratic logarithms 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
No, she's explaining it to the "doubters" who must have tried to correct her in another spot.

Also, Prof. of Women's Studies?
Himalayan salt 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
also, with people getting on the various bandwagons for sea salt, Himalayan salt, etc., people are starting to get iodine deficiencies, which iodized table salt was designed to correct. But there's no iodine in these designer salts, or in the salt that is added to snacks like chips.
Infinite destruction 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That saying came from one of Bill Clinton's "apologies" for one of the various times getting caught in illegal activities...I think the time he fired the White House travel staff and installed his Arkansas friends in doing those functions. He didn't even admit to making mistakes, as in "I made mistakes" or "we made mistakes;" It was all passive, like it was uncontrollable as the weather or something.
I'm "innocent" untill proven guilty 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I grew up,in the 1960s/1970s, plus moved to a different town after college. So, no internet record of my stupid stuff plus nobody here even saw or heard about it.
Dogs > Rats 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
18 year olds during WWII: Invade Sicily and Normandy, defeat tyranny, face horror.
18 year olds nowadays: Safe space, trigger warnings, anyone who might have different ideas and say them out loud us a Nazi.
Cooking up trouble 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sorry, even thinking wrong thoughts is illegal now. Hate speech, Nazis, etc. when listening to rap music, you'd better self-censor the n word in your mind, too.
Times have changed 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, WW2 was really insensitive.
Must win no matter what 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You also can't push backwards using a leg that's behind you, so he's losing a lot of leverage.
Being on tinder 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Now add in more illusion from makeup and support undergarments and you have women's profiles.
Anon sees some nice boobs 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The swanfather 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Or, on a non-German keyboard, Niess.
Internet funnymen 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Girls are now past pumpkin spice (and Ugg boots) and are currently into licking buttholes and bitching about enormous student loans they took out willingly to major in something with little monetary return.

And avocados, for some reason. 2019 will probably be the last year for that, it appears.
****ing Millennials 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The headline is "tongue in cheek." It's actually a good thing to reduce the need for the divorce "industry." But at least someone managed to get offended by that, so it's true to Milennial form.
S h r e c k ' d 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
People trade insult for insult, negativity for negativity. It's great when someone can break the cycle, but hamplanet got no worse than the gave, and she's the one that started with that $#+.
The face of disappointment 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's a good thing he gave himself an out, that is, allowing himself till age 105 rather than only waiting until racism was handed. The United States still has so much racism in it, like scholarships available only for people of a certain race, or other people losing their jobs and or reputations for something like quoting song lyrics accurately, or having appeared in the costume with painted face that wasn't important decades ago but now suddenly it's decided that it's an insult.
Looks like cookies 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As a homeowner, all I see is more stuff going down the drain into,the,septic system that has a hard time breaking down and will lead to an earlier failure of the drain field.
Looking at my grades I think stripping is a way to go 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
1. Sometimes you have to get out,of your comfort zone to succeed.

2. Many times, when you say "there's nothing I can do," there still something you can do.
I'll give you my kidney 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Plot twist: Now,you can't take the life saving drugs you need to stay alive after some minor infection or something we just take,for,granted nowadays.
9 year old kid accused of sexual assault? 26 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I wonder how many similar instances there have been, but no cameras to back up the person who "simply bumped into" the accuser, but then got caught in the #AlwaysBeliveTheWoman campaign.
Gotta cleanse the soul 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Girls...don' that, do they?
Potatoes is life 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Corn on the cob, cornbread and bourbon.

Wheat can become bread, weissbier....
This page 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Fire all the white cis males, and hire a diverse team of LGBTQXYZ multiracial non binary coders.
Stop this bullshit 32 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The meme isn't saying the parents should be put in jail for pet abuse or that the child should be monitored for sociopathic tendencies. It says that you shouldn't let your kid roughhouse too much with a dog. Stop adding more baggage to that, and take the good advice for what it is.
Gigantic 12-year-old basketball player dominates his competition 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
1. In Indiana, 12 year olds play on regulation height baskets. Even 10 year olds do. That basket looks to be 8' and not the regulation 10'.

2. I hope he learns the fundamentals. There's a powerful inclination to just stand there and let your 20" greater reach let the balls come to you. I see many middle school phenoms that can't do anything in high school because suddenly their physical gifts aren't enough by themselves, or even are negated when others catch up to early height or strength advantages.
Curing marxism 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The smart students would transfer to another epsection of that course, where the grades are awarded on merit rather than via group.

A better example would be where everyone worked at a coop for however many hours they wanted, but all money was divided equally regardless of hours worked or types of jobs done ( stock shelves, plan in network, clean bathrooms). All the students would need to shop there as well.
Scooby dooby doo 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Black audience: "DON'T GO IN THERE! LOOK OUT BEHIND THE DOOR!!! OOOOOHHHH YOU GONE GET IT!! YYYYAAAARRRGGGHHH," with some of them jumping out of their seats and more than a few actually running around while screaming that.
Dark tomatoes 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
An oxidant? Maybe it's an *antioxidant.*