· 10 years ago
It literally translates to "Apple of the earth"
This Australian Newsreader Beautifully Shuts Down The Ice Bucket Challenge 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Why would you want to shut down the ice bucket challenge? It's for such a good cause!
Some ads are really good 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually sadtruth there was an ad that said " when did she stop treating you like a prince?"
Year 2013 What Surprise Have You For Us Now? 9 comments
Thanks a lot obama 12 comments
· 10 years ago
My grandparents live in sandwich mass and I go there regularly and it is literally one of the cutest towns I've ever seen/been to. And I can tell from the trees and other foliage I the background of this photo that it is not Sandwich Illinois, but Sandwich Mass.
Canadians 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I do that and I live in America, I've been doing it with my sister since we were like 5 and 7 and still do it it's so friggin good
The "Yes, I Do" face 15 comments
Only nokia 8 comments
· 10 years ago
My sister lost her phone all winter and she had no clue where it went but in the summer she found it... It had been under the snow and still had 2 bars of battery left. It's not even a nokia
( Insert Creative Title Here) 10 comments
· 10 years ago
We had a fire in my house and everyone else grabbed useful things like the dog but I grabbed my phone and iPad and a pillow... It was 3 in the morning and I just lay down outside... And slept...Don't judge me
Make sure they never find the blog 5 comments
Make sure they never find the blog 5 comments
· 10 years ago
The dad is like, woah son, how'd you come up with such a cool username? The sister is all like, what does *insert dirty joke* mean? And the mom is just like, firs of all how'd you get on this computer, second, what does that *insert same dirty joke* mean! and third! WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS. SON ARE YOU BECOMING A HIPSTER CAUSE WE CAN GET YOU HELP TO GET YOU OVER THIS WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE JUST THE OTHER DAY YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO BE A TRAIN ENGINEER WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU OHHHH IM JUST SO MAD! Nut that is sort of a cool username, so....
No one will ever believe you 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Ajskfljsjnssmajsneywjsderpidjdhdjdderpdkdhdmderpmsjdkderp WHAT IS THAT 800 NUMBER!!!!!!!????!
"Don't worry sir, i learned everything on Youtube" 10 comments
· 10 years ago
6 minutes in and out... I could have sworn that when my grandma got her surgery it was at least 10. Unless medical science has miraculously gotten more advanced since 1967 I'd say that this video is a scam.
Just in case any of you thought I was actually that stupid, it's called sarcasm.
Just in case any of you thought I was actually that stupid, it's called sarcasm.
Bad Luck Brian goes on a dating website 5 comments
Just in case you need to be convinced 5 comments
Yeesh, that can't be the first time in forever that Elsa's said that 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Ok my name is Anna and this kinda annoys me. Everyone has been typing her name as Anna when it's really Ana. This Ana is pronounced like in the movie, as ahhna. Like with a really lone a at the beginning. My name is pronounced like Hannah without the h. Sorry. I just really wanted to say that.
come on guys! 209 comments
· 11 years ago
Hey girl, I really like your legs. I think I'll call this leg thanksgiving and this one Christmas. I was wondering if I could visit you between the holidays ;)
Got it from Kingsley...
Got it from Kingsley...
After the recent discovery in North Korea 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Rare earth metals actually aren't rare, just difficult to separate from other materials
True freedom 6 comments
Why is my kid crying comp 20 comments
How did you discover FunSubstance? 260 comments
· 11 years ago
I was on imgfave and it had a lot of reposts from funsubstance so I decided to check it out.