
i'm done 42 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ok, there are some true messed up people in this fandom. But there are some great amazing directioners that really just want to appreciate what their favorite band has to give them. Fortunately, 90% of us are the second type... but only the 10% is noticed. People only focus on how crazy some of us are and how we hate on all the other celebs. Most of us (like me) don't even know who Mitch Luker is, and really don't care. All we really care about are these 5 amazing guys whom we fell in love with. We accept the fact that lots of you don't like them, but we hate the fact that you send hate to them because that just hurts the people we love. Really, I don't mind that you dont like them, but you have to respect other peoples tastes and realize that you don't have anything to do with their lives, and that sending hate just hurts people, it doesn't make you look any better. I'm proud to be a directioner, and im proud to say i love 5 stupid idiots. That's all that matters.