If you ever feel stupid, just remember 56 comments
· 11 years ago
What it's really like 32 comments
· 11 years ago
It is a doll, why do people care. And guess what, she isn't the only one out there that looks like she does. I don't see anything on how baby dolls are giving kids false ideas on how a newborn will look or act. Or how action figures are telling boys that they are not good enough unless they look like their muscles are about to explode. They are toys to help kids grow their creativity. Nothing more and if you think of yourself as ugly because you don't match up to plastic. Well you have something wrong with you on the inside not the out side.
Fairy tale mugshots 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Red Riding Hood is not guilty, the Axeman killed the Wolf. But it was out of self defense, the wolf was going to eat Red and already ate the Grandmother.
Screams and tears 15 comments
· 11 years ago
When i was in 3rd grade i missed a whole month of school and the school called the police on my parents. He was going to arrest them, for not taking me to school, till they showed they had proof, i had doctors orders to stay home.
This is so true. 10 comments
Your mama's so fat 10 comments
Reasons why I hate Justin Bieber… 68 comments
· 11 years ago
He truly is a big jerk. Even before he became famous and he was just some kid on YouTube he was obviously an jerk.
How to make women love you 6 comments
How to make women love you 6 comments
Dumbass society logic. 22 comments
· 11 years ago
So I fully agree that you have all the right to plop down and feed that baby anywhere you like. But For the love of God Don't let the kid be old enough to walk. And Please for consideration of everyone else drape a simple blanket over you and the child. And Yes I am a Mother who breast fed in public. But I have seen some women that just have no care for others and pull out a tit from the top of her shirt and sit there not caring as people have to act like that isn't happening. But a blanket over you and it looks as if you just cradling your child as it sleeps. If you think it's wrong to show your tits on tv, movies, and public, why must you whip it out to have a child feed.
Beautiful act of animal kindness 7 comments
*judging intensifies* 16 comments
· 11 years ago
At my daughters school i see many parents like the dad and his kid. I am actually happy to know my kid goes to a school where there are families that are free thinkers. And not all cookie cutter stereo types.
Halloween facts 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Plus there was a man arrested in my home town for poisoning kids candy lucky there was no one that got badly hurt.