
How the movie industry works nowadays 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Dunno why CoD gets so much flak for making a new game every year. Its not like they don't redesign a bunch and come up with completely different stories/maps/etc. (whether you like the changes more than the previous year is irrelevant, different people like different things and just about every person I know thats played multiple different CoDs have all liked and disliked different ones)
Obviously lots of people enjoy them, otherwise it wouldn't be one of the most popular/highest selling games. Why WOULDN'T they come up with a new game as fast as possible to rake in a bunch of cash?
You don't hear complaints about any MMO's getting a new expansion or huge patch multiple times a year. What do those bring? Oh thats right, redesign a bunch/ a new story/ new area (maps) / raid or dungeon. SOOOO much different than CoD.
How many different Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Madden games are there? How many of those were completely game-changing every single time a new one came out?
At least with the games that I play 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Didn't know it took two hands to move one analog stick. If anything it could be easier with a controller because you can just use 1 finger and tilt the stick to turn when needed rather than needing several fingers to turn.
Traffic awkwardness 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
what the hell were doing trying to merge into the left lane that late anyway? Pay attention to the dam road
Scumbag blood type 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Another thing to note is its actually the complete opposite for blood PLASMA. AB+ is the universal donor since all the antigens are in the cells, none are in the plasma. O- would be the universal receiver for plasma
Scumbag blood type 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The + and - are whether or not there is a 3rd antigen in your blood cells. A means you have the A antigen, B means you have the B antigen. So AB+ means you have all three antigens in your blood cells. This determines what your body can receive because if your body isn't used to 1 of the antigens, it will view it as something foreign and fight it instead of accepting it.
You could kinda think of it like a glass of water. If its pure water with nothing else in it, its like O- and can be used to fill any glass that needs some. But if its got a substance in it such as salt or sugar, it can only help fill any glass that already has salt or sugar. AB+ would be a glass filled with sugar and salt (and.....something else for the 3rd, flour? baking soda?) so it can only fill other AB+ glasses, but it can receive water from any glass since its already got everything.
Dear mom 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How do you know that isn't josh's account huh?
Leave immediately 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So after reading the basically just said that ya it is mostly true since most first surface mirrors are expensive and thus not used in places like a public bathroom, but there are more efficient ways to detect how exactly is it a ridiculous urban legend?
Not like the other ways of detection were completely foolproof either, and most of those would be much more noticeable to a person on the other side than getting a bit too close to the mirror and touching it.
Other angle comp 32 comments
guest · 10 years ago
OR, its just how taking a picture at a different angle can make something look totally different. The "different angle" pictures aren't meant to represent what it looked like at a later point in time and thus "city life is taking over"
The "original" pictures still would have had all those things in them, they were just taken much closer to crop out all that stuff.
I can't be the only one who thinks this is wrong 52 comments
guest · 10 years ago
they didn't specifically ban kinder eggs, thats just what the conspiracy nuts would like you to believe to show how crazy the US is. The FDA banned putting non food items into food. More to stop things like putting a coin or other hard object into a cake. Since most people wouldn't just assume there might be something super hard in there, they bite down and injure themselves. It just so happened that kinder eggs fall into this category since they have a toy completely enclosed in chocolate.
I can't be the only one who thinks this is wrong 52 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@everything, think you could come up with any more of a pompous and douchey response?
Accuracy is appreciated 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
least he gave some sources, multiple ones I might add. Whereas your response was basically "guyz dats not tru. The dataz is everywhere showing thats false. Just look it up lol"
God 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There will always be poor since its a relative term. Somebody will always have less than somebody else
Couldn't have said it better myself. 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@first guest, just wanted to clarify that it comes on in 4 time zones at the same point in time (ie. somebody in New York and somebody in California could turn on the same show and watch it, even though its 8 in NY and 5 in CA) since there are 4 time zones in the US, its just too long to list 8e/7c/6m/5p. So they drop off the 2 western time zones and it becomes 8e/7c. Then they decided to standardize it all to eastern time, and since thats the standard they no longer needed the e for clarification, which turned it into 8/7c
This is wrong in so many levels 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Sadly enough, my first thought on reading the headline was "Oh good, at least this happened in Canada and not America, otherwise the comments will just be filled with how idiotic and sue-crazy Americans are"
This is wrong in so many levels 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
it was the kids fault.
Nobody wins in a case like this, but neither party should have sued to begin with in my opinion
This is wrong in so many levels 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
As messed up as this is, and I'm sure there is even more to the story. If you actually look up the case.
1. She was driving at 1:30 in the morning. Who rides a bike, in the middle of the road, in the dark? Thats not her fault, extremely tragic yes, but not her fault for not being able to dodge 2 unlit bikes that late at night.
2. She was barely going 5 mph over the speed limit. Ya, "speeding is speeding" but this story makes it sound like she was being completely reckless going 60 in a 25. Going 70 in a 65 however, is extremely common.
3. She "may have been" talking on her cell phone? This is just a blatant lie to slander the woman's reputation. The key words are "may have been" so that when its proven false, they can just put in a little correction and say "well we never actually said she was for sure"
No, none of this makes it right for her to sue the family that is already traumatized, but then again, they were already trying to sue her for around the same amount, even though
Tricky customer 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I believe it also comes with a lime
Thank you video games 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Interesting. I never really knew this rule about apostrophes. Apparently when just used to make something plural such as the years 1980-1989, you don't add the apostrophe, its just 1980s or MBAs. However, there are still sentences that could correctly use an apostrophe. For example, 1980's biggest snow storm was on a Tuesday. Also, "mind your p's and q's" needs the apostrophe because it helps to clarify that its plural and not just a misspelled or mistyped word.
I don't know how I got this strange idea into my head 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Just as their are prejudices for the "slutty girl" at work, there's also the stereotype for "bitchy, stuck up girl" at work. By overly striving to not look "girly" (sports bra to shrink boobs, less make up, short hair, etc.) you are also viewed with scorn for not fitting in to the "normal" role and people get a mental image of you as being stuck up or bitchy.
You are also more likely to move higher up the ladder if you fit in. Studies have also shown that women with larger boobs tend to have higher positions, so you could be limiting yourself. Whether people consider it right or wrong, its true.
Would you feel bad? 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Your card being declined is a sign that you are maxed out on your limit, or it was flagged, neither of which are considered good things, especially when trying to impress someone. It means you either can't budget your finances, or you don't make enough money, both of which are highly valued traits people look for in a partner. Yes, it can be explained away, but that first impression always lingers. The girl's actions are never stated, so you have zero clue whether she thought the guy was stupid or was really into him. If anything, him continuing to flirt with her enough to hold up the line is more of a sign that she is at least somewhat interested in him than a sign that she is completely blowing him off because she thinks he's stupid.
I do agree though that its still unnecessarily holding up the line even more.
It's like we're asking for a repeat 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You are also forgetting that since its a reflection, if a plane were to look at it from above, they'd be getting a reflection of the ground, not the sky still.
Doesn't matter... You know :P 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And another passive aggressive comment about how rape jokes are bad, YAY!
Well in Technical Terms Both... 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Think they got the joke (could be wrong though) they were just commenting on the actual question anyway.
"hey son, would you kindly.. " 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And hard to explain the reference w/o ruining the story. You should check it out though, Bioshock's a good game series.
Satan Would be proud 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Just imagine how many broken windows were replaced before they did this
Ken unsworth art 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
fingers probably wouldn't be by the rock when you are adjusting it, they'd be at one of the 3 points of the ceiling where all the strings are tied.
Admit it 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
for an example of how the "they didn't use as many results from men" has nothing to do with the survey results:
100 2nd grade boys and 100 2nd grade girls were surveyed for their favorite subject in school.
Of those 100 boys, 28 said math, 26 science, 24 history, 20 English, and 2 said recess.
For the girls, 72 said English, 13 history, 8 science, 6 math, and 1 said recess.
Now, you can take these results and look at the top result for both to use as a comparison. "28 boys responded with math, while 72 girls responded with English" Notice you don't combine the boys math science and english to get close to the same amount of girls, you just use the 1 result.
You can also use these numbers to make up just about any conclusion:
Ex: While 72 girls said they liked English, only 20 boys said they liked it. In conclusion, girls enjoy school over 3x as much as boys.
Ex: 2 boys said they liked recess, while only 1 girl said the same. Conclusion boys like to play twice as much as girls.
Admit it 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
1. The survey IS aimed to make women look bad, but not for that reason at all
2. Its a random post on the internet, how true do you really think it is?
You do know how surveys work right? you don't just combine results so you have the same amount for 2 separate groups. They didn't give a number for how many people were surveyed, but its assumed that its equal for both sides. Though I'll admit its completely different results if they surveyed 4,000 women (and men) and that many answered that, than if they had surveyed 4 million women (and men) and only 3882 answered that.
Poor moe 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Odd date? Doesn't he say "A date"? As in "Well I don't actually have a hot date tonight, but I do have a date tonight"
A very touching moment 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Long before your teacher or any of your classmates know it, YOU know that you screwed up your score and will definitely not make the top grade in the class. Doesn't mean you are somehow a quitter.
A very touching moment 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Gonna repeat this again, he is a diver. He is graded from the moment he leaves the board, to slightly after he he dives into the water. THIS IN NO WAY MEANS HE STOPPED TRYING AT ANY POINT WHILE BEING GRADED. I'm sure he still gave it his all the entire time. BUT, after entering the water, he already knew he wasn't "perfect" in his execution, which in diving you pretty much HAVE to be to win. He already crossed the proverbial finish line so there's no "giving up" or "quitting" but long before all the announcers and the crowd realize that he isn't gonna win, HE knew he was no longer going to win. It was just a moment of deep disappointment for himself.
Another example away from sports would be taking an exam in school. Say you do the entire exam and work your ass off on it, studying for hours and working hard the entire time you are taking it, then turn it in and leave and 5 minutes later realize you screwed up big at the start of a problem, which in turn screwed up the next 10 answers
A very touching moment 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Hes a DIVER. The moment after he sank into the water it was done. There is no more for him to do. It would be like watching a guy doing a time trial sprint, and after he crosses the finish line just KNOWS he didn't beat the time he needed. Doesn't mean he didn't try, he still got to the finish line as fast as he could. It just means after it was over, even before everybody else came to the realization that he failed, HE knew he failed.
I wish my life's like this 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That moment when you realize there is a difference between a pronoun and a proper noun