
Got it 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Good song
No wonder you had no friends, Pythagoras 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I like it. It keeps you from being greedy.
Let him *CRONCH* 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It would take me way less that 15 minutes to eat a bag of chips. Nom, nom, nom,nom,nom!
Please laugh, my memes are all I have 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
You’re missing Trump
"Before your Eyes" 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
When you almost died, but had no idea you were that close.
It was just the tip 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Sorry but incest is not funny. :/
The many faces of Lady Brassica 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I just found out that I can’t eat brassica oleracea today. Or any of those vegetables because they are not good food you , if you have an issue with your thyroid. ( hypothyroid) what are the chances that someone would put this on FunSubstance today? Isn’t that bizarre? I eat cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower all the time, I’m going to have to figure something out.
My dad sent me this pic and said “zoom in” 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Mama is near by!
If you're going through hell, keep going 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
And that’s why the 40k universe is so fucjed
Expectations subverted 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Welcome to adulthood!
This girl is hardcore 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
When ever you feel like killing just butter some bread!
sleep 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I Don't get it
Every morning the sun hits my mom's urn and reflects on the wall in this pretty design 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Oh that's sad. Pretty urn though. What is in the small urn next to it? And it's a little too close to the edge. Just saying.
The Shining painting I just finished 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Freaking awesome!!!
Wo'oh fo mai'in tea 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Anon gets a haircut 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Grow a beard
26+6=1! 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Could someone tell me what is the meaning of this meme?
title 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Explain please.
America 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Sad but true
I made my family disappear 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Damn... I'm getting old
It's Wednesday, which is Terry's day 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
A token of...friendshrimp
Let's all just take a nap together 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
THABK YOU!!!!!:!:!/$
Whose side are you on? 13 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Weddings are very fucking tacky. Having a fun joke doesn’t make it somehow tackier. It’s just something else to smile and laugh at since it’s a celebration.
Good morning ! Check out this amazing shot recently taken by Schönberg Alexander 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
He needs to put that camera down and pick up a bottle of Windex. That window is FILTHY. Nobody needed to see that.
Nothing with the eyes! 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Couldn't she have just turned him to stone and been done with it? Seems like a lot of effort to cut off his head. When you can turn people to stone. And would it have hurt her to put on pants? I get that maybe she was caught in the bath when this all started, but now she's just walking around buck ass naked. Put some clothes on, then do your victory lap or whatever. Whole thing just seems unrealistic. Maybe the artist didn't know how to make clothes out of clay. Or maybe it's marble? No, clay. ( he/she should have you tubed it.)
All the training 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Explain this to me.
A beautiful Fox laying down 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
What did he say?
Anon recalls past trauma 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
No ma’am no thank you
Dressed as my cat Murnau for Halloween this year 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
My cat doesn't let me put make up on him. Haha.
Bacon 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I’ll eat all 4 of those
Ouch 14 comments
guest · 4 years ago
So people 6 years ago can say this but once JK Rowling does the same thing, every one has to throw a hissy fit about it.
Sphagetti 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Eat it
savings 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
He literally raped a servant girl from childhood to adulthood, fathering several children with her and freeing all of them but not her. This has been confirmed through DNA. So no. We can’t just “leave them alone”. He was a rapist. And a child rapist at that. She was in her early teens when he started.
I like trains 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
No. That’s “his” bad.
I'm not sure what to think 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
America already hits people with the Air Force. It’s called a drone strike.
Trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 55 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I loved a girl for her boobs once. We were married for 7 years before she got breast cancer. She had to get her breasts removed. I asked if I could keep them. I tried to make it work with my wife but it was like she was an entirely different person. We drifted apart and eventually got a divorce. I ended up marrying her breast’s a few years later.
This is why he left you 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
The joke is that the person who commented is stupid. The joke is not about her education or her martial status. And it IS a joke, by the way.
Show body version Adults 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Man boobs and no ass. :(
Cinema in Greece 72 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Letter launching keyboard! 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Sometimes my cat tries to deep throat the shower faucet 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Kitty’s got skills.
Can I get a zip of the purple stuff? 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
But it bad for children and teens hormones. Feminizing in males. Stay away children.
Goblin shark eating it's prey 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
That will haunt my dreams tonight....thanks
Daily dose of bad wisdom #27 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I'm tired of this privilege 59 comments
guest · 4 years ago
No matter what... this knee thing they are doing... is in fact illegal... this is still police brutality