
Correct puberty 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well then puberty didn't work so well on me then... I don't have any arms...
How to paint: The hardcore way 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Dude, construction is so... metal. (Mainly because it involves metal tools and things.)
This is why I dont go in the water 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Sleep is for the weak anyways, mirite?
Part 1 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well. Suzanne Collins is one versatile author.
Part 3 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Turn your head 180 degrees and read it. It's the words "UPSIDE DOWN" spelled upside-down.
Anon & p*rn 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
How did he edit a piece of paper in Microsoft Paint? Did he scan and print a new one?
Looks accurate to me 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well, it's more accurate than Apple Maps...
What do I have to do to get a little privacy in here? 20 comments
guest · 9 years ago
When he sh*ts, they sits.
Levitating cloud bed 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I would spin so fast on this thing O_O
Guys, which would you choose 63 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'd pick option D if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Guys, which would you choose 63 comments
guest · 9 years ago
-C-C-Combo Breaker!
Guys, which would you choose 63 comments
guest · 9 years ago
-C-C-Combo Breaker!
Guys, which would you choose 63 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You stop that.
Frequently Asked Questions 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*da( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yo dawg there is a spoon in your spoon 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago you can SPOON while you SPOON,
Hit me with your best shot 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Four F 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
More like: Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing, and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Your hole weak 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I thought you said "Cliton". I have a very filthy mind...
Ambulance 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This should actually be a [10] Guy meme, not Sudden Clarity Clarence. Just sayin'
The bluest Morning Glories 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Now listen up, here's the story about a little guy that lives in a blue world. And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside; Blue his house with a blue little window and a blue corvette and everything was blue for him and himself and everybody around 'cause he ain't got nobody to listen to (listen to)(listen to)(listen to)....
When I see a spider 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
And yet people think they can stand up to a zombie apocalypse, even though they're afraid of a tiny spider (I am too, of course)...
Efficient design 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The Thing 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The struggle is real.
Donut tragedy 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*Shudder* *Twitch Twitch*
Happy hamburger 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It makes me sad looking at this, and yes, I admit that I'm vegetarian...
The three little pigs 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Childhood = Ruined
Let's all do shots of........ Oreo Cheesecake! 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I can already feel the diabetes (cause I'll be eating so many of these).
How can I go to bed early when there's funsubstance?! 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
5:09 Am... I think I can last 3 more hours before plunging myself into eternal slumber... =_=
These feels tho 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
CLARIFICATION: The "Dreams don't die" one is from a spoof of LoK. It wasn't actually in the show.
Words. 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
[Certain] School shootings in a nutshell.
Wow.His/Her Stupidity level is through the roof! 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm just gonna go with "sugared pretzels". I could be wrong, though.
Plan ahead 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't know, this looks pretty intentional...
Gamer kitty 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Sleep is for the weak anyway...
How is this a kid's movie? 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I honestly don't understand... Can someone please explain this to me?
Asked my dad for help with bullies at school 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'll take two please.
We've all waited to long for this 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What I love to see when shopping 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Just Give Him the Present 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm cry.
When I pour the "recommended serving" 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Reminds me of one of Birgirpall's videos...
Zach braff 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*bang bang*
Sharkception: Scientists catch a shark within a shark 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's a nope in the mouth of a nope.
Meanwhile on Yahoo Answers 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't know, the first one seems pretty legit to me...
Funny animal faces 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lil' Bub! :D
FML 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'll never look at the horse mask the same way again 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How do you like it now? 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Makers of the internet, does Rule 34 apply to this?
Card trick 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Thread Necromancy, tho.
How to not lose your puppy in a crowd 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I keep thinking that pug will fly away in a little bit...
Wrong answer.. 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This actually happened 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago