
How do you title? 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It could be both. The rose petals could be glued to the floor with dried blood.
Truth: Any questions? 65 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I've seen this before, but without the "lesson in irony" bit. Is this really ironic, or just contradictory?
Easy, breezy, deadly. 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
He was taken by Russians in the comics.
The incredible profit of each coffee sold 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You also need to account for the time spent making it. And the employees deserve some money for working. And the building needs to be paid for. And the equipment for putting all that stuff together to turn it into a drink has a cost.
But even considering all of that, it still seems overpriced by a bit.
Like a sheet of rain 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
htt ps://
there you go (sorry, FunSubstance won't let me post links, just erase the space in "http")
If you're happy and you know it... 36 comments
guest · 10 years ago
", that's a no, then?"
Looks like you're leaving OZ and heading to Silent Hill. 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"abandoned theme park"
I want to go. Now. Please tell me it isn't gated off and locked down!
tumblr people can be so enlightening 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Your imaginary friends didn't have imaginary friends? Mine did.
Harvard profit 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
As I understand it, profit means "net gain after income and expenses." You could still make a profit but not have enough of a budget for the expenses of the coming years.
A master of camouflage 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
What truck? This is just a picture of a forest...
If I had had done that then had I? 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My favorite is the "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" sentence. Wikipedia also offers this one: "Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"
Harvard profit 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But how much of a profit? Enough to maintain all of the labs and facilities and equipment, and upgrade the technology when new things are made, and pay teachers, and provide food, get the idea.
When I thought I had $60 in my wallet but I only had 6 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
mistook 1s for 10s, maybe?
Police medic 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Please, please, please be a troll. In case anyone is getting worried, don't worry, the above guest is not indicative of the average legal gun owner.
Trust me 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Body slam!
Evil food mart 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"The Mart"? Sounds perfectly normal to me.
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Falcon is taking up Captain America's mantle. They're not reinventing the comic. Heroes' titles get passed on all the time.
The jigs up 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Haha, took me a while, but I get it!
Edible Tetris 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yes. Yes they are.
The joy of an old mouse 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I still remember the disappointment when I found out that they don't bounce and, in fact, will dent a wooden desk if you throw them hard enough.
Nickelodeon time capsule 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
does...does anyone else see blurred handprints of characters trying to get out?
Beat the system 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's where your scores are adjusted based on the performance of your peers. Normally, 90+% is an A, 80-89% is a B, 70-79% is a C, and so on. Some classes, though, have very difficult tests, and the highest score might end up only being a 75% and the average is only 60%. In that case, they adjust it to something like (just an example, not exact numbers) 70+% is an A, 60%-69% is a B, 50-59% is a C, etc.
Oh really? I must see for myself... 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
He was only in a movie. There were lots of spinoff books and radio shows about him, though.
For cardio experts 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I can't be the only one who thinks this is wrong 52 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I dunno, maybe my parents run a secret Kinder Egg smuggling ring, but we get these every year for Easter and Christmas. And I've seen them at a certain candy shop (granted, it's one of those quirky imports-from-everywhere shops). Is that law still enforced, or has it become one of those weird laws like "it is illegal to sing in a bathtub in Pennsylvania" that no one follows?
For cardio experts 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Where is that? I want to go!
"South Korea's 5G network will let you download a full movie in one second" 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or just move to an American city with Google Fiber. (And aren't there other 1+ Gbps fiber providers, too? I only know about the Google Fiber one because it was a big deal in Provo because they knocked the installation cost from $300 to $30, and gave it to EVERYONE ($70/month, that is. But basic 5mbps is free.))
Hipster's biggest problem 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wouldn't it be interesting if hipsters are responsible for all of this "hipsters are losers" hate just so they can be unique again?
Epic vader 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
For pajama day at school, along with my pajamas I wore a bedsheet as a cape and carried a pillow with a speaker hidden inside blaring superhero music. So sometimes, yes, I am "epic song starts playing every time I enter a room" cool!
What goes up must come down 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I just noticed that it says "Dismay" instead of "Disney" in the corner.
But seriously, though, no one said he died! "Down" could be the sequel where he travels to the Earth's core and finds that it's actually survivable and another old explorer ended up there...with talking cats!
Dna cloud 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How did that happen? Were some planes doing a mating dance?
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*sigh* This again. Look, there are a couple big problems with this argument. First of all, you're taking the laws out of context. That's like saying "when I was little my mom told me not to play with fire and not to kill people, but now she lets me build a campfire yet she still won't let me kill people, so she's a hypocrite!" Second, people do protest divorce and premarital sex. Third, there's more than just the bible saying it's wrong. I don't have a problem with the end point you're making, but please use a valid and intelligent argument!
Romantic comedies are full of lies 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Suddenly, I have an idea. I need to go find some romantic comedies, mute the soundtrack (somehow), and replace it with horror music.
Too busy to notice 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or there could be several ghosts all dancing behind you with soundless ghost music in a ghost rave! Just use that as motivation if you ever just feel like dancing in your room when no one's watching! You could be the *life* of the party!
Okay, okay, I'll see myself out.
One thing led to another 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
(Brian Regan, in case you were wondering who the comedian is)
Comic to movie transformation - ironman 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Well done!
Must be Canadian. 1 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I've always wanted to call or text one of these numbers and just start a regular chat.
but wait 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I want to find the original and give that commenter all the likes in the world. "BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!" had me laughing sooooo much!
One of the most visited natural tourist attractions in Norway 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
:D I want to go there!! I've never heard of this place before, but it looks awesome!
Good work dad! 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I want to see a dramatic slow-mo version from the kid's perspective, with a dramatic background score and everything.
To be fair, no one thinks those count as "Good Music" 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
...I thought the title referred to the "Emo" music. But that makes more sense. Thanks.
To be fair, no one thinks those count as "Good Music" 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't understand why everyone chooses Justin Beiber and Lil Wayne and such as examples of "Good" music that isn't good. So far I've found rock to still be more popular than pop and rap. Do we just cherry-pick the worst of the worst songs and say "this is what society says is good" so we can feel special that we're above that?
Take a second to relax 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I was expecting a man on fire suddenly running by in the background to break the tranquility, for some reason.
I'm surrounded 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A survey was conducted, asking how much of this post is false. About 100% of it is fictitious.
Shop you must. 36 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Using Olan Rogers for a reaction image...thumbs up to you, original poster!
People and the planet 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Do they not?
A Simple Bit of Browser Advice 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I've had the opposite experience with IE and Windows. I loved it up until Windows 8. I never had crashes or slowdowns (that weren't caused by a glitchy router or high web traffic, anyway) or anything on Windows XP through Windows 7 (even on Vista, it worked pretty well). Come Windows 8, and my Flash plugin crashes all the time, I get blank white screens frequently, the windows stop responding, and I've even gotten a couple BSODs!
A swiss-engineered cube that can balance itself on its own corner 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Isn't it just a gyroscope in a box? Or is it something different?
This applies to movies and tv series as well 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't know what's worse: making a fandom reference that you think everyone else would get but no one does, or making a reference to something without a fandom and then being reminded that you're alone as a fan when no one reacts.
Maybe you think you are important... 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Especially when that someone is important to you...