
He truly deserves some recognition 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I was #teamsam long before twilight was even in the bowels of its creator. #learntotakeajoke xoxo
Oh tinder 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If anyone saod anything like that to me I would force myself upon them. That is the only acceptable way to as me out.
When a soldier comes home 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I love all the surprise compilations, I always watch them and cry because they are so happy and there's so much love
He truly deserves some recognition 22 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Honestly my least favorite person is Frodo , I feel like hes just the little man-bag that everyone else used to carry the ring!He couldn't have done it without everyone else getting him there. That and every time frodo gets hurt it looks like hes.. ya know... about to blow. #teamsam
They were wrong 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I haven't had such sad and happy tears in a long time, everyone shouls watch that video, wether or not they have experienced bullying or not
Offensive game? 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So much fun to play ^.^ my entire family has a copy at their houses, as long as you don't get offended easily its perfect.
UDS- Ugly Duckling Syndrom 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
i know it's supposed to be FUNsubstance, but everyone needs to hear this 63 comments
guest · 10 years ago
For attention, with some people each they do or have done it for attention, but for some they really don't. And saying that because they are talking about it online means that it's for attention is absolute bulls**t. People talk about it online because it is a whole lot easier to talk to people who don't know you, who are less likely to judge you about such extreme problems. That being said, anyone who does self harm know that I love you, and that I want you to have the strength to stop. If you don't hear it from anyone else today know that it wish you nothing but the best, and hope whatever is causing you so much pain ends soon. And please please know that it will get better, don't give up.
i know it's supposed to be FUNsubstance, but everyone needs to hear this 63 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I know this is an old post , but I feel my story is relivant. I do have an account on here, but I'm posting as a guest because there are people who know me on here. I went through severe depression when I was fairly young, I was bullied both at school and online by some girls who were supposedly my best friends. Now, let me make this clear, I never hurt myself on purpose. Looking back on that time in my life I realize that although I never actually took a blade to my skin, I would do things that I knew would probably hurt, things I wouldn't normally do. Things like playing bloody knuckles or quarters with the guys, scrub my legs just a little bit too hard in the shower .. Things like that. I don't consider this as having self harmed, but I certainly didn't mind the pain. I do agree that some people hurt themselves for attention, but not were one does. I have known many people who seemed fine , guys and girls, who have later confided in me. I hate how people assume it's all ...cont...
S*x theif 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My townhouse complex Is called Chelsea court.