
Guess who got laid last night? 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't belivit
Advice to live by 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Would say its the same reaction to any tattoo or piercing thats not ears (belly, nose, lip, nipple, eyebrow) Some guys think its hot, others would rather the girl was more "natural" and its a turn off.
Guess the real question would be are you doing it for yourself or somebody else. If its for you, go for it and if its a "deal breaker" for a guy, he wasnt meant for you anyway.
When you see them 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Look for the bow, its much easier to see than the guy himself
Amazing: How Wolves Change Rivers 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Loved how he kept saying deer and showing pictures of elk........
Mo money mo problems 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That would be age discrimination. Why would it be ok to pay 1 guy to flip burgers for $7/hr because hes 18 but some guy thats 23 would have to be paid $10 for the exact same job? (made up numbers since mw is different in most states)
Fortnight 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its actually more syllables to use fortnight because you also usually need "a" in front of it. "I'll be back in 2 weeks" vs "I'll be back in a fortnight".
Fortnight 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
America used to use it, just like they used to use "score" for 20 years. Then they realized there wasn't really any point to it. Why go 1 week, 1 fortnight, 3 weeks, 2 fortnights, etc. When you can just say 1 week, 2 week, 3 week, 4 week, etc. and no need to do any math to figure out what the person is talking about. Even if it is "easy math" that you just automatically do in your head, its unnecessary. Kind of similar to French numbers and how everybody thinks its complicated and weird, same for this.
Babe, I wanna charge you so bad 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not dirty enough then eh?
This was true until Miley started making out with the whole world 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Never understood why people seem to think Taylor has had so many BFs and bounces from guy to guy. Shes what like 25 now? Means shes probably been dating for like a decade. Shes only had like a dozen boyfriends (who are also famous, which is why you hear so much about it). That means on avg she would date a guy almost a year. And thats terrible somehow? Most the girls I knew in high school (and I mean the non slutty ones that didnt have a new "bf" every week) would be lucky to be with a guy 3 months before breaking up. Does it make em a slut? Not at all.
As to the whole writing a song about it. She writes her own songs, of course her love life is going to play a huge part of it. And look at who her audience is, hm teenage girls. Wonder if teenage girls ever think about love or go through break ups and think they are big deal or anything......OH WAIT I was just talking about how they do exactly that.
I automatically dislike these kind of posts 57 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You know what really grinds my gears? People that post TITLES that are a comment that you'd only understand after reading the entire post. Thats not what a title is, thats just a damn comment you'd see at the end of it. A title is a short caption or description to introduce the material, not a personal thought that makes sense after having read the thing. Do you know why? Because you read the title first. You don't read the post and then think, hm I'll read the title now
Let your children enjoy their childhood 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
wah wah, you think you had the same childhood your parents had? or your grandparents? Not getting your kid a phone isn't gonna somehow make their childhood better. Imagine when you were a kid and all your friends were playing with marbles, pokemon cards, pogs, or whatever else kids were playing with at the time, and your parents saying "Ugh, these *insert item here* are ruining these kids childhood. No you can't have any, go outside and play with a stick and can like back in my day!" Meanwhile, every single one of your friends is playing with them, and now none of them want to play with you, because you dont have em and thats what they want to play with. You are just making it easier to ostracize them in a place where its already oh so easy to do to kids.
Watch this guy nail the voices of 33 Simpsons characters 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
ya spent too long on homer/marge for how bad he was on them. Pretty bad Mr Burns too. However he was pretty spot on on quite a few of em, and to get that close to that many characters is still dam impressive.
Trying to hold a fart next to a cute girl in class 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Think thats just eyeliner and shes looking at her phone or something in front of her
Jesus christ dad 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
kinda like all your comments
It’s almost 2014 and some people have to deal with this everyday 48 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I dont think anybody was every saying "force the child to learn a dozen different languages and spend all day every day teaching it so they have zero time for other subjects or to play or anything" All anybody ever said was that its a great idea to learn a 2nd language. When you are young, its actually MUCH MUCH easier to learn a 2nd language than to go back and try to learn one 30 years later. Their brains are still developing and they don't have all kinds of preconceived notions of how things are "supposed" to work. And yes, if you never use it there is a good chance you'll end up forgetting a lot of it. The same can be said of almost anything. However, if you start back into it, you'll be able to relearn it much quicker than somebody learning it for the first time
And now I'm all alone 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not sure what the guest means with "what about her?". The gf thats doing the cheating deserves the chaos and shit she is getting. The gf thats finding out about the cheating deserves to know about the cheating asshats
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are engaged 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
To all the "lol dis show was made in da 90s, dats 24 yers" The show ended in 2006, thats only 8 years ago. But that wasnt what the picture meant. Was a joke about them being together in the "70s" and getting engaged now. Not that they were literally together back in the year 1978. Don't be dense.
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't see how giving tips for victims to better protect themselves is in any way "victim blaming" or whatever you want to call it. Its like when kids are young you teach them to look both ways when crossing a road or whatever other vehicle safety tips. That doesn't mean its 100% their fault if they happen to be hit by a car. It just helps protect them so its less likely to happen. The kid that learned to look both ways is a lot less likely to run in front of a car and get hit. Doesn't mean that the kid is going to be at fault if they do get hit anyway.
It's also not placing the responsibility to not get raped/robbed/murdered on the victim. Its giving people the chance to better prepare themselves in case something does happen.
Giving a crappy fake list of crap TO serial killers about how not to rape/murder people and expecting THAT to somehow fix everything because we're no longer "victim blaming" however, is a lot less helpful. Do you really think a serial killer is gonna listen?
And I still see this in college 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Usually when I hear this complaint its in a class that had like 3 prereqs and the professor isn't complaining about not knowing their subject already, but for having no idea on all the basics that they should have learned in those 3 prereqs. Ex: taking an advanced calculus class and then having no idea how to do basic algebra.
How to pick a lock with only hairpins 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Thats not upside down.......Anyway it wouldn't matter. Gravity doesn't really play a part in any of it, the springs push the pins back in no matter what angle the lock is.
Females 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Agreed. He wasn't trying to be dick to the person, just trying to give some explanation for the viewers about that person's life. (I didn't watch his interview about it, just saw a picture and the colbert link) It was typed out too, which almost certainly wasn't done by Piers himself, lot of that stuff is done by writers way beforehand or typed up by interns. Yet he got all the backlash for it. All the interviewee had to do was politely correct him about it. Instead they made a big scene about it and got everybody else to bombard him with shit. The guy TRYING to HELP with awareness on the subject. Ya, makes sense to get pissed off at him for not being perfect. Its like getting pissed off at a guy volunteering to help with a charity event because he didn't set things up exactly as you wanted it. He did what he could, take whats given and don't bitch them out or they won't be likely to try helping again.
And she also mentioned girls ran the world 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Don't think most people would question how an angel that can teleport wherever instantly would be able to get a hula hoop or any other item ;)
Drawmonymn 3 comments
guest · 11 years ago
rhino eating grass? O.o
Green Day Everybody 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
right at the end. Was it right that they cut Green Days time by 20 minutes to begin with? probably not, but its all about the money. If Usher has that many more fans that means that much more cash in their pockets, they are gonna give him more time if he needs it. That doesnt mean Billie gets to shorten what little time they already had and start a bitchfest rather than finish singing a song
Green Day Everybody 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Honestly don't think a lot of people have even listened to or care about JB's music, so no that wouldn't be the reason. They'd call him a douchebag because he whined like a little baby on stage and threw a tantrum and broke his guitar. Just like all the other times he's called a douchebag for the stupid shit he does.
Its a complete double standard that Billie gets such praise for it, and yet if JB did the exact same thing, those same people would be throwing another shitfit about how terrible he is. I am by no means defending JB, hes a complete asshat that sings shitty music and is just a terrible person overall. Just saying what Billie did was a pretty douchey move too. Its not like that timer just up and appeared saying "1 MINUTES" it was a countdown. Notice the S on minuteS. The guy that programmed it was too lazy to properly drop the s for that last minute, so you know it just steadily counted down from 25 or whatever he got allotted to him. He just decided to make a big deal
Prepare for cuddles 19 comments
guest · 11 years ago
except its UP TO 260 a day. Most likely much less on a lot of days. And then you gotta factor in that she probably doesn't work every single day of the year. 2 days off a week and 2 weeks vacation would put you at 250 work days. If she got that max every one of those days itd only be 65K. Probably closer to half that when you factor in slower days and avg her daily pay. Not that its a bad job, she gets to take naps as her job, just sayin its not as lucrative as your thinking.
What the CE button on calculators are for 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Thats right. M is memory. Those buttons are to add to the calc's memory, use the number stored in its memory, or in some cases you can even add and subtract the stored number. Depends on the calculator. As an example the one in front of me has a "memory clear" "show stored #" "subtract from stored number" and "add to stored number"
Problem with these is it changes a lot from calc to calc, so you need to be sure what exactly each button does before trying to use them. Like the + - buttons, do they just display what your stored # is +- some other number? or does it replace your stored number with that new one? Ive seen different calcs do either one
Truth. 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I understand what your saying, and I'm sure thats what he was going for. But for me personally, and judging by how many others are receiving it, I take personal affront to it. Its as if he punched me in the face and then spit on me. Do I think HE meant it that way? Not at all, but thats my whole point. He did it on purpose to get a reaction from people with a visual aid, but the problem is it detracts from his actual message that he wants peoples reaction for. Instead they are looking at the flag and already have a bad impression of the guy, which makes it much harder for him to get his point across
Backyard rollercoaster 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Well I'm assuming the ones in the pictures. There just plain old used wood pallets. Can go to almost any retail store (walmart, safeway, etc.) that receives things in bulk and they'll have stacks of em outside thats taking up space. They don't ship things out in bulk, just ship things IN, so half the time they'll just give them away for free. These guys only used like 10 of em, I'm sure thats what they did. I have to buy thousands of these a year for my company, we go through em like nothing. 100% positive they aren't $70 a piece.
Rich side of town humor 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
even pizza places usually have a higher minimum for delivery
How to make a guy feel uncomfortable 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
would be exactly what the guy is thinking
Funny yearbooks compilation 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Think i'd rather my kid major in drugs than philosophy. He might actually do something with his life eventually.
Cooking instructions 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
cannot upvote enough
The story of natalie 32 comments
guest · 11 years ago
She kinda just sounds like a douche in most of these stories
College life summed up by Disney Princesses 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
wtf is mulan wearing
You will be very glad you read it 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Ok seriously why even bother trying to clean them. You know its not gonna happen, take that shit and go find a dumpster and then buy some new sheets and comforter. Much easier to explain than shit and blood stained linens
Haven't seen one of these in a while 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Whats the rationale for this anyway? I mean I understand vegetarians, even if I don't agree with it. But do people just believe fish and birds aren't "alive" enough to be considered meat?
Girlfriend caught me looking 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Hm, I'm torn. Can't imagine a guy actually complaining about this. Feel like a girl would just ignore it. Guess a gay guy? Although I'd imagine they'd go into the girl category and just ignore it too
'murica logic 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Actually, I would be all for kids learning more about guns at earlier ages. If they have respect and understanding for them, they are much less likely to see something like call of duty or GTA and think its ok to shoot somebody. Or get older and do something stupid like drink at a party and decide to show off a gun. They also wouldn't grow up with the "omg guns are pure evil" or "omg they even said the word gun, thats much worse than swords or sex or anything else" mentality that you see in ignorant people like lime
Whose side are you on 80 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Because THAT will give her the message that she fucked up big and better not do that shit again. Light slap....please. If you are going to resort to physical punishment, be it slapping, spanking, punching, or anything else, then it needs to be seen as an actual punishment that the person wouldn't want to receive again. If its not, then you shouldnt be doing a physical punishment because its going to have an opposite effect, they'll do it again because the punishment meant nothing to them.
Not condoning physical punishment, just saying if you ARE going to resort to it rather than the many other ways, then atleast do it right so its a one time thing and not something that you have to keep doing and keeping upping the punishment since the previous didn't work.
Serious psychological condition 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
you could always....and I know this sounds crazy.....NOT do shit to get in trouble to begin with? Maybe the punishments worsened over the years because they realized you didn't care about the punishment and did it anyway. Easiest way to "talk them out of it" is to not do whatever the hell you did to begin with. Trying to talk them out of it after the fact is just going to be seen as worse.
My Good Guy Boss is like another parent 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Can even be much more detrimental than beneficial. Higher costs (employee labor is usually one of the biggest costs in most businesses) mean they have to increase their prices on things. Higher prices means they can't be as competitive with other companies and they lose business. This makes their costs per unit even higher (ex: building rent is $5000/month whether they sell 10 units or 1000. split among them all its a cost of $500 or only $5 per unit) which in turn makes it even harder for them to compete. Now the business is going under and ALL the employees are out a job. All because an incompetent manager. Worst case scenario, but I've seen it happen several times before and the root cause of it was things like this
My Good Guy Boss is like another parent 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
You mean you quit before having your dream job/career lined up? Just judging that by the "if you can't find work in a few months" Seems a bit......dumb to me.
As to the giving you your job back, its not that other bosses are just jerks and hes a great guy. Most bosses when they have somebody quit/fired/promotion/whatever, there is now a vacancy that needs to be filled. They can't just leave it vacant for a few months on the off chance that person might be back. So it gets filled, and now if you come back, they can't just up and fire the new guy, even if they'd really like to. And trust me, most of the time they would love to get back that guy thats already experienced and doesnt need to learn everything. And unless the business is expanding or they have a ton of turnover, they usually can't afford to just tack on another employee that they don't particularly need.
Backyard rollercoaster 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
pallet costing $70+ ?!?! WTF?!?! If thats the case have I got a deal for you. I'll sell you thousands of them for half price. $35 bucks. Good deal right? You can double your money selling em for 70. Course I spose I'll make pretty decent margin too. 1000% or better.
(In other words, you're an idiot. Even brand new pallets are only maybe $7. Can get them used and in great shape for half that. Used and in decent shape for half that again. If you only need a few, you can talk almost anybody that gets a lot of things shipped in to them, they'll just give you the things for free to get em off their lot.
Looking at the pics, I'd say these are ones they got free. Whole thing looks a bit rickety to be putting humans on
Plans for nuclear war with russia 25 comments
guest · 11 years ago
you all can have him
Not so brilliant now is it 15 comments
guest · 11 years ago
He got a tattoo of a topless girl on his entire backside (buttcheeks are boobs). In prison when he gets raped, the raper now has a nice picture of a naked woman to stimulate him
Truth. 29 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Agreed. By all means question orders that you believe to be unlawful. Make a stand and get media attention or whatever for it if you believe its bad and needs changed. That DOESNT mean desecrating something that many (and should be you included if you are in the military) find sacred. You don't see Catholics writing messages on Bibles or Muslims writing on Korans just because of something in their religion they strongly disagree with. Because it detracts from the point of the message. Look at these comments as a perfect example. Notice how many people comment about his message (there were a few that mentioned it) and how much is about the flag (90%+ of the comments)
You may say that getting all this discussion about it, even if its about the flag and not his message is good. Since the more people arguing and thinking about it, the more people that see it. But imo it hurts his argument. I don't like the guy now and anything he says, I'm automatically inclined to disagree with it.