Philosophy vs. Religion 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, aren't we casting stones. Tsk tsk.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
· 10 years ago
Dude, can you -at least- have the common courtesy to actually READ this thread before continuing to make rhetoric filled repeat comments over and over? It's really annoying to come in at the end and be like "I have original things to say! Let me repeat EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TALKED ABOUT ALREADY." It's annoying and makes you look lazy. Thanks.
Philosophy vs. Religion 34 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't think he really spoke out against the mixing of fabrics- so we should probably stop doing that too, just to be safe. Oh, and he never spoke out against porn, but he totes meant too, amirite? And Justin Bieber, masturbation, hair dye, waking up before 7:00 a.m., stoning your daughter to death for talking to much, not believing in unicorns....
This is awesome. I am going to tell everyone that Jesus, God's perfect word on Earth, might have just forgotten some stuff, and its up to us to judge what He did and fill in the blanks. You sir, are a genius.
This is awesome. I am going to tell everyone that Jesus, God's perfect word on Earth, might have just forgotten some stuff, and its up to us to judge what He did and fill in the blanks. You sir, are a genius.
Let's Play The 'What If' Game..... 22 comments
· 10 years ago
You obviously have never been to an Obgyn. If you knew how uncomfortable getting a procedure was, you would know that no woman who gets an abortion (or a pap smear for that matter) does it for fun or on a whim. No one wakes up after 6 months like "hmm, never mind, I decided no baby for me!" And has an invasive procedure. You have obviously never really thought about it and your immaturity and hatred of women is showing.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
· 10 years ago
I see what mike is saying, it's obvious that. representative is weak with no real logic behind his position. How could you vote on something you never thought about? What a moron lol
Philosophy vs. Religion 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Jesus makes it okay to mix linen and wool, so we can ignore Leviticus? That's fantastic, because people quote the verse out of there about men lying with men against gay people all the time. Jesus definitely never spoke out against homosexuality, so that Leviticus is rubbish too, right?
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
· 10 years ago
Would you save a 6 month old baby from a burning building or a 6 week old embryo in a Petri dish? You tell me the difference- seriously, don't ask ridiculous questions.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
· 10 years ago
98% of all abortions happen in the first trimester, when the fetus has no developed nervous system and is about the size of a pencil eraser. Just to put that in perspective, 20% of all recognized pregnancies end up as a miscarriage by the time the 8th week hits. Why aren't more women having funerals for those? Because it's not considered to have autonomy or personhood.
Two sides to a portrait 13 comments
To the guest who said transwomen are disgusting: 118 comments
· 10 years ago
Put this link in the feedback form of the website and tell Funsubstance he needs to be banned for using hateful and derogatory language. It only takes a second:
Mah heart be getting dem feels 44 comments
· 11 years ago
adding the " made the link break, here it Is
Mah heart be getting dem feels 44 comments
· 11 years ago did see the comment proving this wrong, didn't you? "saviourself -Hey guys, this is Christian Golczynski, 8, receiving the flag from his father's casket from Lt. Col. Ric Thompson during the graveside service at Wheeler Cemetery in Bedford County. It happened in 2007, and his mother was present as well. Check out this site for quotes from the family:"
(insert awesome caption here) 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Lol, my sister told me this about her college bio lab, and I completely believed her!
(insert awesome caption here) 22 comments
I Was So Inspired I Had To DANCE!!! 4 comments
A Simple Message We Should All Remember.... 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Every time I see a fight on FS now I want to say "Think of the crying stump you monsters, think of it!"
Gotta love grandma ! 7 comments
· 11 years ago
My doctor never told me that grapefruit juice or antibiotics cancels out the effectiveness of birth control pills until I had a scare a year ago! I was sooooo mad!
Dropping A Truth Bomb Right There..... 24 comments
· 11 years ago
That is true, girls can be tomboy, but boys who act like girls are weak, pansies, pussies, etc.
He's a hero 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Wait- so this guy keeps coming on to her and pursuing her after she CLEARLY makes it known that she has no interest in him... he does this for years...And he is a hero? He is a creeper at best, a stalker at worst. No is a complete sentence, the fact that he didn't hear it makes him at fault, not her. If a guy who I had no relationship with at all kept doing this to me, I would have tried to avoid him too. Creepy.
A List Of Ways The World Is Beautiful....Reasons To Stay Alive.... 25 comments
· 11 years ago
Which is still more then you can ever hope to have, creeper. Leave her alone and worry about yourself.
A List Of Ways The World Is Beautiful....Reasons To Stay Alive.... 25 comments
· 11 years ago
Superbetter helped me so much when I was diagnosed with bipolar! I thought I would never get out of the sea of darkness all around me, and the way the site broke things down like a game of things I could actually accomplish helped me so much. It took a huge problem and made it workable. I really recommend that talk/site!!!
Silly Mark 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Do you not see the absolute head slapping irony in your post, or are you just trolling at super high levels?
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 11 years ago
**thank you Sav, I called the # for ED and she was really nice, we just talked for over an hour. I am sending my sister some of the # for cutting.
Herpes of music 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Lol, no one likes being told they have herpes, CTLT. You have to realize, you talk about herpes, people are going to down vote you =) it's not you, it's the herpes.
Ask FunSubstance a Question 548 comments
Nope 48 comments
· 11 years ago
I saw this on another post today- There is a reason they named this tinyurl after Mcgoveia, it fits perfectly:
Make a sharpie tattoo that lasts a month 212 comments
Make a sharpie tattoo that lasts a month 212 comments
· 11 years ago
...I can't tell whether or not you are trolling by asking that question, but I'm going to answer just in case. A star doesn't work like a mall map "you are here" moment for gay people, it has no special significance in the gay community like say a pink triangle does. Your friend just had an unimaginative moment at the tattoo parlour- a curse which has hit people hetero and homo alike since the barbed wire arm cuff. A star just means a star.
Nope 48 comments
· 11 years ago
I can't wait to tell my kid that daddy likes to spend time on a humorous picture sharing site either insulting teenagers or talking about how these teenagers hate me because I insult them. Sure, people are on average a decade than me and a decade and a half older than him, but boy will he be impressed with the way I owned all these n00bs and guests.
I am a true hero, yeah!!
I am a true hero, yeah!!
Make a sharpie tattoo that lasts a month 212 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, only homos get tattoos, the queer little poofters. Amirite? Thank God smart people like you and I can spot these obvious traits with our massive heterosexual brains. Cheers to the genius of us!