
Please, be happy 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
My mom said that when we hear them getting it on then it's the sound of them not getting a divorce so I should be happy.
Music & teenagers nowadays 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yo wait a second, you guys realize more millionaires come from working at McDonald's then any other chain right???
For all those with exes out there 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or my school.
This is the right way to be religious 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And right now many Muslims are becoming atheist because they disagree with all the violence that their so called 'fellow believers are putting out. It's horrible. The religion does have many issues with violence but it people like this who just want to worship in peace and they can't and it makes me as a Christian so sad for them. That they can't live worship how they see for because their country men are forcin them to violence. It makes me just want to cry.
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I had a migraine a few years ago and I was in bed with a pounding head for 3 days. Light hurt, noise hurt, any movement hurt worst few days of my life. Never want to experience it again.
more like best band ever 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Okay okay listen up ya walnuts. I am not a one direction fan but seriously, okay they are a boy band. Not a band. A band has people who play instruments. A boy band has a group of boys/men sing, they do not normally play an instrument for the band now please stop being ignorant and use proper language and terms. Oh and dude the muppets are boss so why don't you go sit your little self down and stop insulting them just for the sake of saying you don't like One direction.
You had one job 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This made me angry
How to Break Up 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
As cool thing about these two is they are still together
Makes you think 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Thank goodness someone finally said it
Whyyyy 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's like little baby thorns growing in your mouth and screwing up your gums. You can't eat can't sleep you get infections sometimes because of how they ARE DESTROYING THE BACK OF YOUR MOUTH. And then sometimes you end up getting other teeth screwed up because the 'wisest' of teeth decide they need more room and so they forcefully evict the other teeth.
Oh shit 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
To the Californian Mayor who told bullying victims to "grow a pair" 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The thing about like verbal bullying tho is when someone is getting bullied the only way to truly stop it is to not pay attention to it and not let stupid people get to you. Physical is different. And although this is obviously wrong to say to anyone like no not a good way to help people it still has a truth to it even if its a little harsh. Idk I've never been severely bullied before but I have been bullied and it never going to stop someone is always not going to like you, and at some point you have to stop caring and focus on the people that do care about you even if that's only a few people.
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
guest · 10 years ago
People bein concerned about their own lives a few million and then people actually trying to pay attention to real news such as people being murdered everyday and we aren't doing shit. Yet here we are going over a belief that obviously no one is going to change their minds on in either party. Wake up America and realize that right now any human rights that are being destroyed aren't in America it's around the world and no one here gives a shit.
Macklemore telling it like it is 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Way and you see life I gonna be hard so hard you feel like you can't handle it but hen someone kills them self, it's saying 'its not worth it to stick around to see what will happen. It's not worth seeing people I care about grow.' And yes it is selfish. Because your giving up on yourself and other people who YOU AFFECT NO MATTER WHAT yOU SAY. Killing yourself is a way out that is what people do when they 'feel' crappy. And ya wanna know how I know? I've been there! I've literally had the gun to my head and the pills in my hand ready to go but I isn't because there is more to my life then the crappy moments. Although I think that 'it gets better' crap is pretty lame in a sense it does it get different and you see how all this shit changes you for the better. It really does.
Macklemore telling it like it is 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Alright look I have been suicidal before and guess what? It is the most selfish thought I have ever thought. Just because it was hard, like really hard doesn't mean I can just give up life that didn't even have to be given to me. Although it may be 'my life' I'm not the only one affected by my life. It is selfish to kill yourself. If you've ever had someone commit suicide in your life you must know how it feels to realize 'oh yes their life did suck so they cut it short because they couldn't take I anymore and they didn't even ask me for help.' If you are suicidal and dont ask for any help, whether from friends or family or just ANYBODY, then yes it is selfish. But I will say if you do feel suicidal and you ask for some help even just a stick, then that is not selfish. That's realizing you have a problem and also realizing you can find a solution to your life, even if that solution starts with a stick, you're trying and you see that when giving up you will affect people in a negative
The human eye up close looks like a spooky forest 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
No, no, no, no, ..... 87 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Case closed 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I am American and I think the metric system is much easier to use but you have a strong point!
They forgive you 41 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My moms first husband made her get an abortion. And she said that this is exactly how she felt because of it.
rare footage 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Her hand looks kinda weird
Looks like Tim Hortons just invented the chocolate milkshake 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's way more rich then a chocolate milkshake. These have been around forever now my mom actually makes them homemade.
Should we cancel? 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This made me laugh harder then it shoul have.
Best comeback ever ! 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My goodness this is me.
Romance 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I've always said this tho like women really are not romantic at all. If you talk to old couples normally the man will say that he knew he was going to marry her, without any doubts. And I think that it's actually amazing
Apply holy water to burnt area 42 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The thing about the old testesteament is it was all fulfilled by Christ when he died on the cross and rose again. (Easter) And Paul who was one of the head guys for the Christian church talked many times about how homosexuality is wrong according to god. But that I believe however we are still supposed to love them. I don't believe we should judge others because sin is sin. No sin is 'greater'then the other. And I promise you Christians are not the most judgmental. We no longer kill people because they don't believe in our religion, which many other religions across the world still do. And being catholic is actually a form I Christianity. Many Catholics that I have spoken with anyway say they are catholic before Christian. I say I'm Christian before baptist. Very very different.